
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Darfur crisis and presence of 200,000 refugees eastern Chad continued to destabilise President Déby’s regime, though fears of cross-border violence declined with French air patrols. Déby’s own Zagawa tribe critical of president for failure to protect Sudanese kinsmen.



Humanitarian efforts continued to support some 190,000 Darfur refugees in camps eastern Chad. Crisis increasingly destabilising, with concern over camp infiltration by armed groups, risk of cross-border clashes, and tensions over scarce resources between locals and refugees. Zaghawa tribe upset over insufficient protection provided by Chadian President Déby for kin in Darfur. Run-up to year-end referendum on whether Déby can serve third presidential term marked by N'djamena security operations against suspected disloyal soldiers. Chadian officials expressed hope 23 September that world would “share the burden” of Darfur refugees with Chad.



Refugee situation in Chad remained dire, particularly in central border region, with fears of sudden influx of 30,000 refugees. Deadly hepatitis outbreak in Djabal and Goz Amer camps. 200 French troops deployed to eastern border with Sudan’s Darfur region in bid to stabilise security situation.



Despite 11 July Sudan-Chad agreement on joint border patrols, Chad remains at risk of destabilisation from Darfur crisis. Deteriorating conditions in Farchana and Breijing refugee camps led to violence among some of Chad’s 180,000 Sudanese refugees, causing brief closure of camps to aid agencies. Major food aid shortage for 27,000 refugees from Central African Republic. France announced 200 troops to deploy to eastern Chad.



Crisis in Darfur, Sudan, continues to have major impact: UNHCR estimates 200,000 Sudanese refugees now in Chad; logistical worries as no money for aid airlift and deteriorating transport situation with onset of rainy season. President Déby threatened to pull out of Darfur mediation role 18 June as 69 Janjaweed militia killed inside Chadian territory, claiming risk of interethnic destabilisation and Sudan support for Renewed National Front of Chad rebels. Sudan and Chad agreed to disarm militias on both sides of border, but deal yet to result in concrete action.



Up to 200,000 Sudanese refugees, some armed, fled from Darfur to Chad in recent weeks, straining local population and stretching food supplies. Arab “Janjaweed” militias continued to pursue cross-border refugees from Sudan. Chad claimed 60 Arab militia killed 5 May after attacking Djanga border village. Army mutineers in N'djamena surrendered 20 May after 3-day standoff: President Idriss Deby claimed mutineers had intended to kill him, angered by plans for army reform. Opposition boycotted government-dominated parliamentary vote allowing possible third term for Deby. Chadian MDJT rebels claimed March capture of Algerian Salafist leader Amari Saifi 14 May.



Army killed 43 Algerian Islamic militants in fighting near Niger border early March, according to government; 3 soldiers also killed.



Negotiating security pact with Nigeria to clamp down on smuggling, human-trafficking and cross border banditry.

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