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Europe & Central Asia


As Kosovo prepared to mark 2nd anniversary of independence declaration 17 Feb, International Steering Group (ISG) 8 Feb unanimously backed International Civilian Office (ICO) and Kosovo govt plan to integrate north, dismantle Belgrade-backed parallel structures; ICO head Peter Feith 16 Feb promised further consultation with Belgrade. Speaker of Kosovo Assembly Jakup Krasniqi 10 Feb warned that if Serbs in northern Kosovo wished to “secede”, then ethnic Albanians in southern Serbia “are ready to join Kosovo”; Belgrade condemned statement as “warmongering”. Following final Supreme Court verdict, Central Election Commission 18 Feb announced plans to hold 3rd round of mayoral elections in Gjilan municipality on 14 March; followed dispute between Central Election Commission and Election Commission for Appeals and Complaints over alleged irregularities in Dec 2nd round. KFOR 31 Jan announced it had downsized presence from 14,000 to 10,000 troops.

Europe & Central Asia


President Sejdiu 6 Jan requested assistance from International Civilian Office (ICO) and EULEX mission to dissolve Serbian parallel structures in Kosovo following Belgrade’s renewed funding for structures since May 2008 and its late-Dec appointment of judges and prosecutors for northern Mitrovica court, condemned by international community. ICO and Pristina govt jointly announced strategy to integrate northern Kosovo under Pristina govt, marginalise parallel structures. Addressing UNSC Kosovo hearing 22 Jan, Serbian President Tadic defended legitimacy of parallel institutions, attacked ICO plan. ICO head Peter Feith 24 Jan said Belgrade will be consulted in implementing strategy. Central Election Commission (CEC) 11 Jan failed to approve results of 13 Dec 2nd round mayoral elections in Gjilan municipality, amid ongoing allegations of irregularities. Elections rerun in Prizren and Lipjan municipalities 31 Jan. Kosovo police prevented Serbia Minister for Kosovo Bogdanovic from visiting southern Serb enclave Strpce 13 Jan; Deputy Minister for Kosovo Ristic expelled from Kosovo 26 Jan due to alleged unauthorised political activities in Klina municipality.

Europe & Central Asia


Preliminary results for 13 Dec 2nd round of municipal elections, held in 21 out of 36 municipalities, gave Democratic Party of Kosovo 10 municipalities, Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) 5, Alliance for Future of Kosovo 3, Serbian Liberal Party 1. LDK disputed preliminary results in 4 municipalities; Electoral Complaints and Appeals Commission 19 Dec called for rerun in 3 municipalities due to “serious fraud and vote stealing”. Central Election Commission 23 Dec announced rerun in Prizren and Lipjan, scheduled 31 Jan; will investigate Gjilan. International Court of Justice 1-11 Dec heard case brought by Serbia challenging legality of Kosovo’s independence declaration. NATO Europe Commander 9 Dec said KFOR troops to be reduced from 14,000 to 10,000 by end-Jan.

Europe & Central Asia


15 Nov municipal elections, first polls since Feb 2008 declaration of independence, cited by local, international monitors as generally satisfactory. Overall turnout 45%; Kosovo Serb participation highest since Belgrade started calling for Serb boycotts in 2004. Some incidents prior to poll, including gunshots fired at Alliance for Future of Kosovo candidate for Mitrovica mayor 13 Nov. 15 municipalities elected mayors in 1st round: PM Thaci’s Democratic Party won 5 municipalities, Alliance for Future of Kosovo 4, Democratic League of Kosovo 2, Serb Liberals 2. 2nd round needed in 21 municipalities, scheduled 13 Dec. Some accusations of fraud including in Gjakova, where rising tensions saw shots fired at municipal building 24 Nov. CEC annulled results of 15 polling stations. Under strong international pressure, Democratic Party of Kosovo 20 Nov retracted 19 Nov threat to break with coalition partner Democratic League of Kosovo, confirmed coalition will continue. ICJ case brought by Serbia refuting legality of Kosovo’s independence declaration to begin 1 Dec; court president 20 Nov said Court’s advisory opinion will not be “clear yes or no”.

