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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



Democratic Republic of Congo

Unidentified gunmen 27 Feb attacked residence of President Kabila, Kokolo military camp. Presidential guard responded killing 6; govt said “attempted coup d’etat”, launched investigation. Pockets of insecurity continued in east: LRA carried out series of small scale attacks in Dungu, Ango territories in Province Orientale, FARDC 21 Feb killed 6 LRA, freed hostages during clashes in Faradje Territory; in North Kivu Rwandan rebel FDLR attacked 2 villages early Feb in Rutshuru Territory; suspected ADF-Nalu Ugandan rebels tortured, killed 11 people in Beni Territory, victims thought to be among 15 who disappeared during 27 Jan-5 Feb rebel attacks on Beni-Mbau villages near Ugandan border. Military court 21 Feb sentenced FARDC Lt-Col Kibibi Mutware to 20 years’ jail for 1 Jan mass rape in Fizi, South Kivu. Meanwhile, following Kabila-led changes to constitution annulling provision for second-round presidential election, main opposition leaders Vital Kamerhe and Jean-Claude Vuemba advocated alliance behind one opposition candidate. Opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi 16 Feb launched new party alliance “Dynamique Tshisekedi President”, refused to rally behind any other candidate.


Democratic Republic of Congo

President Kabila 20 Jan promulgated new constitution following 15 Jan adoption in parliament. Key amendments include 1-round presidential election instead of 2; new presidential power to dissolve provincial assemblies, revoke governors; prosecutor’s office incorporated under justice ministry. Opposition boycotted parliamentary vote; claimed changes favour incumbent president; Information Minister Lambert Mende 15 Jan dismissed claim, said revision would avoid conflict caused by presidential election run-off. Vital Kamerhe of Union pour la Nation Congolaise 16 Jan called for petitions across country demanding further revision of constitution; opposition delegation 17 Jan met UN SRSG to voice protest. National Assembly 15 Jan approved new electoral commission including 4 members of Kabila’s Alliance de la majorité presidentielle (AMP), 3 opposition. Early Jan incident in Fizi, South Kivu between FARDC soldier and civilian escalated into violence; military units went on rampage in Fizi raping more than 60. UN deployed additional troops, 20 Jan called on army to remove commander Lt-Col Kibibi Mutware, recently promoted former CNDP rebel. Reports 21 Jan said Mutware arrested. FDLR 26 Jan attacked Mirangi, Rutsuhuru territory in North Kivu; 6 killed including 2 FARDC.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Month dominated by 2011 election-related developments including 8 Dec return of former exiled opposition Union pour la démocratie et le progrès social (UDPS) leader Etienne Tshisekedi, endorsed by party as its presidential candidate during UDPS congress 10-14 Dec. Former national assembly president Vital Kamerhe 14 Dec officially announced creation of Union pour la nation Congolaise (UNC), signifying his breakaway from President Kabila’s Parti du peuple pour la reconstruction et le développement (PPRD) and intent to run for elections. Kamerhe’s unofficial 15 Dec campaign visit to Kivus prompted confrontation between his supporters, PPRD and police; 20 wounded. On heels of Kabila’s 8 Dec state of nation address, political party Congrès national pour la defense du people (CNDP) 11 Dec pledged allegiance to umbrella Alliance de la majorité presidentielle (AMP) on condition ex-CNDP combatants integrated into FARDC following 2009 deal with Rwanda given military ranks. International Conference of Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) 15 Dec agreed on certification process for minerals, endorsement of OECD due diligence guidelines and mineral trade reform agenda. Human Rights Watch 20 Dec declared rogue army officers, including ICC indictee Bosco Ntaganda and FDLR in east, responsible for forced recruitment of hundreds of children during campaign over past 4 months; called on govt to stop recruitment, prosecute those responsible.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Month saw increased localised violence. UN agencies early Nov said over 650 rapes took place on DRC-Angola border since Sept during Angola’s forced expulsion of 7,000 Congolese illegal immigrants, called on both countries to investigate. In North Kivu rebel Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) 16 Nov killed 21 civilians in ambush at Mungazi, Walikale territory. 2,500 displaced in South Kivu as 7 Nov FDLR attack on Kisowa village led to 10 days of fighting against FARDC. Clashes broke out 7 Nov in Fizi territory between FARDC and armed group alliance comprising Force republicaine federaliste (FRF), FDLR and Burundian former rebel National Liberation Forces (FNL). UN peacekeeping mission MONUSCO 23 Nov launched operation “protection shield” aiming to neutralise armed groups, reinforce security for population in Fizi, Minembwe, Uvira areas. UN Panel of Experts 29 Nov published report on violations of arms embargo, stated 700 FNL fighters in South Kivu supported by FDLR; alleged top FARDC commanders including General Gabriel Amisi involved in illegal mineral trade. UNSC passed resolution same day renewing sanctions, extending monitoring group until 30 Nov 2011, took unprecedented decision to support new due diligence guidelines for mining sector. Trial commenced 12 Nov of 8 police officers charged with June 2010 killing of prominent rights advocate Floribert Chebeya. International Criminal Court (ICC) trial commenced 22 Nov for former VP, opposition leader Jean-Pierre Bemba (see CAR); opposition supporters claim trial manipulated for political ends.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Continued insecurity in east as UNHCR 15 Oct noted at least 6 attacks, 3 ambushes by LRA in recent weeks in Haut Uele, Province Orientale. About 50 armed men 24 Oct attacked UN base in Rwindi, North Kivu; peacekeepers returned fire, killing 8 assailants. Burundi 23 Oct claimed former rebel leader Agathon Rwasa recently struck deal with FDLR, regrouping and rearming in South Kivu (see Burundi). In 15 Oct briefing to UNSC, MONUSCO Special Representative Meece emphasised mission should focus on security sector reform, urged bilateral partners to stay engaged. UN OHCHR 1 Oct officially released mapping report detailing rights violations committed in East DRC 1993-2003. French authorities 11 Oct arrested exiled FDLR leader Callixte Mbarushimana, charged by International Criminal Court (ICC) with crimes committed in east 2009. ICC-indicted former rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda 5 Oct said he continues to command FARDC operations in east; Human Rights Watch 13 Oct urged UN to suspend FARDC logistical support until Bosco arrested. ICC 8 Oct reversed order to release Ituri warlord Thomas Lubanga, 19 Oct ruled trial of former MLC leader and VP Jean-Pierre Bemba should start 22 Nov (see CAR).


