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Europe & Central Asia


Addressing UN General Assembly 20 Sept, President Sargsyan said he was ready to declare Turkey-Armenia Protocols null and void if there is no indication Turkey is ready to reconsider its position and return to discussion of agreed documents by the time he leaves office in April 2018. Protocols were signed in 2009, but countries’ parliaments never ratified them.

Europe & Central Asia


Armenian and Russian presidents 23 Aug met in Sochi to discuss political, military and economic cooperation; Nagorno-Karabakh settlement process raised but not reportedly part of main agenda. PM 21 Aug said govt “very determined” to sign Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with EU during summit in Nov; president 28 Aug confirmed agreement scheduled to be signed in autumn.

Europe & Central Asia


Russian President Putin 27 July approved law creating Russian-Armenian joint military units. Israeli minister of regional cooperation 25-27 July visited Armenia in first high-level visit in years, marking attempts to improve bilateral relations and see opportunities for arms sales.

Europe & Central Asia


Opening first session of new parliament 18 May, President Sargsyan called for more reforms in economy and social policy. Govt formally reappointed 25 May, with PM Karapetyan and most of cabinet keeping positions; some ministerial positions went to representatives of Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun political party, which 11 May signed alliance agreement with ruling Republican party.

Europe & Central Asia


Ruling Republican Party of Armenia (HHK) won 48.15% of vote in 2 April parliamentary elections, gaining 58 of 105 seats in parliament. Opposition claimed “large-scale and systematic violations of the electoral process”, international observers said vote “tainted by credible information about vote-buying, and pressure on civil servants and employees of private companies”. Constitutional Court 28 April declined appeal by opposition “Armenian National Congress-National Party of Armenia” to annual election results. HHK engaged in talks with Armenian Revolutionary Federation/Dashnaktsutyun, which came in fourth with 6.58% of vote, about political coalition. New govt will be in place during one-year transitional period, overseeing move from semi-presidential to parliamentary republic. Former Chief of Staff Yuri Khachaturov named new Sec Gen of Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) 14 April. Defence minister 20 April announced two new programs to promote education among military recruits; programs are part of state “Army-Nation” policy launched November 2016.

Europe & Central Asia


As campaigning began for 2 April parliamentary elections, local NGOs alleged incidents of electoral violations, including use of state resources, officials campaigning for ruling party. Former top commander in Nagorno-Karabakh Samvel Babayan and two others arrested 22 March on suspicion of smuggling weapons; opposition claimed arrests politically motivated. 16 March death of Artur Sarkisian, NK war veteran sentenced for role in July 2016 siege of Yerevan police station and who was released after 6 March after staging hunger strike, provoked several days of protest demanding investigation.

Europe & Central Asia


European Council President Donald Tusk 27 Feb announced conclusion of negotiations on EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement. President Sargsyan 27 Feb visited EU and NATO institutions in Brussels. Central Elections Commission 17 Feb registered five political parties and three blocks for Parliamentary elections 2 April. OSCE/ODIHR 21 Feb started election observation mission in Armenia.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt 29 Dec said three of its military killed in northern part of border with Azerbaijan, result of failed Azerbaijani “incursion”; Azerbaijan denied accusations, said Armenia staged provocation, reported one of its servicemen also killed in clash. During 21 Dec visit of Iranian President Rouhani, Iranian and Armenian leaders finalised regional gas and electricity deals, signed bilateral cooperation agreements on security and customs.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt 2 Nov reported agreement signed with Iran to increase imports of Iranian natural gas. New Defence Minister 14 Nov announced fund to compensate soldiers injured or killed in combat operations at Nagorno-Karabakh Line of Contact (LoC) and official border with Azerbaijan. FM 17 Nov said new accord with EU to be signed in 2017.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of 2017 legislative elections, parliament 19 Oct passed amendments to Electoral Code intended to prevent electoral fraud, including controversial plan to criminalise making “false” election fraud claims. Opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) 24 Oct welcomed electoral reforms. President Sargsyan 14 Oct hosted Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) meeting which agreed to set up “joint crisis response centre” to exchange information on common threats including terrorism, also adopted collective security strategy.

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