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Europe & Central Asia


Preparations for decentralization continued, in accordance with Ahtisaari Plan; 5 new municipalities with Serb majority to be created. EULEX head 6 Apr proclaimed EULEX mission “fully deployed”. Hundreds of Serbs protested late-Apr against return of ethnic Albanian refugees in Mitrovica; 2 grenades thrown at EULEX, NATO forces, shots fired; police used tear gas to disperse protesters. Pristina and Belgrade provided submissions to International Court of Justice (ICJ), in case brought by Serbia refuting legality of Feb 2008 independence declaration. Some Kosovo Serb police started returning to jobs after Pristina gave end-June deadline.

Europe & Central Asia


Serbian President Tadic and Kosovo FM Hyseni exchanged accusations at UNSC 23 March; Hyseni reiterated Kosovo call to end UNMIK mandate, Tadic stressed UNMIK should stay to implement UNSCR 1244, 6-point plan. UNSG Ban reported stable security situation, recommended small UNMIK presence, particularly in Mitrovica. Some 150 Kosovo Serbs blocked entrance to court in Mitrovica 2 March in protest against EULEX mission, forcing first trial there to be conducted under UNMIK law; 200 Serbs prevented Kosovo Police, EULEX officials from meeting in Leposavic 5 March. 3 bombs exploded 3 March in Mitrovica, no injuries. NATO Sec Gen de Hoop Scheffer 4 March stated KFOR will remain in Kosovo, responding to speculation about troop reductions; Spain 22 March announced withdrawal of all 600 troops from Kosovo by end-summer.

Europe & Central Asia


1st anniversary of independence 17 Feb passed off without incident; celebrations in Pristina, passing of anti- independence, anti-EULEX declaration by parallel Kosovo Serb assembly. EULEX 2 Feb re-established 2 customs points on border with Serbia, burned down following 2008 independence declaration, eliciting several hundred-strong protest 5 Feb; EULEX otherwise maintains low visibility in North. Pristina, Belgrade both ignored UNMIK invitation to technical talks on cultural heritage. Belgrade continued to press for implementation of “6-point plan”. Month saw several Serb protests against new Kosovo Security Force, including up to 3,000 protesting in Mitrovica 10 Feb. 15 Feb grenade blast in Mitrovica – no injuries. Serbian doctors reportedly leaving Kosovo jobs after Belgrade cut Kosovo salary supplem

Europe & Central Asia


EU rule of law EULEX mission continued to deploy across Kosovo. Kosovo Security Force (KSF) became operational 20 Jan, replacing Kosovo Protection Force: 1,000-strong, to expand to 2,500. Belgrade 19 Jan said new force “unacceptable” (see Serbia). KSF base in Pec hit by grenade 23 Jan; no injuries. EULEX chief de Kermabon 15 Jan said late-Dec/early-Jan Mitrovica violence linked to criminal activity, criticized attempts to manipulate incidents to heighten tensions. Further incidents in Jan included 14 Jan grenade attack on Albanian home in Mitrovica North, 2 explosions 24 Jan in Mitrovica; no injuries. Discussions continued over possible negotiations between Pristina and Belgrade to resolve “technical issues” – 2 sides still in disagreement on format.

Europe & Central Asia


After 6-month delay, UNSC-approved EU rule of law EULEX mission deployed 9 Dec throughout Kosovo; followed 2 Dec protest in Pristina against EULEX neutrality on Kosovo's status. 1,400 international, 500 local staff deployed; expected to expand to 1,900 and 1,100 respectively by spring. Despite previous doubts over feasibility, some 200 deployed in Kosovo Serb North, including at border with Serbia. Confusion remains about implementation of UN’s 6-point plan which Kosovo govt continues to reject. UN plan foresees technical negotiations with Kosovo and Serbia in 2009. Several violent incidents in Mitrovica, including 4 Dec damage to UNMIK, KFOR vehicles; 30 Dec stabbing of Serb youth, 2 Albanian suspects arrested by KPS; Kosovo Albanian shops torched; 1 explosion 2 Jan against Kosovo Serb café; followed by more Kosovo Albanian shop burning, injuring 6.

Europe & Central Asia


UN, U.S., EU diplomatic pressure on Kosovo throughout month to accept Belgrade-approved 6-point plan reconfiguring UNMIK and enabling long-delayed EU rule of law mission (EULEX) deployment. Plan includes significant concessions to Belgrade, including separate chains of command for ethnic Albanian, Serb police. EU agreed EULEX to be UNSC-approved, status-neutral; not to implement Ahtisaari plan. Kosovo authorities 10 Nov said 6-point plan unacceptable: breaches sovereignty, territorial integrity and constitution. Several thousand 19 Nov protested in Pristina. Kosovo 18 Nov proposed 4-point plan for EULEX deployment in accordance with Kosovo constitution and Ahtisaari plan – rejected by Belgrade. Despite Pristina’s continued opposition, UNSC 26 Nov approved 6-point plan, paving way for early- Dec EULEX deployment. Kosovo govt said plan cannot be implemented. European Commission’s 5 Nov progress report criticised corruption and organized crime. 14 Nov explosion at EU Special Representative’s Pristina office: 3 German intelligence agents arrested, released 10 days later; previously unknown group Army of the Republic of Kosovo claimed responsibility 27 Nov, threatened further attacks.

