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Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

EU progress report 9 Nov cited “uneven” progress on reforms, concerns over independence of judiciary, slow reform of public administration, media freedom; but maintained recommendation for start of EU accession talks. Opposition accused govt of trying to shut down pro-opposition TV station 25 Nov.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Some 15,000 joined anti-govt protest by Social Democrat party 11 Oct. Several opposition parties, including ethnic Albanian, announced plans to stage further protests. Senior EU officials repeated calls for resolution of name dispute with Greece ahead of 9 Nov European Commission (EC) annual report on Macedonia’s readiness for EU membership.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

UN mediator Matthew Nimetz and European Commission President Barroso made upbeat remarks about prospects of resolving ongoing name dispute with Greece, despite lack of progress in talks in New York.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

PM Gruevski 19 Aug reaffirmed govt commitment to resolving name dispute, ahead of expected meetings between Greek and Macedonian parties and UN mediator Nimetz on sidelines of UNGA in Sept; Nimetz expected to offer new proposal to resolve name dispute.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Meeting on sidelines of 17 June EU Summit, PM Gruevski and Greek PM Papandreou restated commitment to resolve longstanding name dispute. Several thousand opposition supporters protested in Skopje 27 June against govt economic policy, inability to advance NATO, EU bids.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Growing interethnic tensions, armed violence over month. Group claiming to be National Liberation Army (NLA), ethnic Albanian rebels officially disarmed under 2001 Ohrid Agreement, 3 May claimed responsibility for 29 Apr shootout with police near Kosovo border after discovery of large arms cache. 4 gunmen killed in 11 May shootout near Radusa when Macedonian police stopped van carrying arms across border; despite discovery of NLA insignia, NLA link not confirmed. 4 arrested after discovery of another large weapons stash 13 May in operation in Novo Selo. Officials believe 2 groups connected. Some 2,000 ethnic Albanians rallied in Skopje 10 May against alleged govt discrimination.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Govt early month announced its upcoming 6-month chairmanship of Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers under name “Macedonian Presidency 2010” prompting new row in Athens-Skopje name dispute over use of adjective “Macedonian”. Greece saw decision as provocation, insisted on provisional use of “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Presidency 2010”. Police 27-28 Apr seized large caches of weapons near border with Kosovo after shootout with men guarding arsenal; latter fled to Kosovo where police 27 Apr uncovered more weapons, arrested 7 for weapons smuggling.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

UN envoy for Athens-Skopje name dispute Matthew Nimetz visited Skopje and Athens for late month talks, called on parties to “speed up” negotiations. Greek PM Papandreou 4 Feb accepted in principle invitation from Macedonian PM Gruevski for meeting to discuss dispute.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

Macedonian, Greek FMs met in London 28 Jan to discuss name dispute, amid reports Skopje may be willing to give up “double name” formula if Greek stops disputing Macedonian identity; agreed to intensified talks. European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee 27 Jan called for EU to set start date for accession talks with Macedonian in March.

Europe & Central Asia

North Macedonia

EU FMs 8 Dec postponed for 6 months decision on start date for accession negotiations with Macedonia after Greece opposed early start to talks in light of ongoing name dispute. Delay in accession talks sparked speculation over possible snap elections; PM Gruevski 17 Dec denied allegations he is considering elections in coming months. President Ivanov met with Greek PM Papandreou 17 Dec in sidelines of Copenhagen climate change summit.

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