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Middle East & North Africa


Former Islamic State (ISIS) fighter 3 June opened fire on police station and military vehicle in northern city of Tripoli, leaving two policemen and two soldiers dead, before blowing himself up; no group claimed attack. Interior minister 4 June described incident as “lone-wolf attack”. In southern village of Yater security forces 17 June arrested two Syrians suspected of ties to ISIS who were plotting attacks on religious sites. U.S. 22 June unveiled economic part of Middle East peace plan which includes investments worth $6.3bn in Lebanon over ten years. Military veterans protesting austerity measures 19 June blocked entrances to govt offices in capital Beirut; hundreds of veterans protested again 27 June blocking roads in Beirut and throughout country. Suspected supporters of ethnic Druze politician Walid Jumblatt fired on convoy of minister of refugee affairs, who belongs to rival Druze faction in Aley near capital Beirut 29 June, leaving two of his assistants dead.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt’s draft 2019 budget described by PM Hariri as one of “the most austere in the history of Lebanon’’ led to strikes and protests in capital Beirut and elsewhere. Leaks that draft budget could target public wages, services and social benefits led to wave of discontent. In Beirut, central bank employees went on strike 6 May. Veterans 10 May protested against possible cuts in pensions and benefits. Veterans 13 May blocked roads in Beirut and throughout country. Anti-austerity protesters in Beirut 20 May attempted to storm Grand Serail, PM’s headquarters, which led to clashes with police, leaving two policemen and one civilian wounded. U.S. officials 15 May met President Aoun, FM Gebran Bassil, PM Hariri and other officials to discuss Israel-Lebanon maritime border dispute.

Middle East & North Africa


President Aoun 9 April criticised U.S.’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights, Israeli-occupied Syrian territories. Govt 6 April rejected U.S. “maximum pressure” policy toward Iran and allies, pointing out that Hizbollah is legitimate political party in Lebanon.

Middle East & North Africa


U.S. Sec State Pompeo 21 March met PM Hariri in Beirut, stating “Lebanon faces a choice; bravely move forward as an independent and proud nation or allow the dark ambitions of Iran and Hezbollah to dictate your future”. Following UK’s decision to classify Hizbollah in its entirety as “terrorist organisation” late Feb, Hizbollah 8 March called for donations as it claimed Western sanctions had put it under financial pressure; party leader warned other countries may follow UK’s example and U.S. sanctions may get tougher.

Middle East & North Africa


Parliament 15 Feb gave vote of confidence to new govt formed late Jan; PM Hariri’s policy declaration underscored need for urgent economic reforms and right of citizens to “resist Israeli occupation and repel its aggression,” providing cover for Hizbollah’s separate military structures. Army 17 Feb detained in Hermel in north east two suspected Islamic State (ISIS) leaders who had fled eastern Syria, where U.S.-backed forces are waging offensive against ISIS’s last Syrian stronghold. UK 25 Feb announced decision to put Hizbollah’s political arm on its list of proscribed groups, classifying Hizbollah in its entirety as “terrorist organisation”; Hizbollah’s military arm already on list. About 1,300 Syrian refugees returned from Lebanon to Syria 27 Feb through govt-run programs at Masnaa, Abboudieh and Qaa border crossings in centre and north.

Middle East & North Africa


PM Hariri 31 Jan announced formation of new national unity govt, ending nearly nine months of deadlock. Amid mounting economic pressure, opposed political forces reached compromise. Hizbollah allocated post of health minister, controlling fourth largest ministerial budget, in addition to two ministerial positions it held previously and Hizbollah’s Sunni allies allocated one ministry. New cabinet includes four women, two as ministers of interior and energy, up from one woman minister in previous cabinet. Govt expected to enact reforms to unlock $11bn in loans and grants pledged by international donors at 2018 Paris conference.

Middle East & North Africa


Israel 4 Dec launched Operation Northern Shield to uncover and destroy tunnels allegedly dug by Hizbollah in Lebanon which cross into Israeli territory. UN mission in Lebanon (UNIFIL) 17 Dec expressed “serious concern” as two of four confirmed tunnels crossed “Blue Line” border demarcation, violating UN Security Council Resolution 1701. Hizbollah 9 Dec asserted its missiles could hit anywhere in Israel. Israeli delegation 10 Dec visited Moscow and confirmed Israel will continue operations against arms transfers from Iran to Hizbollah via Syria. Prospects for govt formation improved when President Aoun 18 Dec reportedly agreed to appoint independent Sunni minister as part of his bloc in govt, which could satisfy Hizbollah’s demand that one minister represent independent Sunnis. New disputes over Sunni representative halted efforts to finalise deal, triggering protests 16-26 Dec across country with scuffles between demonstrators and soldiers. Syrian refugees continued to return from Lebanon to Syria through govt-run programs at Masnaa, al-Zamarani and Abboudieh border crossings in centre and north, including around 1,000 6 Dec.

Middle East & North Africa


Syrian refugees in Lebanon continued to return to Syria through govt-run programs at Masnaa, al-Zamarani and Abboudieh border crossings in centre and north, including around 800 16 Nov. Govt 2 Nov said that since July it had organised return of 7,670 Syrian refugees and over 80,000 had returned home independently.

Middle East & North Africa


After Israeli PM Netanyahu at UN General Assembly late Sept claimed Shiite political and military movement Hizbollah was enhancing missiles at sites near Beirut airport, FM Gebran Bassil 1 Oct took foreign journalists and diplomats to sites to show that no such facilities existed. U.S. Senate 12 Oct passed two bills tightening sanctions on Hizbollah and U.S. Department of Justice 15 Oct designated Hizbollah as one of five top transnational crime threats. Syrian refugees in Lebanon continued to return to Syria, some through govt-run programs at Masnaa, al-Zamarani and Abboudieh border crossings in centre and north, including 500 6 Oct and around 800 15 Oct, and others independently.

Middle East & North Africa


Limited number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon continued to return to Syria through Masnaa and Abboudieh border crossings in centre and north respectively, including 200 who returned 4 Sept and over 400 17 Sept. Govt 25 Sept said that in 2018 it had organised return of 25,000 Syrian refugees in coordination with Syrian govt and 25,000 others had made their own way home.

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