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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



Democratic Republic of Congo

Opposition alliance Front citoyen 2016 10 Feb retracted call for demonstrations, but called instead for villes mortes national strike 16 Feb to pressure President Kabila not to stay in power beyond constitutional limit; call largely heeded in Kinshasa, Bukavu and Goma. Authorities continued to repress protesters; at least 35 people arrested before and during strike, opposition politician Martin Fayulu briefly detained 15 Feb. Electoral commission (CENI) stirred into action: mid-Feb announced tender for providing material with which to update voter register; 11 Feb announced election of 21 provincial governors to replace special commissioners would take place 26 March. Following agreement late Jan, MONUSCO and Congolese armed forces (FARDC) resumed cooperation, with primary targets Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) militia and Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Month saw escalating tensions between govt and opposition and continued armed group activity in east. Opposition alliance “Citizen Front 2016” 9 Jan announced protests to demand President Kabila step down at end of second mandate come Dec 2016. Opposition groups responded negatively to 13 Jan call by former Katanga governor Moïse Katumbi to choose single opposition candidate. “G7” opposition platform 14 Jan called for elections within constitutional timeline and international financial support. Catholic Church 13 Jan cancelled “March of the Christians” to commemorate 1992 march set for 16 Feb, but opposition maintained call for 16 Feb rally. Ruling Party for Reconstruction and Democracy (PPRD) announced “March for Peace” also on 16 Feb, raising security risks. AU 14 Jan chose its Panel of the Wise member Edem Kodjo to hold consultations in support of political dialogue. Security forces in Kinshasa, Lubumbashi and Bukavu 19 Jan broke up opposition commemoration of 2015 anti-govt protests. Govt 28 Jan said it would update voter lists, increasing opposition fears of election delay. Increased insecurity in N Kivu: attack attributed to Rwandan FDLR rebels 6-7 Jan killed at least fifteen civilians in Lubero; Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) carried out hit-and-run attacks on Congolese armed forces (FARDC), and 13 Jan allegedly killed four FARDC soldiers near Beni; 11 Jan fired at MONUSCO helicopter in Beni, no casualties. FARDC 11 Jan launched offensives against Mai Mai Nyatura in Masisi. FARDC and MONUSCO 28 Jan agreed to resume military cooperation against FDLR. Following persistent calls from govt, UN SRSG Sidikou 14 Jan proposed reduction of MONUSCO troops by 1,700. Govt 18 Jan said it would explore other allegations against convicted warlord Germain Katanga, due to leave prison same day.


Democratic Republic of Congo

President Kabila gave State of Union speech 15 Dec amid continued political tension, called for support for national dialogue, threatened opposition parties for rejecting talks. Over 27 high-profile Congolese figures, including former governor of Katanga province Moïse Katumbi, 19 Dec formed coalition “Citizen Front 2016” to prevent Kabila running for a third term. Katumbi 10 Dec met with Félix Tshisekedi, international spokesman for opposition Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS), in Paris to discuss upcoming elections. Month saw continued Allied Defence Forces (ADF) activity in Oicha Eringeti area: four killed 13 Dec; group of special envoys  from UN, AU, EU and U.S. mid-Dec visited Beni, called for resumption of collaboration between MONUSCO and Congolese armed forces (FARDC); Kabila 19 Dec promised to neutralise ADF rebels. UN 29 Dec appointed South African commander Derick Mbuyiselo Mgwebi head of MONUSCO. International Criminal Court 19  Dec handed  over  convicted warlords  Germain Katanga and Thomas Lubanga to authorities.


