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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Increasing concern political crisis following February assassination of former PM Hariri could lead country into chaos. Opposition leaders blame Syrian-backed security agencies for several bomb attacks in Christian areas that killed at least 3. Hezbollah organised large pro-Syrian demonstration Beirut 8 March; eclipsed by 800,000-strong counter- demonstration 14 March. U.S. called on Lebanon to follow through with May elections with international monitors, and continued pressing for Hizbollah disarmament, while encouraging peaceful Hizbollah political role. UN fact-finding mission report stated Syrian government primarily responsible for political tension at time of former PM Hariri’s February assassination, and called for independent international investigation. Syrian army and intelligence services continued redeployment to Bekaa valley; Damascus committed to pulling out remaining troops (though not intelligence agents) before May elections.

Middle East & North Africa


Extraordinary month as assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri sparked outrage over Syria’s military presence and political role in Lebanon, and resignation of pro-Syrian government. Anti-Syria protests - some with over 100,000 participants - followed massive 14 February bombing in Beirut, which killed Hariri and at least 17 others, and injured over 200. Suspicions over responsibility centred on Damascus. With rare unity and unprecedented public support, Lebanese opposition demanded resignation of pro-Syria cabinet - achieved 28 February - and withdrawal of Syria’s 14,000 troops in Lebanon (Syria pledged redeployment to Bekaa). International pressure on Syria also intensified, with U.S. and French presidents calling for immediate withdrawal. Syria declared commitment to full withdrawal, but declined to specify timeline.

Middle East & North Africa


Clashes on border with Israel near Shebaa Farms area left approximately 3 dead, including French UN officer. Both U.S. and France said they are closely monitoring drafting of new electoral law, as fair elections in Lebanon will be viewed as key benchmark for April assessment of compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1559.

Middle East & North Africa


Opposition groups from across religious and political spectrum called for end to Syrian interference in country’s domestic affairs, forming united front for first time since civil war began 1975. Syria redeployed troops from northern town Batrun and Beirut’s suburbs and airport to Bekaa valley, closer to Syrian-Lebanese border. Palestinian presidential candidate Mahmoud Abbas and PM Ahmed Qurei made 8 December visit, first by senior Palestinian officials to Lebanon since 1982 Israeli invasion drove PLO out of country.

Middle East & North Africa


Syrian interference in Lebanese affairs continued to cause widespread discontent. New Lebanese cabinet, hand- picked by Syria and composed of largely unknown or second- rate politicians, received half-hearted vote of confidence by parliament, with smallest majority since 1990. Strikingly, even Syrian-backed Hizbollah abstained, possibly for fear of alienating own Shiite constituency. UN called for calm along Lebanon-Israel border after Hizbollah sent unmanned drone plane over Israel.

Middle East & North Africa


PM Rafik Hariri resigned along with cabinet in protest at parliament’s extension of President Emile Lahoud’s term in office. Pro-Syrian parliamentarian Omar Karami named new PM. Former economy minister Marwan Hamadeh, who also stepped down to protest Lahoud’s extended term, wounded in assassination attempt 1 October. Hariri’s resignation came day after UN Security Council adopted unanimous statement urging Syria to withdraw its 14,000 troops from Lebanon. (See also Syria below.)

Middle East & North Africa


Parliament voted 96-29 to pass Syria-inspired constitutional amendment extending term of President Emile Lahoud, sparking resignations of 4 Lebanese ministers. UN passed resolution urging Syria, with 17,000 troops stationed in Lebanon, not to interfere in Lebanon’s domestic politics. Syria responded by announcing partial withdrawal of troops - move unlikely to diminish influence over Lebanese politics. U.S. Assistant Secretary of State William Burns visited Damascus mid-September, pushed for Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon.

Middle East & North Africa


Under heavy pressure from Syria, Lebanese cabinet approved bill to amend constitution to allow President Emile Lahoud to stay on as country’s leader after 6-year term ends in November 2004. Bill likely to be approved by parliament in September, despite strong domestic opposition. Newly re-elected leader of Hizbollah, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, said German-mediated talks with Israel on possible prisoner exchange continue.

Middle East & North Africa


Hizbollah said bomb that killed senior member of guerrilla group in Beirut 19 July planted by Israeli agents. Heightened tensions followed attack, with sides exchanging fire 20 July, leaving 2 Israeli soldiers and 1 guerrilla dead, and with Israeli jets breaking sound barrier over Beirut.

Middle East & North Africa


Israeli warplanes struck Palestinian target deep in Lebanon 7 June, hours after rockets fired from Lebanese territory narrowly missed Israeli naval vessel. Sides also exchanged fire along border 20 June.

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