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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


PM Hovik Abrahamyan resigned 8 Sept after continuing unrest following July Yerevan hostage crisis and ongoing economic downturn; President Sargsyan 13 Sept appointed former Yerevan mayor and top executive at Russian gas company Gazprom Karen Karapetyan new PM, 20 Sept reshuffled cabinet. Govt and three opposition parties 13 Sept signed agreement on new anti-fraud measures in Electoral Code that was approved 25 May, ahead of May 2017 parliamentary elections. German FM 2 Sept stated that country’s parliamentary resolution in June recognising Armenian genocide not “legally binding”, in apparent move to ease tensions with Turkey. Armenia demonstrated its Russia-produced short-range ballistic missile systems “Iskander” at military parade to celebrate 25th anniversary of independence declaration.

Europe & Central Asia


Following July Yerevan hostage crisis and anti-govt protests, President Sargsyan 2 Aug promised to form govt of “national accord”, said it would not include “terrorists and their defenders”. Hundreds continued to protest in Yerevan calling for release of arrested members of Sasna Tsrer, group responsible for hostage-taking. Three opposition Heritage Party figures arrested late July in connection with protests released after Heritage Party 15 Aug pulled out of upcoming local elections. Yerevan police chief sacked early Aug for “failing to prevent violent attacks on protesters and journalists”; over a dozen police reprimanded/suspended.

Europe & Central Asia


Standoff between security forces and around twenty armed members of opposition group Sasna Tsrer began 17 July as latter took several police officers hostage in Yerevan’s Erebuni district police HQ, killing one police officer and injuring six; all hostages released by 23 July however standoff continued, several medical personnel treating wounded members of group taken hostage 26 July. Police officer shot dead 30 July by group inside police station, day before they surrendered. Gunmen mostly veterans of 1990s Nagorno-Karabakh (N-K) conflict, demanding resignation of President Sargsyan over handling of N-K conflict amid speculation of his govt’s possible concessions to Azerbaijan, formation of interim govt and parliamentary elections, and release of political prisoners including Zhirair Sefilyan, leader of opposition movement New Armenia Public Salvation Front arrested in June for illegal firearms possession. Thousands joined daily anti-govt protests starting 18 July in support for gunmen and calling for peaceful resolution of standoff with Sasna Tsrer; dozens of protesters injured in clashes with police and scores detained.

Europe & Central Asia


Germany’s lower house of parliament 2 June passed resolution recognising mass Ottoman killings of Armenians during WWI as genocide; Pope Francis 24 June denounced Armenian genocide during official visit to Yerevan, calling for Armenia-Turkey reconciliation and regional peace effort. During visit by Armenian military delegation to Iran mid-June, Tehran pledged to develop closer defence ties; Iranian and Armenian FMs 5 June signed MoU on visa regime liberalisation. Parliament approved decision to join Russian air-defence system.

Europe & Central Asia


Continued increase in military cooperation between Russia and Armenia: Russia reportedly provided $200mn loan for purchase of Russian arms; Russia and Armenia 23 Feb signed cooperation plan and agreement on unification of anti-aircraft warfare systems. Russian military 20 Feb said it had reinforced its base at Erebuni airport with jets and helicopter. Rights groups said arrest of dissident Vardges Gaspari on charges including insulting police politically motivated.

Europe & Central Asia


Trial of Russian soldier accused of murdering family of seven in Gyumri Jan 2015 began at Russian military base, under Armenian judge; defendant pleaded guilty.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of 6 Dec referendum on President Sargsyan’s proposal to change constitution to make country a parliamentary democracy, opposition organised protests, claiming proposed changes aim to allow Sargsyan to continue to hold power after end of his second term in 2018; govt says changes aimed at greater democratisation. Election Commission reported 63.5% voted in favour of changes 6 Dec. Opposition Armenian National Congress (HAK) rejected result, amid reports of widespread irregularities; other opposition parties also challenged official report of 50.51%  turnout.  Election  commission  13  Dec  said  constitutional  amendments adopted.  Protests  continued  late  month  demanding  govt  resign  over  alleged corruption. Russia deployed military hardware to reinforce its air base in Armenia.

Europe & Central Asia


Some 2,000 joined opposition-organised protest in Yerevan 20 Nov against proposed constitutional changes which would transfer powers from president to PM, ahead of constitutional referendum set for 6 Dec.

Europe & Central Asia


Parliament 5 Oct voted to hold referendum to change constitution to parliamentary republic, with presidential powers transferred to parliament, president to be elected by parliament rather than by direct vote, presidential term to be extended from five to seven years. Hundreds protested in opposition to move, which they describe as intended to allow President Sargsyan to maintain power in PM role. Referendum scheduled 6 Dec.

Europe & Central Asia


Hundreds of protesters returned to streets in Yerevan 1 Sept in renewed protest against electricity price hike, accusing govt of failing to fulfil its promise to subsidise prices following June protests; police clashed with protesters, arrested five, including one of leaders of June demonstrations. Police 12 Sept forcibly removed protesters blocking main road through city, briefly detained some 48.

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