
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Peace plan worked out by 3 mediators of Transdniestria conflict – OSCE, Russia, and Ukraine – published in Chisinau 16 February. Plan calls for breakaway region to become “federation subject”, but leaves key details out - promptly rejected by Transdniestria. Negotiations to resume in late March; indications EU will play larger role. No signs Russia prepared to withdraw “peacekeeping” contingent from Transdniestria, though officials claim to be committed to resuming evacuation of ammunition.

Europe & Central Asia


Talks held in Brussels 16 January between officials from EU, Moldova and Ukraine regarding possible joint border monitoring regime to stem smuggling across Transdniestrian portion of Moldova-Ukraine frontier. In Tiraspol, Transdniestrian officials again rejected idea of placing OSCE peacekeepers in region between breakaway republic and Moldova.

Europe & Central Asia


Peace efforts in disarray following Chisinau’s last- minute rejection, in November, of controversial Russian proposal for ending dispute with breakaway Transdniestrian region. OSCE annual meeting, in Maastricht, ended in stalemate 2 December, with Russia failing to garner support for its plan, and other OSCE members unable to commit Russia to deadline for withdrawing its troops from Transdniestria. Officials in Tiraspol, Transdniestrian capital, declared suspension of Russian military evacuation in retaliation for Moldovan government’s failure to accept Russian proposal.

Europe & Central Asia


Russia presented proposal for resolution of dispute with Transdniestria region, sidestepping OSCE-led mediation process. Signing ceremony scheduled for 25 November cancelled by Moldovans at last moment after pressure from U.S. and EU, who were dissatisfied with proposed federal structure, in particular influence it would have given Transdniestrian separatist leadership over Moldovan economic and foreign policy. Peace process now back to square one under OSCE auspices. Anti-government demonstrations sparked by collapse of agreement continue. Evacuation of Russian military equipment from Transdniestria resumed after months-long pause, but troop withdrawal unlikely before second half of 2004.

Europe & Central Asia


European Council called on Russia 17 October to remove its military presence from Transdniestria by year’s end as promised, but troops look set to stay well into 2004. Reports that mediators’ proposal on breakaway region will be presented to parties in coming days.

Europe & Central Asia


Talks on dispute with breakaway region of Transdniestria remain stalled. EU still discussing possibility of sending peacekeepers to region. Russian troops appear likely to remain despite agreement promising pull-out by year’s end.

Europe & Central Asia


Moldovan and Transdniestrian forces took first demilitarisation step in years, withdrawing 37 armoured vehicles from Security Zone separating sides. EU and NATO discussing OSCE proposal to send peacekeepers Moldova to help settle dispute and bring order to region.

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