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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


President Sargsyan re-elected to 2nd term in first round presidential election 18 Feb with 58.64% of vote. Main opponent, American-born former FM Raffi Hovannisian, took 2nd place with unexpectedly strong 36.75%; refused to recognise results. Several thousand rallied in Yerevan against electoral process over following days. OSCE criticised lack of real competition in election.

Europe & Central Asia


8 candidates registered for 18 Feb presidential election. Candidate Andreas Ghukasyan, manager of private radio station, began hunger strike 21 Jan after his bid to have incumbent president Sargsyan rendered ineligible for registration was rejected by electoral commission. Other opposition candidates questioned accuracy of voters list, warned of possible irregularities. Sargsyan reaffirmed pledges to ensure proper conduct of election. Candidate Paruyr Hairikian wounded in attack by unidentified gunman 31 Jan.

Europe & Central Asia


Prosperous Armenia Party 12 Dec announced its leader, wealthy businessman Gagik Tsarukian, would not run in 18 Feb 2013 presidential election; former president Ter-Petrossian also said he will not run. President Sargsyan unlikely to face challenger in race.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of Feb 2013 elections, authorities charged major opposition candidate MP Vartan Oskanian, former foreign minister and possible contender for presidency, with money laundering. Oskanian accused of embezzling more than $1.4 million from donation made by U.S. businessman to his Civilitas Foundation. Oskanian stripped of immunity from criminal prosecution in 2 Oct parliamentary vote boycotted by all parties except ruling coalition. Many condemn charges against Oskanian, say trial politically motivated.

Europe & Central Asia


Continued anger over Azerbaijan’s pardon of Ramil Safarov, convicted of 2004 murder of Armenian soldier in Hungary (see Azerbaijan); President Sargsyan conveyed country’s readiness for war in event of military provocation, suspended ties with Hungary. Armenia mid-Sept hosted joint Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) military exercises; coincided with significant Russian military exercises.

Europe & Central Asia


President Sargsyan 31 Aug labelled Azerbaijan President Aliyev’s pardoning of Azerbaijani soldier “grave mistake” (see Azerbaijan). President Sargsyan 8 Aug met with Russian President Putin to negotiate price of Russian natural gas, set to rise dramatically to market value.

Europe & Central Asia


Hundreds attended 3 July funeral of military doctor Vahe Avetyan who died after severe beating in Yerevan restaurant by bodyguards of oligarch and senior Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) MP Ruben Hayrapetyan; Hayrapetyan forced to resign from Parliament following national outcry.

Europe & Central Asia


Month saw escalating clashes with Azerbaijan. Increasing tensions between ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) and former coalition partner Prosperous Armenia (BHK) ahead of 2013 presidential elections; Armenian National Congress (HAK) leader Ter-Petrosyan voiced support for BHK during 26 June rally held in Yerevan. Money laundering case launched by authorities against Civilitas NGO run by former FM and BHK MP Vartan Oskanyan. President Sargsyan 16 June announced new cabinet.

Europe & Central Asia


Ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) won 69 of 131 mandates in 6 May parliamentary elections with reported 44% of votes; opposition coalition Armenian National Congress (HAK) surpassed 7% threshold to enter parliament. Prosperous Armenia Party (BHK), Armenian Revolutionary Federation (HHD), HAK alleged widespread violations, fraud; BHK leader Gagik Tsarukian 24 May ruled out joining ruling-coalition.

Europe & Central Asia


Registration for participation in 6 May parliamentary elections closed 1 April: 8 parties, 1 bloc registered including ruling Republican Party (HHK), leading opposition parties Armenian National Congress (HAK) and Zharangutyun (Heritage). Independent candidate Meruzhan announced withdrawal from polls following 6 April abduction, beating by unknown assailants; supporters blamed violence on HHK rival Aleksan Petrosyan. 3 HAK activists reportedly assaulted 15 April by govt loyalists while campaigning in Yerevan; authorities denied role in attack.

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