Democratic Republic of Congo

President Kabila announced imminent organisation of “national dialogue” covering outstanding questions for organisation of 2016 elections; opposition platform “Dynamique de l’opposition congolaise” 4 Nov organised convention in Kinshasa, underlining refusal to participate in dialogue, later joined by “G7” group of parties and former governor of Katanga province Moïse Katumbi. Catholic Church 26 Nov called on Congolese to reject possible third term for Kabila. Kabila 16 Nov appointed new Electoral Commission leadership. Clashes between security forces and youth members of National Union of Federations of Congo (UNAFEC) reported in Lubumbashi 10 Nov. Clashes erupted between police and students in Kinshasa 18 Nov. New UN SRSG and Head of MONUSCO Maman Sambo Sidikou arrived in Kinshasa 16 Nov. UN human rights office report 18 Nov accused Congolese armed forces (FARDC) of rape of fourteen women in S Kivu late Sept. Clashes between Ugandan ADF rebels and army, backed by MONUSCO, left at least thirty dead in N Kivu late Nov.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Political tensions continued ahead of 2016 elections following break-up of ruling majority in Sept with exclusion of “G7” group of parties: Moïse Katumbi resigned from post as governor of Katanga province 29 Sept; newly-formed “G7”parliamentary opposition platform 10 Oct announced participation in elections. Electoral Commission (CENI) President Malu Malu resigned 10 Oct citing health reasons, to be replaced with Corneille Nangaa Yobeluo; appointment not consensual, not accepted by Catholic Church and criticised by civil society and opposition parties. Attacks on civilians, Congolese armed forces (FARDC) and MONUSCO attributed to Allied Defence Forces (ADF) rebels continued north of Beni in Oicha Eringeti area 12 and 26 Oct; change of tactics with more complex, coordinated attacks. N Kivu governor early Oct accused MONUSCO of killing civilians during operation against armed group Nduma Defence of Congo (NDC).


Democratic Republic of Congo

Tensions within presidential majority resulted in major govt reshuffle after group of seven majority parties (G7) 14 Sept sent letter to President Kabila urging him to respect constitution; govt ministers asked to confirm loyalty. Opposition Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) 13 Sept called on representatives to withdraw from talks with presidential majority on participation in dialogue proposed by Kabila. Opposition demonstration in Kinshasa 15 Sept followed by minor clashes; 18 Sept demonstration in Lubumbashi dispersed by police. Constitutional Court 8 Sept called on govt to provide transitional management in 21 new provinces; govt 18 Sept said it will install special commissioners to temporarily govern provinces in move seen by opposition as unconstitutional. Skirmishes between army and FDLR rebels and attacks attributed to Ugandan Allied Defence Forces (ADF) rebels continued in N Kivu.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Electoral commission 21 August said elections for provincial governors delayed, no new date set. Senate 11 Aug approved law defining seats for local constituencies in extraordinary session boycotted by opposition. Amid ongoing disagreements on electoral calendar and other issues, opposition 5 Aug announced public mobilisation in Kinshasa to take place 15 Sept. UN mission MONUSCO 4 Aug confirmed its support for national army despite tensions between the two; govt same day said only 390 FDLR rebels left in N and S Kivu. Six soldiers killed in suspected FDLR ambush in Rutshuru 31 Aug.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Establishment of provinces continued throughout month, increasing number of provinces from eleven to 26, following 11 July govt announcement of end decentralisation process. Electoral commission 28 July announced elections for provincial governors to take place 6 Oct instead of 31 Aug. Parliament 4 July began special session to discuss legislation required for local elections. Attacks on civilians attributed to Ugandan Allied Defence Forces (ADF) rebels continued in Beni: nine killed 14 July, three killed 24 July.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Several killed in 2 June attack on Goma airport, govt linked attack to insecurity around Beni. Several FARDC officers in “Sukola 1” operation against Ugandan ADF rebels arrested 14 June, accused of spreading insecurity; head of operation General Mondoz replaced 5 June. Electoral Commission proceeded with preparations for provincial elections, despite unclear funding and parliament’s failure to adopt key law on number of seats allocated to decentralised entities. President Kabila continued consultations; major opposition parties refused to participate. MONUSCO chief Martin Kobler 24 June said Patriotic Force of Resistance in Ituri (FRPI) rebel group weakened in joint MONUSCO-FARDC operation.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Attacks attributed to Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) in north Beni intensified following confirmation of ADF leader Mukulu’s arrest by Tanzania 29 April: two Tanzanian peacekeepers killed in 5 May ambush; some 23 reported killed near Beni 10 May; nineteen ADF fighters, four soldiers killed in clashes 12 May. Dozens reportedly killed in renewed clashes between Bantu and pygmies in south east 30 April-4 May. MONUSCO deputy chief 19 May called for FARDC and MONUSCO cooperation against ADF; cooperation remains dependent on dialogue between govt and MONUSCO. President Kabila’s 13 May initiative for political dialogue rejected 18 May by several opposition parties.

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