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Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of 7 Sept resumption of EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia on normalising relations, signals from Kosovo and Serbian leaderships that they may consider territorial swap as part of deal prompted strong reactions in Kosovo, Serbia and internationally. President Thaci 30 Aug said he would table proposal for border correction to allow for predominantly ethnic Albanian communities in southern Serbia to become part of Kosovo as part of deal, while also rejecting idea of partition of Kosovo; earlier in month, told press conference 6 Aug that deal with Serbia could include a “correction” of border. Serbian President Vučić 9 Aug referred to policy for delimitation with Albanians, and need for clarity on who administers territories. Participating in international forum in Austria 26 Aug, Thaci and Vučić both expressed commitment to reach a deal, and called for EU to support agreement that they reach. U.S. national security adviser John Bolton 24 Aug said U.S. would not oppose a territorial exchange if both sides agreed, while several European FMs voiced concerns about land swap, also expressed by local and international NGOs, and by three former high representatives for Bosnia, warning of potentially destabilising impact on Kosovo and region. Opposition in Kosovo called for resolution in parliament ahead of 7 Sept dialogue to prevent negotiations on Kosovo territory. Vučić mid-Aug announced he will visit Kosovo 9 Sept to present “guidelines and directions of state policy towards Kosovo”; also called for Serbs to show “much more tolerance” to potential deal with Kosovo. Tensions rose early Aug over allegations that Kosovo authorities were planning to seize control of Gazivode hydropower plant in Serb-run part of northern Kosovo; Vučić in open letter to Kosovo Serbs said Serbia would protect them and called on them to remain peaceful, also said Pristina would “not lift a finger” to fulfil its commitment to establish Association of Serb municipalities.

Europe & Central Asia


EU-facilitated talks between Kosovo and Serbia 18 July ended without apparent progress on normalisation of relations. EU Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopoulos 18 July confirmed that Kosovo met criteria for visa liberalisation, having ratified border demarcation agreement with Montenegro and “demonstrated full commitment in fighting corruption and organised crime”; commissioner voiced hope that Kosovo citizens would be able to travel to EU countries without visas by year-end. At London summit on Western Balkans 10 July, EU countries pledged to increase funding for region; participants discussed ways to improve security and regional cooperation.

Europe & Central Asia


Kosovo and Serbian presidents met for first time since March for EU-facilitated talks in Brussels 24 June; EU foreign policy chief Mogherini said they discussed “framework of an agreement on comprehensive normalisation of relations” and “agreed to intensify the work in the coming weeks”. Ahead of meeting, Kosovo President Thaçi 20 June called for “historic settlement” between countries with legally binding deal, and said they should discuss border issues, rejected by Serbia. Authorities early June reported arrest of two people living near capital Pristina, including one Belgian national, suspected of planning terror attacks on NATO troops and on public in Belgium and France.

Europe & Central Asia


Local media 17 May reported that govt is preparing alternative plan to transition Kosovo Security Force into regular army over ten-year period, by removing some restrictions on its mandate and mission. Ahead of June expiration of mandate of EU rule of law mission EULEX, justice ministry told media that govt wants a redesignated mission with support role in its place. One person injured in Pjeterq/Petrič village as ethnic Albanian protesters blocked road against displaced Serbs who were visiting.

Europe & Central Asia


European Commission report on Kosovo 17 April criticised lack of progress on war crimes prosecution; lack of cooperation with Serbian authorities on issue; and expressed concern over willingness to prosecute former members of Kosovo Liberation Army. Report called for Kosovo and Serbia to “remain engaged” in dialogue to normalise relations. In interview with Guardian newspaper, Serbian President Vučić said he expects agreement this year, Serbia “ready to discuss every single issue” for compromise solution. EU 3 April criticised Pristina for late March deportation to Turkey of six Turkish nationals wanted for alleged links to Gülen movement which Ankara blames for July 2016 coup attempt; said deportations raise questions about respect for human rights and due process. Kosovo parliament 4 April voted to establish committee to investigate deportations.

