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Europe & Central Asia


4 of 22 political groups aligned with opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) 6 March announced boycott of 6 May parliamentary elections after failing to reach agreement with former President and HAK leader Ter-Petrossian over electoral list. 9 Iranians, 1 other injured 20 March in grenade attack on Yerevan night club.

Europe & Central Asia


Ruling coalition partners 13 Feb announced plans to run separately in 6 May parliamentary elections, signalling split in 2-party coalition and intensifying pre-election competition.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of scheduled 6 May parliamentary elections, 2 opposition parties 20 Jan tabled amendments to Electoral Code, 20 Jan held conference promoting holding elections solely on proportional party-list basis to reduce vote-rigging. Proposal supported by main opposition HAK coalition, opposed by ruling HHK. HAK announced street protests starting Feb. FM welcomed “historic” French law criminalising denial of Armenian genocide(see Turkey).

Europe & Central Asia


Ruling HHK party 1 Dec named Samvel Nikoyan candidate for parliament speaker; opposition HAK criticised Nikoyan’s role in parliament commission into 2008 post-election violence, which found use of force against protesters justified.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of May 2012 parliamentary elections and 2013 presidential elections, former president Kocharian indicated possible intent to return to politics. Parliament 1 Nov approved increase in 2012 military budget to $400mn. Armenia signed cooperation plan with Collective Security Treaty Organisation to promote military ties. Armenian and Turkish business leaders meeting in Yeveran 22 Nov called for opening of border.

Europe & Central Asia


Several thousand in opposition rallies in Yerevan early month following HAK party’s late Sept call for return to protests after breakdown in dialogue with govt. Addressing protesters 8 Oct HAK leader Ter-Petrosian announced temporary stop to demonstrations, despite not having secured concessions from govt; called for “immediate resignation” of President Sargsyan. Several thousand reportedly attended 28 Oct opposition rally.

Europe & Central Asia


Following opposition Armenian National Congress’s (HAK) late Aug suspension of its participation in dialogue with govt to protest detention of one of its youth activists, govt said it does not intend to expedite activist’s release. Fears that dialogue in danger of collapse. Thousands attended 9 Sept HAK rally; HAK 30 Sept called for “nonstop rallies”. President Sargysyan addressing UNGA blamed Azerbaijan for lack of progress in Nagorno-Karabakh negotiations, accused Turkey of obstructing normalisation of Armenia-Turkey relations.

Europe & Central Asia


7 opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) activists severely beaten, detained by police in Yerevan 9 Aug, charged with assaulting police; 6 later released, remaining detained activist facing lengthy prison sentence. Activists claimed they were targeted after confronting police conducting arbitrary search of citizens. After several rounds of negotiations between HAK and govt over month, HAK 26 Aug announced suspension of talks until remaining detained activist released.

Europe & Central Asia


Representatives from 3-party ruling coalition and opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) 18 July formed official working group to host series of discussions regarding political reform; second session of talks 26 July. Defence Ministry 25 July announced U.S., Armenian agreement to hold first ever joint military exercises.

Europe & Central Asia


Responding to govt concessions including authorisation of 31 May Liberty Square rally and release from jail of 2 prominent activists, opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) declared its desire for open dialogue with authorities as President Sargsyan’s government had met all their demands. Addressing Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe 22 June, President Sargysyan said committed to elections, reforms. Opposition supporters rallied in Yerevan 30 June calling for early elections.

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