Europe & Central Asia


Serbian President Tadic 21 Oct called for “compromise”for Kosovo resolution, said Serbia has no problem with EULEX mission provided it: operates under UN mandate, does not apply Ahtisaari plan and is status-neutral. EU Special Representative Peter Feith 15 Oct said EULEX could receive some form of UN approval. EU said mission will be operational in Dec; UNMIK announced handover of head office in Pristina; U.S. and EU 22 Oct agreed on U.S. participation in mission. UN General Assembly 8 Oct approved Serbian request for ICJ advisory opinion on Kosovo’s independence: 77 supported, 6 opposed, 74 abstained. ICJ 21 Oct gave UN member states 6 months to submit views. Macedonia and Montenegro recognised Kosovo 9 Oct, provoking violent anti-Kosovo rallies in latter. UNMIK 3 Oct reopened north Mitrovica court after March violence. 5 injured 30 Oct after clash between Kosovo Serbs and Albanians in north Mitrovica.

Europe & Central Asia


UNMIK and Serbian govt 12 Sept continued talks on practical areas, agreed reopening of north Mitrovica court using UNMIK law and judiciary. Belgrade continued to cite lack of UN mandate for EULEX, which plans to deploy by end- 2008 including north of River Ibar, but signalled openness to negotiated UNSC-approved formula. Kosovo Serb Assembly convened in June by hardliners held second session 13 Sept to condemn EULEX; only 26 of 45 delegates attended. Pristina govt 3 Sept ruled out violence to secure Serb north, said assertion of authority needs time. In far south, scuffle broke out 1 Sept between rival Kosovo and parallel Serb municipal authority officials contesting Strpce municipal offices; 2 arrested. Kosovo govt 11 Sept announced decentralisation plans for Serb areas south of Ibar, aiming to sideline recently established Serb parallel municipal authorities. Serbian President Tadic 23 Sept addressed UNGA seeking support to request ICJ advisory opinion on legality of Kosovo independence; vote scheduled for 8 Oct.

Europe & Central Asia


UNMIK began downsizing 11 Aug: 70% of staff to leave in first phase, around 600 to remain; fewer cuts in Serb areas. UN and EU signed technical arrangement 18 Aug to transfer UNMIK assets to EULEX. EU mission to operate under “UN umbrella”. Belgrade continued to insist EU mission requires UNSC approval, wants role in shaping mission. Russia 27 Aug affirmed backing of Belgrade, despite its recognition of South Ossetia, Abkhazia independence (see Georgia). Serbia submitted draft resolution to UNGA 15 Aug seeking advisory opinion from International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Kosovo’s independence declaration. Kosovo authorities rejected negotiations with Belgrade on 6 areas identified in June UNMIK reconfiguration plan, denounced any possible UNMIK-Belgrade deal on police, courts, customs in Kosovo Serb areas. PM Thaci appointed Fehmi Mujota defence minister 6 Aug, to lead establishment of new 2,500-strong Kosovo Security Force replacing civilian Kosovo Protection Force. Kosovo’s first senior diplomats appointed 29 Aug, new privatisation agency also created. Several hundred Kosovo Serbs 25 Aug protested reinstallation of customs cameras at border between Kosovo and Serbia. Ethnic Albanian and Serb residents clashed 27 Aug in north Mitrovica suburb.

Europe & Central Asia


Debate over UNMIK presence and handover to EU rule of law mission (EULEX) continued: Serbian FM Jeremic denounced UNSG Ban’s 17 July report to UNSC ordering reconfiguration by Oct, including UNMIK drawdown and increased EU role. UN envoy Zannier in Belgrade 23 July to discuss future of mission; told UNSC 25 July UNMIK’s legal powers curtailed since June entry into force of constitution. UN and EU concluded technical talks 29 July. Zannier 29 July said reconfiguration further delayed; Russia 25 July strongly opposed reconfiguration. Kosovo authorities issued first passports 30 July. Serbia’s Kosovo Minister Bogdanovic 11 July said ruling DS will participate in parallel Serb Assembly. Kosovo govt 28 July announced plans to redeploy courts, customs services in Serb-dominated north. UNDP 1 July, OCSE 3 July reported failings in Kosovo judiciary. Brussels donor conference 11 July pledged €1.2b aid. IMF recognised independence in 15 July response to membership application. ICTY prosecutors 16 July filed appeal of Apr acquittal of former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj.

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