Europe & Central Asia


Tensions increased with Serbia after Kosovo special police briefly detained and later deported head of Serbia’s Kosovo office Marko Đurić while he was addressing a gathering in northern city Mitrovica, saying he had entered country without required permission. Police fired stun grenades to disperse crowd protesting arrest; several people injured in clashes with police. Serbs set up roadblocks and ethnic Serb politicians responded by walking out of govt; Serbian President Vučić called arrest “brutal provocation”. EU and U.S. called for sides to remain calm and preserve dialogue. Earlier, Kosovo and Serbian presidents met in Brussels 23 March for resumed EU-led talks on normalisation; first such meeting since Aug 2017; no progress reported. U.S. Asst Sec of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell during visit to region reaffirmed to officials in Serbia U.S. support for establishment of a Kosovo army, opposed by Belgrade; after meeting with Mitchell, Serbian President Vučić 14 March said Serbia ready to discuss compromises. Speaking in Pristina 12 March, Mitchell warned Russia “playing an increasingly destructive role” in Balkans, “undermining democratic institutions”. Parliament 21 March ratified long-delayed border agreement with Montenegro, required for Kosovo to gain visa-free travel to EU; vote proceeded despite opposition MPs again releasing tear gas in chamber to disrupt proceedings. Tensions with Turkey after Kosovo authorities 29 March arrested and deported six Turkish citizens wanted in Turkey for alleged links to Gulen movement which it blames for July 2016 coup attempt; PM Haradinaj sacked interior minister and intelligence chief for not informing him of arrests.

Europe & Central Asia


EU 6 Feb launched new enlargement strategy for Western Balkans, calling on countries to “urgently redouble their efforts, address vital reforms and complete their political, economic and social transformation”. Said normalisation of relations between Kosovo and Serbia “urgent and crucial” for both countries to progress on European path. EU-mediated normalisation talks between Kosovo and Serbia resumed late Feb. Kosovo and Montenegro 16 Feb announced agreement on process for resolving disputes over 2015 border demarcation agreement, which Kosovo still needs to ratify to gain visa-free travel to EU; announcement welcomed by EU, however parliament again postponed vote on ratifying deal 22 and 28 Feb. Kosovo celebrated ten years since declaration of independence 17 Feb; previous day, Barbados became 116th country to recognise Kosovo, while Serbian President Vučić said his country unlikely to support full recognition despite it being a condition for Serbia to join EU. President Thaci 1 Feb said law establishing new special court at The Hague to prosecute alleged war crimes by members of Kosovo Liberation Army during 1998-1999 war cannot be stopped, even though he is against it.

Europe & Central Asia


Murder of moderate Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic, shot dead in front of his party office by unknown attackers in northern Mitrovica 16 Jan, greeted with shock and condemnation within Kosovo and internationally. PM Haradinaj next day suggested involvement of external forces, rejected Serb demand to participate in investigation. Serbian President Vučić called murder a terrorist act and visited Mitrovica 20 Jan in attempt to reduce tensions; said Pristina and Belgrade agreed to share information on investigation. U.S. ambassador called on all sides to “avoid dangerous rhetoric and remain calm”; NATO called for restraint. Murder prompted suspension of 16 Jan session of EU-mediated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, intended to discuss proposal for creation of Association of Serb Majority Municipalities in Kosovo. In Pristina, politicians continued attempts to block new special court at The Hague to prosecute alleged war crimes by members of Kosovo Liberation Army during 1998-1999 war, despite repeated condemnation from Western countries and warnings of impact on relations; U.S. ambassador 17 Jan said MPs supporting initiative would “be subject to specific and harsh consequences should the initiative succeed”. MPs 17 Jan tried to get parliament to vote to revoke law approving court; 22 Jan decided to send draft law to govt.

Europe & Central Asia


New govt commission mandated to reassess controversial border deal with Montenegro 11 Dec said agreement was damaging to Kosovo’s national interests, not in line with previous boundary line; along with progress against corruption, ratification of border demarcation agreement is one of EU’s criteria for visa-free travel. U.S. and EU late Dec condemned attempt by MPs from governing coalition 22 Dec to hold a vote to repeal law allowing new special court at The Hague to prosecute alleged war crimes by members of Kosovo Liberation Army during 1998-1999 war; court is expected to issue first indictments soon. U.S. said international support for Kosovo’s independence was built on idea of court dealing with war crimes, any wavering of this commitment would be bad for Kosovo and its relations with U.S.; EU called initiative to abolish court “terrible and harmful to Kosovo”. President Thaci in 27 Dec interview called new court “historic injustice” and said he would sign any such legislation if passed by parliament.

Europe & Central Asia


Conviction of several Kosovo citizens by Macedonian court early Nov over role in May 2015 deadly shootout in Kumanovo, Macedonia, in which eight security forces and fourteen suspected perpetrators were killed (see Macedonia), prompted protests claiming unfair treatment of ethnic Albanians; govt pledged over €200,000 to cover expenses for families of those convicted or killed during incident. Govt issued new National Strategy against Terrorism and Action Plan, citing threat posed by fighters returning from Middle East following collapse of Islamic State (ISIS). Police reported grenade attack on two homes belonging to ethnic Serb members of security forces in Mitrovica 26 Nov.

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