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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Goran Hadžić, last remaining ICTY fugitive, arrested in northern Serbia 20 July, extradited to The Hague. EU welcomed arrest as “important step” in realizing Serbia’s European perspective.

Europe & Central Asia


Ratko Mladic, Bosnian Serb military leader during 1992-95 Bosnian war accused of commanding Srebrenica massacre and siege of Sarajevo, arrested near Belgrade 26 May, extradited to The Hague 31 May to stand trial at ICTY for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity. Arrest welcomed across Balkans and internationally as major step towards post-war reconciliation and integration for region, removes major obstacle to Serbia’s progress on EU accession. Several thousand protested arrest in Belgrade 29 May, clashed with police.

Europe & Central Asia


Tens of thousands of opposition Progressive Party (SNS) supporters rallied in Belgrade 16 Apr, demanding early elections in 2011. SNS leader Tomislav Nikolic launched hunger strike 16 Apr; ended after a week.

Europe & Central Asia


Governing coalition underwent internal crisis after economy minister Mladjan Dinkić called on PM Cvetković to resign. Ruling DS began proceedings to remove Dinkić, who then resigned. Serbia 31 Jan submitted answers to EU questionnaire, on basis of which EU to assess country’s readiness for candidate status.

Europe & Central Asia


European Parliament approved Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement, important step towards EU membership, and adopted resolution on process of Serbia’s EU integration, calling for Belgrade to address judicial reform, corruption, cooperation with ICTY, achieve results in dialogue with Pristina. Ratification included proviso that Serbia must not use upcoming dialogue with Kosovo to reopen status, seek partition.

Europe & Central Asia


European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee 1 Dec approved EU’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia in draft resolution.

Europe & Central Asia


EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele 24 Nov delivered European Commission questionnaire to Serbia, on basis of which it will assess Serbia’s readiness for candidate status; represents important step forward in country’s EU accession bid. EU progress report criticised lack of reform in judiciary, limits on market economy, called for full cooperation with ICTY; praised improved relations with neighbours.

Europe & Central Asia


Some 15,000 joined anti-govt protest by Social Democrat party 11 Oct. Several opposition parties, including ethnic Albanian, announced plans to stage further protests. Senior EU officials repeated calls for resolution of name dispute with Greece ahead of 9 Nov European Commission (EC) annual report on Macedonia’s readiness for EU membership.

Europe & Central Asia


Following UNGA’s 9 Sept adoption of Serbian resolution calling for talks between Belgrade and Pristina (see Kosovo), Serbian President Tadic in Brussels 23 Sept to discuss format of talks and Serbia’s EU integration process with EU foreign policy chief Ashton. EU Council of Ministers 14 Sept decided Serbia’s EU application to be forwarded to European Commission in Oct. ICTY Chief Prosecutor Brammertz said Serbia must do more to arrest war crimes suspects Ratko Mladic, Goran Hadzic.

Europe & Central Asia


Serbian FM Jeremic 11 Aug announced Serbia unlikely to convince enough govts to support its 28 July draft resolution to UNGA calling for renewed negotiations with Kosovo on “all open issues”. German FM Westerwelle 27 Aug, UK Foreign Secretary Hague 31 Aug visited Belgrade to push for changes to draft (see Kosovo).

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