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Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Talks to resolve name dispute with Greece continued ahead of early Dec EU Council discussion on start date for accession negotiations, which Greece has threatened to block in absence of name solution. Reports emerged of setbacks at UN-mediated talks 16 Nov with Macedonian sources reporting expanded Greek demands for a solution – denied by Greece. No major progress reported at 27 Nov meeting between Macedonian, Greek PMs in Greece. Local media speculation over possible early elections in spring 2010 if Greece blocks EU accession progress in Dec; PM Gruevski denied memo sent to supporters indicated he was considering early elections. EU Council of Ministers 30 Nov lifted visa restrictions against Macedonia, to begin 19 Dec instead of 1 Jan.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Parliament 10 Sept passed law regulating work of civil servants, last in series of measures needed for EU accession bid, ahead of anticipated EC report on reform progress in Oct. EU Enlargement Commissioner Rehn said Macedonia has serious chance of receiving recommended start date for EU accession talks this autumn if progress continues. Row over new encyclopaedia ethnic Albanians claim distorts history.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

In ongoing name dispute with Greece, both countries provided official responses to UN mediator Nimetz’s July name proposals. Nimetz 19 Aug noted Greek response “not positive”; Greece response confirmed will not accept separate names for international use and in bilateral GreekMacedonian relations. Macedonia’s negotiator in dispute, confirming country’s commitment to talks, 21 Aug handed official response to Nimetz, reportedly favouring “Northern Republic of Macedonia”. President Ivanov subsequently praised progress while acknowledging final solution still a long way off; Greece said talks entering crucial stage. Nimetz said talks to continue. Parliament 17 Aug passed Law on Parliament, one of benchmarks required for progress on EU accession, amid boycott from opposition Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA), holding 3 seats, citing govt neglect of Albanian rights.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

European Commission 15 July adopted proposal for visa-free travel for Macedonia starting Jan 2010, conditional on 4 technical conditions met by 30 Sept. EU Enlargement Commissioner 23 July said country needs swift reforms to earn recommended date for EU accession this autumn. Following early-month visit to Skopje and Athens, UN mediator in name dispute between Macedonia and Greece Mathew Nimetz expressed optimism about chances of solution in coming months. Macedonia 22 July presented evidence to International Court of Justice relating to Nov 2008 complaint alleging Greece breached 1995 Interim Accord on name dispute.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

President Ivanov 8 June voiced support for referendum on name dispute with Greece, backing earlier calls by PM Gruevski. UN 11 June announced name talks to be resumed, announced July visits to Skopje and Athens by UN mediator Nimetz. New round of talks in Geneva 22 June ended reportedly without progress, no new proposals. Ruling VMRO DPMNE party reportedly attempting to persuade members to accept compromise on name dispute. EU FMs 15 June recommended European Commission annul visa requirements by end-2009 for Western Balkan countries meeting requirements; Macedonia judged to have made most progress on conditions. Deputy PM Bocevski resigned late month.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

New President Ivanov sworn in 12 May; 18 May said looking forward to intensified talks with Greece over name row following early June European elections. Main ethnic Albanian opposition DPA party 27 May called for new rules to ensure Albanian voice heard in politics.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

5 Apr presidential, municipal run-off poll saw VMRO-DPMNE candidate George Ivanov win with 59%. OSCE said poll met “most international standards”, noted widespread pressure, intimidation of voters; Helsinki Committee criticised low turnout – at 42% only 2 percentage points higher than required for valid vote – and low ethnic Albanian participation. President-elect Ivanov said priorities are EU and NATO membership, name dispute with Greece; 15 Apr promised referendum on any name proposal. Govt 16 Apr reacted coldly to 14 Apr statement by Greek Ambassador to U.S. calling UN- proposed “Republic of Northern Macedonia” solution a “good proposal”. EU Enlargement Commissioner Rehn 23 Apr said Macedonia performing well politically.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Presidential, local elections passed off without incident, seen as marking important break following June 2008 election marred by violence, fraud. Campaigning began 1 March; OSCE 16 March noted reports some public administration workers under pressure to vote for ruling VMRO DPMNE party. Following 22 March polls domestic monitors said vote generally fair, OSCE said election met most international standards, though some irregularities in vote counting, and voter register needs revision. VMRO DPMNE candidate Ivanov led with 35% of votes, main opposition SDSM candidate second with 20%; two now face 5 Apr runoff vote. Greece 3 March issued travel warning for citizens going to Macedonia after nationalist graffiti found on Greek tourist buses in Ohrid; Macedonia said Greece overreacting.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Expectations low ahead of new round of UN- mediated name talks between Macedonia and Greece 11 Feb – 1st in 4 months. Both sides trading accusations prior: Greek FM said Skopje’s attitude provocative; Macedonian PM Gruevski said Greece broke 2003 Thessaloniki summit promise to help neighbours join EU. 11 Feb talks resulted in no new proposal, no discussion of “essential issues”; mediator Nimetz asked both sides to be positive. 6 candidates qualified to run for 22 March presidential election; ruling VMRO-DPMNE candidate ahead in polls.

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