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Europe & Central Asia


Incumbent PM Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) won 12 Dec snap parliamentary elections necessitated by Oct collapse of coalition, first general election since 2008 declaration of independence. PDK leading party with 33.5% of vote, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) 23.6%, pan-Albanian Vetevendosje (self-determination) party came third. Electoral commission reported 48% turnout; poll marred by extensive allegations of fraud, with some 40% of ballots to be recounted, vote to be repeated in 5 municipalities 9 Jan. Turnout among Kosovo Serbs south of Ibar comparable with Kosovo average despite some problems with outdated, missing voter rolls; no Serbs voted north of Ibar amid intimidation campaign by nationalist Serbs. Bosniak electoral commission worker shot 8 Dec in north. Kosovo Serb Independent Liberal Party 28 Dec said ready to form a coalition with PDK. Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty released report mid month alleging Thaci and other former KLA commanders ran murder and organ trafficking ring during 1998-99 conflict with Serbia. Pristina said report “slanderous”, Thaci 20 Dec said will sue Marty for defamation. Serbian President Tadic 21 Dec said Belgrade-Pristina talks on technical issues should start despite report; Thaci said report threatens talks.

Europe & Central Asia


Following Oct collapse of coalition govt, parliament 2 Nov passed vote of no confidence in govt, triggering snap elections for 12 Dec. Serbian FM Vuk Jeremic 12 Nov told UNSC Belgrade would not encourage Kosovo Serbs to participate in election; however 8 Serb parties and lists, all from south of Ibar river, registered to run. Jeremic and UN SRSG Lamberto Zannier both warned of rising tensions in North Kosovo ahead of polls. Sporadic but more frequent incidents continuing in North, mostly targeting local Albanian and Serbs cooperating with Pristina-based institutions, including 16 Nov grenade attack on home of Serb candidate in 12 Dec election, and police officer shot dead in Klina 22 Nov. EULEX vehicle attacked in Pristina 23 Nov. Jeremic 18 Nov said Pristina not ready for talks before Dec elections; reiterated Serbia’s refusal to recognise Kosovo independence, emphasized talks should focus on technical issues. EU progress report praised advances on decentralisation, cited concerns on rule of law, corruption.

Europe & Central Asia


Amid institutional crisis caused by collapse of coalition govt mid month, opposition MPs 28 Oct called vote of no confidence in govt, set for 2 Nov; if passed will necessitate snap elections within 45 days. Comes after Fatmir Sejdui, who resigned late Sept as president, 18 Oct announced his Democratic League of Kosovo party leaving ruling coalition, in which it was junior partner. Developments bring forward early elections announced by acting president Krasniqi 15 Oct for 13 Feb. On Kosovo leg of Balkans tour U.S. Sec State Clinton 13 Oct backed dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade, said status, sovereignty, territorial integrity will not be discussed during talks. Serbian state secretary for Kosovo and Metohija late month called for stability in North ahead of anticipated talks, following several incidents over month including setting on fire of 2 Serb-owned vehicles in Zvečan. EULEX 5 Oct announced increasing presence in north to fight organized crime, released several suspects arrested early month due to complications over jurisdiction. Hardline ethnic Serb parties gained control of North’s parallel structures 21 Oct after moderate coalition collapsed. NATO 29 Oct announced its 10,000-strong force in Kosovo to be halved over next few months.

Europe & Central Asia


UNGA 9 Sept adopted Serbian resolution backed by all EU member states paving way for EU-led dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, after intense diplomatic pressure from Brussels to drop condemnation of Kosovo’s independence. Meeting with EU foreign policy chief Ashton 20 Sept, PM Thaci said talks between Pristina and Belgrade “represented a new chapter in relations in the region”. Belgrade said expects status to be on agenda; ruled out by Thaci who said U.S. mediation also vital, rejected UN involvement. Constitutional Court 24 Sept found President Sejdiu in violation of constitution by holding office and DLK party leadership simultaneously; Sejdiu resigned presidency 27 Sept. Assembly speaker Jakup Krasniqi took over as interim president; early-2011 presidential elections likely. NATO SG Rasmussen 16 Sept said Kosovo troop reductions considered by alliance members are too big.

