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Europe & Central Asia


New coalition govt formed, unblocking three months of deadlock since no party or coalition won absolute majority in Feb legislative elections. Pro-European integration Party of Action and Solidarity (ACUM) and pro-Russian Socialist Party 8 June formed coalition, enabling it to form govt during extraordinary parliamentary session and nominated ACUM leader Maia Sandu to prime minister. Former ruling Democratic Party same day appealed against move to constitutional court, which declared new govt invalid, arguing that deadline to form govt had passed 7 June, 90 days after certification of elections. Court 9 June temporarily suspended President Igor Dodon, Socialist Party leader, reportedly to allow then interim PM Filip to dissolve parliament and issue decree calling for snap election; Dodon and ACUM leader Maia Sandu, however ignored verdict. PM Filip resigned 14 June; VP of his Democratic Party, Vladimir Cebotari, said decision was made to “avoid an escalation that could lead to violence”. Constitutional court next day overturned its earlier decision and recognised new govt led by PM Sandu; all six judges of constitutional court resigned 26 June.

Europe & Central Asia


Preliminary results of 24 Feb parliamentary elections saw pro-Russia Socialist Party win 35 out of 101 seats, ruling Democrats 30 seats and pro-European ACUM 26 seats, with turnout reported at 49%. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) monitors 25 Feb declared elections “competitive” but “tainted by allegations of pressure on public employees, strong indications of vote buying and the misuse of state resources”. Media reported dozens of buses from pro-Russia breakaway region Transnistria – where vote was not held – brought over 30,000 voters, allegedly paid to cast ballots.

Europe & Central Asia


European Parliament 14 Nov passed resolution stating Moldova has become “state captured by oligarchic interests” and citing concern over democratic backsliding, shrinking space for civil society and other issues; said future EU aid should take only once Feb 2019 parliamentary elections are conducted in line with international standards. European Commission 15 Nov announced it was cutting financial assistance to Moldova by €20mn annually in 2017 and 2018 due to concerns about rule of law and democratic backsliding; also said €100mn in macro financial assistance suspended indefinitely. EU called for action on voiding of mayoral elections in capital and 2014 disappearance of funds from banks.

Europe & Central Asia


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) 15 Aug expressed concern over river-crossing exercise conducted by Russian military in Transnistria Security Zone mid-month, as the OSCE was obstructed from fully monitoring the exercises and they were not authorised by Joint Control Commission, in violation of 1992 agreement on principles of a peaceful settlement. Thousands joined anti-govt protests in capital 26 Aug; hundreds protested next day.

Europe & Central Asia


Hundreds joined protest in front of parliament 19 July against annulment of Andrei Năstase’s victory in 3 June Chișinău mayoral election and demanding new elections. Responding to election annulment, EU 4 July froze first tranche of €100mn financial assistance program, citing annulment which it said showed lack of respect for preconditions of democratic mechanisms and rule of law; European Parliament 5 July said annulment of mayoral election was evidence of “state capture and a very deep crisis of institutions”.

Europe & Central Asia


Chișinău court 19 June invalidated pro-EU candidate Andrei Năstase’s victory in 3 June second round mayoral election, ruling that he violated campaign laws; Supreme Court 21 June upheld decision, which prompted thousands of people to protest 19, 24 June and dozens 26 June; Central Electoral Commission 29 June confirmed Supreme Court’s ruling. EU foreign policy chief Mogherini urged authorities to take measures to ensure results are respected. UN General Assembly 22 June passed non-binding resolution calling for withdrawal “unconditionally and without further delay” of some 1,400 Russian troops from separatist region Transnistria.

Europe & Central Asia


Representatives of Chisinau govt and Transnistria 24 April agreed that vehicles in separatist region can use neutral licence plates starting in Sept 2018. EU official said agreement, which is backed by Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, “represents an important step forward and contributes to a positive dynamic in the Transnistrian settlement process”, and would “bring tangible benefits to the population”. At 12 April forum in Ukrainian capital Kyiv, PM suggested Russia withdraw its roughly 1,412 troops stationed in Transnistria, via Ukraine. Both Russia and Ukraine denounced proposal.

Europe & Central Asia


Parliament speakers from Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine 2 March issued joint statement saying their countries were “profoundly concerned” about presence of Russian troops in Moldova and “Russian occupation and other forms of military intervention” in parts of Georgia and Ukraine; criticised what they called Russia’s “coordinated foreign support for separatist movements”; and reaffirmed their commitment to the EU.

Europe & Central Asia


PM Filip speaking at Munich Security Conference 17 Feb reiterated call for Russia to withdraw military forces and munitions from Moldova’s separatist Transdniestria region; said country seeks “balanced, friendly” relationship with Russia. Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu 9 Feb accused Russia of interfering in Moldovan politics ahead of 2018 elections; came day after parliament adopted declaration condemning alleged Russian cyberattacks and financing of political parties.

Europe & Central Asia


Standoff between pro-EU govt led by PM Filip and pro-Russian President Dodon intensified. Constitutional Court 2 Jan temporarily suspended Dodon’s powers at govt’s request after Dodon blocked Filip’s cabinet reshuffle nominations, delegating presidential powers to parliamentary chair or PM. Dodon called ruling “shameful”. Court 5 Jan again ruled govt can pass law banning “media propaganda” from Russia without Dodon’s signature, after he twice refused to sign bill into law.

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