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Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

First national census since 2002 began 1 Oct but annulled following collective resignation of census commission 11 Oct over disagreements on basic rules for collecting data, including on whether citizens residing abroad for over a year should be included. EU Commission issued annual progress report again recommending accession talks but criticising lack of effort in reforms.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

OSCE 11 Aug expressed concern over “sharp decline of media freedom”, urged Skopje to end media repression. NGO Reporters Without Borders said recent spate of closures of media outlets, media reforms and pressure on journalists “disastrous for Macedonian media”. Follows 8 Aug closure of leading privately-owned TV station A1 TV due to bankruptcy.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Ruling VMRO-DPMNE and ethnic Albanian DUI early month agreed on new governing coalition, approved by Parliament 28 July. Albanians appointed to head Ministries of Defence and European Affairs for first time. Parties agreed on common platform focussing on improving economy, Euro-Atlantic integration, stepping up implementation of 2001 Ohrid Framework Agreement in areas of equitable representation, fiscal decentralization. Prerequisites to coalition were 2 key DUI demands on language and amnesties for 4 ICTY cases implicating senior DUI officials in war crimes during 2001 conflict. Parliament amended law on languages to extend use of Albanian in Parliament to govt-appointed officials, and controversially voted to have ICTY cases covered by 2001 amnesty law before govt formed. Opposition, families of victims said they will appeal to constitutional court.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

5 June snap general election passed calmly. Ruling VMRO-DPMNE party gained 39% of vote, losing outright majority with 56 out of 123 parliament seats (down from 63). Opposition Social Democrats (SDSM) second with 33%, won 42 seats, 15 more than previously. In interview with A1 TV channel, EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele warned country at risk of losing status as candidate for EU membership if it makes no progress on reforms, continues provoking Greece.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Ahead of 5 June general election, increasing tensions between 2 rival coalitions led by ruling VMRO-DPMNE and opposition Social Democrats (SDSM), who accuse each other of election fraud. A1 TV station 9 May reported govt ordering civil servants to provide lists of voters who would vote for ruling party. VMRO-DPMNE denied allegations, threatened to sue A1; public prosecutor pledged to investigate.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Preparations for 5 June early parliamentary elections, officially announced 15 Apr, included election of new president of State Election Commission, dissolution of parliament. Opposition SDSM called for political party representatives to replace state administration workers in local electoral committees, continued boycott of parliament. SDSM 20 Apr proposed President of National Council for EU Integration Radmila Sekerinska as their candidate for PM. European Parliament 7 Apr adopted resolution on Macedonia’s progress on EU membership calling for opening of accession negotiations.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

PM Gruevski 30 March called for early elections to be held 5 June, after opposition SDSM dropped its preconditions for poll. Hearings on Macedonia’s case against Greece began at International Court of Justice 21 March. Macedonia charges Greece violated 1995 Interim Accord committing Greece not to oppose Macedonian membership in international organizations under provisional name “former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”. Democratic Party of Albanians returned to parliament 28 March, ending 20-month boycott.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Growing tensions and fears over possibility of renewed ethnic crisis as 8 people injured 13 Feb during clashes between ethnic Macedonians and Albanians at site of museum being built at Skopje fortress. Conflict between ruling VMRO-DPMNE and opposition Social Democrats continued following opposition’s late-Jan walkout of parliament. PM Gruevski 20 Feb said would agree to opposition call for early elections. Opposition accepted but with preconditions including improvements in election law, reform of voters’ list; Gruevski rejected conditions. Meanwhile ruling VMRO-DPMNE party continued with legislative agenda, with several controversial laws including alleged law restricting media freedom. UN mediator in Macedonia-Greece name dispute Matthew Nimetz 9 Feb met with both sides in New York, said no agreement on name proposal.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

TV station A1 27 accused govt of responsibility for court decision to freeze bank account. Opposition parties announced parliament boycott in protest, joining ethnic Albanian opposition DPA which has boycotted since Aug 2009.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Thousands rallied in Skopje 5 Dec calling for early elections. MPs 14 Dec rejected opposition Social Democrat motion calling for dissolution of parliament, early elections. FM Milososki 30 Dec said expects resumption of name talks with Greece in Jan. Media organisation owner Velija Ramkovski arrested 23 Dec as part of investigation into fraud, organised crime; supporters claim arrest politically motivated.

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