Democratic Republic of Congo

UN DPKO Asst SGAtul Khare 7 Sept reported more than 500 rapes in Walikale and Uvira areas from late July to early Aug, admitted UN response inadequate. UN report 24 Sept confirmed at least 303 raped in Walikale territory alone 30 July-2 Aug by Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), Mai Mai rebels; MONUSCO 1 Sept launched operation “shop window” to enhance civilian protection in N Kivu. President Kabila 6 Sept attended inauguration of Rwandan President Kagame, reportedly discussed military operations in East including possible suspension of FARDC General and ICC indictee Bosco Ntaganda. FARDC 3 Sept launched second phase of Operation Ruwenzori against Allied Democratic Forces. Kabila 9 Sept declared suspension of mining in Walikale territory; ban extended 11 Sept to entire N/S Kivu and Maniema provinces. Ugandan police 2 Sept arrested leader of Ituri rebel group Popular Front for Justice in Congo (FPJC) Shariff Manda in Arua town bordering DRC, handed over to Congolese authorities. Small scale sporadic LRA attacks against civilians, including killings and kidnappings continued in Haut-Uélé, Province Orientale.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Month saw sporadic clashes between army  and  rebel factions in East, rebels targeting UN base, mass rape of civilians by rebels, and leak of draft UN report detailing massive violations of human rights and possible genocide 1993-2003. In North Kivu at least 179 women raped by FDLR and Mai Mai militia during 4-day period following 30 July rebel occupation of Luvungi and at least 3 other villages, Walikale territory; UN investigating lack of response by nearby peacekeepers. Over 50 suspected Mai Mai rebels attacked MONUSCO base 18 Aug at Kirumba, Lubero territory; 3 peacekeepers killed, 7 injured. Heavy fighting reported in northeast Beni 14 Aug despite 3 Aug govt claim FARDC operation “Ruwenzori” had freed areas previously held by Ugandan ADF/NALU armed group.  In Ituri district of Province Orientale heavy fighting since 15 Aug south of Bunia between FARDC and Popular Front for Justice in Congo (FPJC) triggered mass displacement. Draft UN OHCHR report leaked to media 26 Aug detailing war crimes committed in DRC by security forces of Angola, Mobutu’s Zaire, Uganda, Chad, both Kabila govts, Zimbabwe, Rwandan Patriotic Army, ex-FAR and Interahamwe (later FDLR), Mai-Mai and other rebel groups between 1993-2003; recommends new truth and reconciliation commission and mixed tribunal to investigate worst crimes (see Rwanda). NGO Enough 10 Aug issued report detailing LRA slaughter of some 100 civilians and abduction of at least 570 in Bas-Uele over past 15 months. Human Rights Watch 11 Aug also released report describing LRA ongoing atrocities in DRC and CAR (see Uganda, CAR). Former electoral commission chair 9 Aug announced 2011-2013 election road map.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Wide-ranging security concerns persisted across eastern DRC. In North Kivu, ongoing FARDC operation “Ruwenzori”, launched 27 June, against Ugandan ADF-NALU rebels near Beni triggered clashes in Eringeti area; FARDC 12 July said 13 rebels killed, 5 rebels and 10 associates arrested. ADF 27 July reportedly ambushed civilian truck in east Beni; 15 killed. Massive FARDC presence in Beni, Butembo areas coincided with increased violence and killing of prominent civilians. OCHA 19 July reported over 70,000 displaced; new mission MONUSCO launched 1 July, 20 July set up temporary bases to facilitate humanitarian assistance. Orientale province saw increased small-scale LRA attacks in Niangara, Bangadi and Faradje areas; 7 killed in early month LRA attacks on Faradje and Dungu. 20 arrested 11 July during pro-secession demonstration in Lubumbashi. 19 alleged ex-FDLR arrested 3 July having fled resettlement camps in Kisenge, Katanga due to poor living conditions; local authorities requested repatriation to Rwanda. In western Equateur province, political leader of Enyele rebels Mambenga arrested 3 July and transferred to Kinshasa. ICC judges 15 July ordered release of Thomas Lubanga after Chief Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo refused order to provide information to judges; release suspended following appeal by prosecutor 17 July. ICC 7 July postponed Jean Pierre Bemba trial; defence’s challenge to admissibility of case not decided. New Independent National Electoral Commission officially launched 30 July to prepare for 2011 elections.


