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Europe & Central Asia


EU Enlargement Commissioner Rehn 17 Sept advised Serbia not to apply for EU membership until Serbia-EU Interim Trade Agreement is unblocked. Govt 25 Sept submitted report on fulfilment of conditions required for EU visa liberalisation. Failed attempt to hold Pride Parade in Belgrade 20 Sept led to major offensive by govt against far-right, nationalist groups.

Europe & Central Asia


Ethnic Albanian officials in south 2 Aug announced proposal to form separate region in Albanian-majority Presevo Valley. Serbian police 19 Aug found large weapons cache in predominantly ethnic-Albanian southern village. Moscow 5 Aug announced planned Oct visit by President Medvedev to Belgrade to discuss bilateral relations, energy.

Europe & Central Asia


European Commission 15 July announced Serbia to be approved for visa-free travel to Schengen zone Jan 2010 provided 4 technical conditions met by 30 Sept. In Albanianmajority Presevo Valley, 2 police injured 9 July by rocket launcher attack on their vehicle; bomb exploded in front of building housing families of mostly Albanian police 14 July, injuring woman, child. Interior Minister Dacic accused Kosovo police of helping smuggle explosives, weapons into south. Presevo Valley Albanians sent letters to Western embassies demanding withdrawal of Serbian police from area.

Europe & Central Asia


Issue of unblocking Serbia’s Stabilisation and Association Agreement with EU reportedly removed from agenda of 18-19 June EU summit at request of Netherlands. Serbia 21 June rejected “partial” implementation of interim trade accord. EU Enlargement Commissioner Rehn 22 June said EU seeking way to unfreeze deal. EU gave Serbia positive assessment on visa liberalization (see Macedonia). Serbian war crimes court sentenced 4 former paramilitaries to 15-20 years for killings of 14 Kosovo Albanians in 1999, 26 June indicted 17 former ethnic Albanian guerrilla fighters for 1998-99 war crimes.

Europe & Central Asia


ICTY chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz praised Serbia’s cooperation with the court 11 May, said arrest of Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic still a priority. During 20 May Serbia visit, U.S. VP Biden said U.S. will not demand recognition of Kosovo’s independence as precondition for better relations with Serbia.

Europe & Central Asia


Belgrade 17 Apr submitted motion to ICJ claiming Kosovo’s Feb 2008 declaration of independence illegal (see Kosovo). 4 police convicted in Belgrade 23 Apr of killing 48 Kosovo Albanians in Suhareka/Suva Reka, Prizren, 1999.

Europe & Central Asia


Some 1,000 nationalists demonstrated in Belgrade 25 March, on 10th anniversary of NATO bombing; 30 arrested, 7 injured following clashes with police. Pristina banned Serbian officials from entering Kosovo without official approval: Serbian parliamentarian group visit cancelled 16 March, Belgrade mayor and President Tadic adviser prevented from entering 23 March.

Europe & Central Asia


President Tadic 3 Feb said ready to discuss practical issues concerning Kosovo with UN, but not status and not with Pristina govt. Tadic and FM Jeremic pressed for implementation of “6-point plan” across Kosovo at respective meetings with UNMIK chief Zannier and UNSG Ban. ICTY 11 Feb suspended indefinitely trial of ex-Serb Radical leader Seselj over witness safety concerns. 5 senior officials found guilty by UN War Crimes Tribunal 26 Feb on charges related to Kosovo confl ex-President Milutinovic acquitted. 2 grenade blasts in Presevo mid-Feb caused no injuries.

Europe & Central Asia


Belgrade 23 Jan condemned newly-established Kosovo Security Force (see Kosovo) as “illegal paramilitary formation” in protest letters to UNSC, NATO. 3,000 ethnic Albanians 26 Jan rallied in Presevo for release of 10 ex-KLA members detained Dec on suspicion of atrocities against Serbs during June-Oct 1999 conflict. FM Jeremic 28 Jan said Serbia to apply for EU candidacy by June; Czech FM 3 Jan said Mladic arrest should not be precondition for EU SAA talks.

Europe & Central Asia


Police in Presevo 26 Dec arrested 10 former Kosovo Liberation Organization (KLA) members, suspected of kidnapping, murdering during June-October 1999 conflict, prompting 28 Dec protest by ethnic Albanians. Serbian army chief of staff Ponos dismissed 30 Dec by President Tadic over differences with Defence Minister. Finance ministry 10 Dec cut double wages for Serb public servants in Kosovo; will get 50% supplement instead. ICTY Chief Prosecutor Brammertz 12 Dec presented generally positive report to UNSC on Serbia’s cooperation, but with Mladic and Hadzic still at large EU Council of Ministers 8 Dec said full ICTY cooperation needed to begin implementation of Interim Agreement.

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