Europe & Central Asia


EULEX and Serbia 11 Sept signed policing protocol allowing for exchange of information on cross-border crime, in face of continued opposition from Kosovo govt; strong international pressure on Pristina to allow protocol to go forward. Some 1,000 Kosovo Albanians protested protocol 14 Sept; 2 EULEX vehicles attacked 16 Sept. 2 further protocols on customs and judiciary in pipeline, required for Serbia to fulfil requirements for visa-free travel to EU. EULEX 17 Sept requested MoU for access to information held by Kosovo police. In ongoing unrest over reconstruction of Albanian homes in north Mitrovica, Serbs and Albanians clashed early Sept; no injuries. Some 100 Serbs protested reconstruction, EULEX 7 Sept. EUSR Feith 16 Sept announced creation of 3 new Serbdominated municipalities following 15 Nov local elections.

Europe & Central Asia


Serbia’s minister for Kosovo 6 Aug criticised NATO’s planned drawdown of KFOR troops; during first visit to Kosovo, new NATO SG Anders Fogh Rasmussen 13 Aug confirmed that planned KFOR drawdown conditional on security situation. Serbian Interior Minister 17 Aug announced completion of draft protocol for cooperation between Serbian police and EU rule of law mission EULEX. Agreement drew criticism from Kosovo govt, insisting EULEX has no mandate to sign international agreements; Pristina 23 Aug said wants to be a signatory to agreement. 21 protesters from Kosovo Albanian independence movement arrested after damaging EULEX vehicles 25 Aug in demonstration against protocol. Several injured during Kosovo Serb protest against reconstruction of ethnic Albanian homes in north Mitrovica 25 Aug. Electricity supply to Strpce municipality, cut off since late June, restored after local Serbs and electricity supplier reached agreement on payments.

Europe & Central Asia


EU EULEX prosecutor 18 July issued summons to Milan Ivanovic, leader of numerous anti-EULEX demonstrations, to appear for questioning in South Mitrovica court. EULEX 23 July criticised Kosovo’s weak rule of law institutions, recommended changes in policing. Belgrade 2 July sacked influential head of Mitrovica hospital Marko Jaksic, 13 July suspended Leposavic parallel municipal govt en masse; 3 July called on Kosovo Serbs to boycott 15 Nov local elections. In ongoing dispute between Ĺ trpce/ShtĂ«rpcĂ« Serb residents and Kosovo power utility KEK, Kosovo police and KEK 22 July attempted to seize local power station from Serbs, leading to tense standoff. Kosovo excluded from EU’s decision to liberalise regime for Serbian citizens, no roadmap for visa-free Schengen travel.

Europe & Central Asia


UNMIK 8 June announced 507 personnel to remain in Kosovo, amid reports the mission planning for at least 2 more years in Kosovo. UNSG Ban 10 June reported situation “relatively peaceful”, UNMIK to remain to help situation in North. NATO 11 June announced reduced KFOR presence, from current 13,800 troops to 10,000 by Jan 2010, and 2,200 over 2 yrs. Some 500 Kosovo Serbs protested against EULEX customs, taxes at border point with Serbia 9 June, later in month erected roadblocks. 3 Serbians arrested 12 June, suspected members of Serbian intelligence services; denied by Belgrade. Former PM Agim Ceku, wanted by Serbia for war crimes, arrested in Bulgaria 23 June; released 2 days later. Local elections set for 15 Nov. Kosovo officially joined IMF, World Bank 29 June.

Europe & Central Asia


IMF 8 May offered membership to Kosovo. Kosovo Serb protests and clashes with Kosovo Police, EULEX, and KFOR in north against reconstruction of Kosovo Albanian houses continued 4 May, ended 12 May after agreement on reciprocal number of Serb houses to be reconstructed. Up to 20 injured, including 10 police, in clashes between roughly 300 Serbs and police in Gjilan/Gnjilane 10 May over electricity cuts. U.S. VP Biden warmly welcomed during 21 May visit.

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