Europe & Central Asia


Intensive EU efforts aimed at producing UNGA resolution acceptable to Serbia and Kosovo to serve as basis for future dialogue, ahead of 9 Sept UNGA discussion of Serbia’s 28 July draft resolution. German FM Westerwelle 27 Aug, UK Foreign Secretary Hague 31 Aug visited Belgrade to push for changes to draft. Resolution text currently states unilateral secession not acceptable means to solving territorial disputes and calls for new talks on Kosovo on “all open issues”. Kosovo FM Hyseni 4 Aug formally asked UNSC to replace Resolution 1244 with new document following 22 July ICJ ruling on Kosovo’s declaration of independence. President Sejdiu and PM Thaci 16 Aug sent letter to all UN member states asking them to recognise country’s independence, reject Serbian resolution condemning unilateral secession. PM Thaci 18 Aug informed EUSR Feith that Serbian officials banned from visiting Kosovo due to provocations during previous visits; Serbian minister for Kosovo Bogdanovic, due to visit Kosovo 19 Aug, called ban a political provocation. Serbian Constitutional Court 10 Aug ruled that 2003 govt decision granting bonuses to some 45,000 Kosovo Serbs working in parallel govt institutions was unconstitutional, provoking anger among Kosovo Serbs. Officials 20 Aug said payments to continue. 6 injured 28 Aug in explosions in Serb majority municipality of Novo Brdo and Kosovo North. NATO 5 Aug announced start of transfer of protection of Serb Orthodox Churches to Kosovo police. Govt early month announced plans to invest €500,000 in infrastructure projects in North.

Europe & Central Asia


ICJ 22 July ruled international law contained no applicable prohibition on declarations of independence, hence Kosovo’s 2008 declaration of independence from Serbia not illegal. Kosovo’s parliament 23 July adopted declaration hailing ICJ’s opinion, welcomed EU’s offer for talks with Serbia, but only if on technical issues. European Parliament 8 July adopted resolution calling on all EU member states to recognise Kosovo’s independence. In ethnically divided town of Mitrovica, Kosovo Serb lawmaker shot and wounded 5 July; explosion killed 1, injured 11 during 2 July protest by Serbs against opening of Kosovo govt office in town.

Europe & Central Asia


EULEX in 4 June report found Kosovo’s judiciary weak, reform capabilities fragile. EU Council of Ministers 8 June extended EULEX mandate until 2012. NATO Sec Gen Rasmussen 10 June announced Alliance will not start planned second phase downsizing KFOR troops for security reasons. Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe 22 June and European Parliament 23 June adopted resolutions stressing need for progress in rule of law. 2 Macedonian, 2 Albanian citizens killed in shootout 40km from border with Macedonia 21 June by unidentified suspects. 12 June arrest of pro-independence Vetevendosje movement leader Albin Kurti, sought for role in Feb 2007 deadly protests in Pristina, triggered violent protests injuring 12 policemen, 3 activists. President Sejdiu hosted country’s first regional presidential summit 26 June, focusing on visa-free travel, with Macedonian, Albanian, Montenegrin counterparts.

Europe & Central Asia


Serbs in north 30 May held local elections organised by Serbia, prompting violent clashes between ethnic Albanian protesters, Serb voters in ethnically divided Mitrovica, intervention by NATO peacekeepers and EUPOL officers. EULEX 23 May said will not recognise results of elections; followed by orders to stop Serbian officials from making unauthorised visits to region. Decision triggered by former Serbian PM Kostunica’s campaign trip to Mitrovica and Zvecan 23 May. UNMIK said will maintain neutral stance on elections. In 17 May report to UNSC, UNSG Ban reiterated concerns Kosovo govt strategy for north could increase tensions if implemented without dialogue with local communities. Serb refugee returns obstructed by local ethnic Albanian harassment, attacks in western village of Zalac mid-month. NATO Sec Gen Rasmussen 21 May said security improved, NATO to continue downsizing troops. Police in Prizren region 22 May arrested 2 Kosovo Albanians, 3 Bosniaks suspected of Wahhabi links for illegal arms possession. Djibouti 13 May, Somalia 19 May recognized Kosovo’s independence.

Europe & Central Asia


UNSG Ban early month expressed concern that strategy by International Civilian Office and Pristina to integrate northern Kosovo under central govt and marginalise Serbian parallel structures could raise ethnic tensions. Govt late month announced Serbian citizens as of next year to cross Kosovo border only with international passports, rather than state ID cards as at present. Kosovo’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority 23-24 Apr disabled over 20 base stations of Serbian telecom operators in central Kosovo causing disruption of phone services, mass protests in Serb enclave of Gracanica; followed by blasts at 2 installations of Kosovo-based mobile operator in north. EULEX 28 Apr raided Ministry of Transportation, all private residences connected to Minister as part of massive anti-corruption investigation related to 2007-2009 road construction tenders. 16 Romanian EULEX gendarmes caught smuggling large quantities of cigarettes and alcohol out of Kosovo dismissed from mission 22 Apr. Swaziland 12 Apr, Vanuatu 28 Apr recognised Kosovo’s independence.

Europe & Central Asia


EULEX mission 26 March opened office in north Kosovo, so-called EU house, to support rule of law, governance goals in north. EU Enlargement Commissioner Fuele 19 March confirmed Kosovo’s membership perspective in discussions with President Sejdiu, PM Thaci. EULEX car shot at 15 March at border crossing with Serbia; EU condemned attack as undermining Kosovo’s accession efforts. Macedonia 15 March opened first embassy in Kosovo during visit to Pristina by FM Milososki.

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