Democratic Republic of Congo

Prominent human rights advocate Floribert Chebeya killed 2 June in Kinshasa, after being summoned to meet inspector general of police Gen Numbi. Numbi and several aides suspended amid domestic, international outcry; govt announced inquiry; country-wide marches against Chebeya’s death. Outgoing SRSG Doss 8 June announced strengthening of MONUSCO troops in Ituri (Province Orientale) to dismantle militias. Roger Meece (U.S.) appointed new SRSG 9 June. Defence Minister Nsimba 9 June confirmed rebel alliances between FDLR, FRF and Mai Mai in S Kivu. FARDC 10 June announced Amani Leo operation extended until Aug. PM Muzito 7 June said govt preparing roadmap to implement decentralisation law, 10 June annulled decrees establishing new cities; contentious issue of self-proclaimed provinces still not addressed. Maniema and S Kivu provincial assemblies 12 June elected new governors, both from ruling AMP. 16 reported killed near Uganda border in 28 June attack by suspected Ugandan ADF rebels (see Uganda). Country marked 50 years independence 30 June.


Democratic Republic of Congo

UNSC delegation 13-15 May discussed MONUC future in Kinshasa; govt reportedly insisted on troop drawdown to demonstrate sovereignty but also requested support for military, police, judicial reforms and elections. UNSC renewed MONUC mandate 28 May; MONUC to become stabilisation mission (MONUSCO) in June when up to 2,000 troops withdrawn from west; peacekeeping to continue in east; future drawdowns guided by joint monitoring mechanism. MONUC chief Doss 19 May announced retirement; govt had often called for his departure. Ondjani Mangbama, leader of Enyele rebels responsible for 4 Apr attack on Mbandaka (northwest), arrested 10 May. Despite Mai Mai and FDLR still active in N Kivu, killing 1 UN soldier 23 May, MONUC-FARDC joint operation Amani Leo focused on S Kivu; increasing tactical alliances between armed groups unsatisfied with peace agreement implementation in N Kivu reported, including CNDP dissidents and Mai Mai, and some collaboration with FDLR. Constitutional deadline for decentralisation expired 14 May; some deputies, including from ruling AMP, expressed frustration. Several provincial deputies early month announced de facto decentralisation measures. Opposition 14 May issued censure motion against PM Muzito (PALU); motion withdrawn 19 May because of forged signatures. PALU supporters 19 May besieged National Assembly, assaulted Assembly President Boshab; Senate 26 May summoned Muzito to explain stalled decentralisation. 20 arrested 23 May, charged of planning attacks on Lubumbashi (southeast). Law establishing new electoral commission (CENI) adopted 7 May; civil society criticised law for excluding them from CENI board. Numerous LRA attacks in region (see Uganda).

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