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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


President Voronin visited Moscow 8 August for first talks with Russian President Putin in 3 years; discussed Transdniestria and ban on Moldovan wine imports. Bomb blast on bus in Transdniestrian capital Tiraspol killed 1, month after similar blast killed 7.

Europe & Central Asia


Romanian President Basescu offered to accede to EU together with Moldova, but Moldovan President Voronin declined. Transdniestrian leader Smirnov announced referendum for 17 September on independence and unification with Russia, but OSCE said would not recognize results. Voronin called for Russian troop withdrawal from Transdniestria at Commonwealth of Independent States meeting. Explosion on minibus 6 July killed 8, cause unknown.

Europe & Central Asia


Leaders of separatist republics of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transdniestria met 14 June, pledging mutual cooperation and praising Russian “peacekeeping” efforts throughout region. Moldovan PM Tarlev travelled to Moscow to negotiate new gas deal with Gazprom; latter announced 46% price increase. World Bank pledged to increase aid to help counter losses arising from Russian wine ban and increased gas prices. Transdniestrian officials arrested 5 Moldovan police officers on spy charges 14 June. Moldovan Interior Minister Papuc said detentions were “provocation”; all 5 later released. OSCE Chairman De Gucht said Russian-led peacekeeping operation in Transdniestria should be transformed into “internationally mandated, recognised operation”.

Europe & Central Asia


Transdniestrian leader Igor Smirnov said would hold independence referendum by September, citing Montenegrin example; Russia supported move. OSCE Chairman De Gucht visited Chisinau and Tiraspol 31 May, urging return to talks. U.S. reportedly issued first explicit signal will not ratify 1999 Agreement adapting 1990 Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty until Russia withdraws 1,500- strong force from Transdniestria.

Europe & Central Asia


Talks with EU held in Luxembourg: EU officials told PM Vasile Tarlev membership hopes premature and urged government to focus on essential reforms. International mediators agreed to restart negotiations over disputed Transdniestria in May. Transdniestrian leader Igor Smirnov said Ukraine’s new March customs regulations, which he charged amounted to economic blockade, rendered Ukrainian President Yushchenko’s peace plans for breakaway region obsolete. OSCE criticised Transdniestrian 21 April seizure of Varnita port; Joint Control Commission failed to resolve dispute over port’s status.

Europe & Central Asia


Ukraine introduced new restriction on all goods from Moldova’s breakaway Transdniestria region, requiring Moldovan customs clearance. Transdniestrian and Russian authorities said amounted to economic blockade while EU issued statement in support of measures. Subsequently, Transdniestrian authorities announced withdrawal from peace talks; OSCE said next round would be postponed.

Europe & Central Asia


Former Defence Minister Pasat indicted for attempt to stage coup and assassinate senior opposition figure. Pasat already serving prison sentence for abuse of ministerial position. Russia said will not remove weapons cache stored in Transdniestria region until peace settlement reached. EU extended travel ban on senior Transdniestrian officials over lack of cooperation in resolving conflict and smuggling.

Europe & Central Asia


Deal reached with Russia over gas prices 16 January after supply cut 1 January. No progress in multilateral talks on Transdniestria in Chisinau 26-27 January.

Europe & Central Asia


Elections for Transdniestria’s parliament held 11 December resulting in 23 seats for Renewal movement, 20 for Republic movement: both pro-President Igor Smirnov. Moldova, EU and U.S. did not recognise poll. 5-6 December OSCE Ljubljana Summit declaration blocked after dispute over wording regarding Russian troop presence in Moldova. U.S. Under Sec. State Burns stated no arms treaty with Russia possible while Russian troops remain in Moldova and Georgia.

Europe & Central Asia


Russian foreign minister defended military presence in Transdniestrian region, arguing essential to region’s stability. EU launched 2-year Border Assistance Mission on Moldova-Ukraine border 30 November.

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