
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Prominent Nagorno-Karabakh war veteran Zhirayr Sefilian and opposition Honor & Fatherland Party (HFP) figure Vartan Malkhasian arrested and charged with plotting to violently overthrow government during spring 2007 elections. Several opposition parties condemned arrests as politically motivated; HFP threatened armed resistance to further arrests.

Europe & Central Asia


European Neighbourhood Action Plan agreed with EU 2 October. Former interior minister and opposition ‘Republic’ Party leader Suren Abrahamian beaten by unknown assailants 8 October; party accused government of intimidation.

Europe & Central Asia


OSCE said “deeply concerned” over number of recent incidents of violence and intimidation against journalists, including attack on editor of Iravunk newspaper by unknown assailants 6 September. Taxation service anti-fraud chief Shahen Hovasapian killed in bomb attack 6 September.

Europe & Central Asia


In strategic repositioning before 2007-2008 elections to pave way for presidential bid, influential Defence Minister Sarkisian joined Prime Minister’s Republican Party 22 July. Editors of 8 major newspapers issued statement 18 July criticising pressure on independent media after June arrest of editor-in-chief of Zhamanak Yerevan newspaper, and recent violence towards, and harassment of, journalists.

Europe & Central Asia


Tigran Torosian elected new chair of Armenian parliament 1 June. Independent A1+ television company evicted from state-funded Academy of Sciences building and editor-in-chief of independent Zhamanak Yerevan newspaper arrested on charges of draft evasion, in what observers claim state campaign against independent media.

Europe & Central Asia


Speaker of Parliament Baghdasarian resigned, pulling his Orinats Yerkir Party out of ruling coalition. Baghdasarian’s earlier remarks in favour of NATO accession and critical of Russia for impeding process, rebuked by President Kocharian, were seen as reason for rift.

Europe & Central Asia


Government agreed to sell last major thermal power plant to Russia for gas worth $250 million. Opposition criticised deal for increasing dependence on Russia.

Europe & Central Asia


Opposition failed to collect enough support for parliamentary investigation into alleged fraud in 2005 referendum on constitutional amendments. Millennium Challenge Account compact, worth $235.5 million in aid, signed with U.S.

Europe & Central Asia


Parliament elected long-time aide to President Kocharian  as  human  rights  ombudsman.  Outgoing ombudsman, seen as more critical, not permitted to present report to parliament but said would still publish findings. Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe issued declaration condemning rigging of November 2005 referendum on constitutional amendments.

Europe & Central Asia


Unexplained explosions on Russian gas pipeline to Armenia and Georgia 22 January cut supplies from Russia. Negotiations with Russia on price for gas continued without agreement; PM Margarian hinted Russia’s demand for price increase could affect strategic relations.

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