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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


OSCE, Russia and Ukraine expressed concern over growing tension between Chisinau and Tiraspol after 20 December fire in Bendery-Tighina in building housing Russian peacekeepers and Moldovan police; sides blamed each other. Members of Transdniestrian opposition under increasing pressure: attempt to recall Transdniestrian opposition MP Alexander Radchenko by popular vote in his constituency failed 19 December, but due to alleged “irregularities” will be repeated 9 January; meanwhile, home of another Transdniestrian opposition leader, Oleg Horjan, hit with arson attack 21 December. OSCE meeting Sofia 6-7 December concluded without agreement on President Voronin’s Declaration on Stability and Security for Moldova.

Europe & Central Asia


Talks in Varna, Bulgaria 8-9 November on Transdniestria dispute ended without progress. U.S. and EU signalled support for President Voronin’s proposed Stability and Security Pact (SSPM), to be considered at December OSCE meeting Sofia. SSPM envisages bringing U.S. and EU in as observers to current 5-sided negotiations (OSCE, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Transdniestria). Russia opposes changing 5-sided format.

Europe & Central Asia


EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said OSCE likely to sign President Vladimir Voronin’s Stability and Security Pact for Moldova (SSPM) at December ministerial meeting Sofia. Defence minister Victor Gaiciuc sacked after officials allegedly found evidence of his involvement in significant thefts from national weapons depots. Russian defence minister, meanwhile, said Russian troops to remain in Transdniester until evacuation of Russian ammunition complete. No armaments have been withdrawn in past 6 months.

Europe & Central Asia


School scandal continued. Transdniestrian authorities refused to recognise and reopen Moldovan schools teaching in Latin script, and harassed students’ parents. Benderi orphanage remains under siege by Transdniestrian militia; water and electricity supplies restored but not municipal heating.

Europe & Central Asia


Standoff continued with separatist Transdniestrian region after latter closed local Moldovan schools teaching in Latin script. Sides traded accusations and sanctions, with Chisinau restricting Transdniestrian exports and Tiraspol retaliating with brief blockade of rail links to Moldova. Siege of Benderi orphanage by Transdniestrian security forces continued.

Europe & Central Asia


Moldovan government suspended participation in 5-party peace talks on Transdniestria conflict after Tiraspol ordered closure of all Moldovan schools teaching in Latin script. Estimated 40% of Transdniestrian population native Moldovan/Romanian speakers. Tiraspol authorities evicted 60 orphans from school 27 July, forcing them to spend night in street, and stormed second school 29 July after parents, teachers, and students barricaded themselves inside. OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Rolf Ekeus called Transdniestrian move “linguistic cleansing”. EU and U.S. said would consider sanctions against Transdniestria.

Europe & Central Asia


EU and Chisinau agreed 3-year Action Plan for increased cooperation, but settlement of conflict with breakaway Transdniestrian region remains elusive. Both sides reportedly amenable to federal solution, although Chisinau seeking asymmetric federation, while Tiraspol wants equal status. Latter skipped latest round of negotiations 23-24 June.

Europe & Central Asia


No progress made in second round of negotiations over separatist Transdniestria region 25-26 May. Next round scheduled for 21-22 June.

Europe & Central Asia


Negotiations between central government, officials from separatist Transdniestria region, and OSCE, Ukrainian, and Russian mediators resumed 26-28 April in Tiraspol after 5-month hiatus. Next round scheduled to take place in Chisinau 25-26 May.

Europe & Central Asia


Year’s first trainload of Russian arms to be evacuated from breakaway Transdniestria region departed for Russia 25 March. Talks with OSCE, Ukrainian and Russian mediators on conflict with Transdniestria may resume in April.

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