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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Russian President Medvedev made first Yerevan visit 20-21 Oct. Opposition leader Ter-Petrosian at 17 Oct rally in capital announced temporary halt to protests in wake of renewed Nagorno-Karabakh resolution efforts, accused govt of “putting Karabakh up for sale” to secure Western support (see Nagorno-Karabakh). Georgia closed airspace to Russian military transport planes supplying Russian base in Armenia. Under increased domestic and international pressure, President Sargisian 23 Oct established independent commission to investigate March post-election violence, with equal opposition representation.

Europe & Central Asia


In further move to normalise relations, Turkish President Gul 6 Sept attended Armenian-Turkish soccer match in Yerevan – first-ever visit by Turkish head of state. Parliament speaker Tigran Torosian resigned 16 Sept, left ruling Republican Party, citing “irreconcilable differences”. Hovik Abrahamian elected new speaker 29 Sept.

Europe & Central Asia


Thousands in 1 Aug opposition rally in Yerevan; former presidential candidate Ter-Petrossian called for President Sarkisian’s resignation. Head of commission investigating March violence Samvel Nikoyan 29 Aug accused police of not cooperating. Further relaxation of Armenian- Turkish tensions as Turkish President Gul invited Armenia to newly-proposed Caucasus union initiative (see Turkey).

Europe & Central Asia


Some 5,000 in anti-govt rally in Yerevan; opposition announced month of daily protests. Small signs of Armenian- Turkish rapprochement as President Sarkisian 6 July met Turkish President Gul in Astana, Kazakhstan; invited Gul to watch football match in Yerevan Sept.

Europe & Central Asia


Largest post-election rally 20 June in Yerevan saw tens of thousands demanding rerun of Feb presidential poll. In effort to fulfill 17 April PACE resolution, parliament 10 June passed bill allowing opposition to initiate parliamentary debates; established commission to investigate deadly 1-2 March clashes. PACE assembly resolution 26 June noted “insufficient” democratic progress, urged authorities to release all detained in March events, extended compliance deadline to January 2009. European Court of Human Rights 17 June ruled govt to pay €30,000 compensation to private A1 Plus TV channel for refusing broadcasting license.

Europe & Central Asia


EU Special Representative for South Caucasus Semneby said 7 May EU closely following Armenia’s fulfilment of 17 April PACE resolution, release of political prisoners and independent investigation of 1-2 March post-election violence. Opposition candidate Ter-Petrossian 5 May claimed 100 of his supporters still in custody. President Sarkisian 27 May dismissed heads of State Protection Service and national police. Visiting U.S. officials 16 May expressed concerns about Yerevan’s fulfillment of political criteria for $236m aid. Armenia defence minister 12 May announced significant military budget increase to counterbalance Azerbaijan’s military spending.

Europe & Central Asia


Government formed following 19 Feb presidential elections: Central Bank Chairman Tigran Sarkisian appointed PM; 11 of 17 retained cabinet posts. Continued protests: several dozen protesters clashed with police in Hrazdan province 8 Apr; 7,000 participated in first authorised rally since 19 Apr end of state of emergency in Yerevan; 21 opposition activists ended hunger strike 10 Apr after appeal by presidential candidate Ter-Petrossian. U.S. 17 Apr threatened aid cut if govt failed to engage in “national dialogue”. Yerevan 25 Apr established working group to meet Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe resolution demanding independent investigation of 1 March crackdown and release of detainees, also repeal of legal amendments restricting freedom of assembly.

Europe & Central Asia


Severe internal crisis with police crackdown 1-2 March on protest against 19 Feb presidential election results: 8 dead and at least 100 detained including MPs, opposition figures State of emergency lifted 21 March, but police prevented daily peaceful rallies and continued arrests, intimidations. In 17 March emergency session, parliament approved constitutional changes to allow government restriction of mass gatherings. Constitutional court 9 March rejected opposition claims of rigged elections. 4 of 5 parties in parliament signed coalition agreement ahead of 9 Apr PM Sarkisian inauguration as president.

Europe & Central Asia


As CrisisWatch went to press, government violently suppressing opposition supporters in Yerevan, claiming in response to coup threat; armed forces reportedly mobilising for broader crackdown. State of emergency declared 1 March. Response grew progressively stronger during protests following 19 Feb presidential elections. PM Sarkisian received 53% of vote; opposition candidate Ter-Petrossian, 21.5%. Opposition claims vote rigging responsible for Sarkisian’s success brought tens of thousands to Yerevan streets. 13 senior government officials resigned 23-25 Feb, citing election fraud.Ter-Petrossian rejected 26 Feb Sarkisian proposal to form coalition government. Several opposition leaders detained 23, 24 Feb; Ter-Petrossian placed under house arrest 1 March. Deputy prosecutor general dismissed, arrested 24 Feb, after voicing support for Ter-Petrossian. OSCE said elections “mostly in line” with international commitments but reported violations in 16% of polling stations. Observers also criticised PM’s use of state and administrative resources during campaign, demanded investigation of 6 Feb Artashat attack on opposition rally.

Europe & Central Asia


Campaigning  for  19  Feb  presidential  election started 24 Jan after official registration of 9 candidates 18 Jan. Yerevan municipal authorities 16 Jan called on political parties to avoid staging support marches citing need to prevent traffic jams. Tax and law enforcement agencies reportedly intimidated supporters  of  opposition  candidate  Levon  Ter-Petrossian, confiscating campaign  material  and  barring  TV  access. Armenian  Prosecutor-General’s  Office established  election fraud task forces 23 Jan to investigate possible irregularities.

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