
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Govt 7 July asked visiting U.S. Assistant Sec State Tom Malinowski to leave country prematurely following meeting with Shiite opposition group al- Wefaq; later charged group’s leader with “violating political association law”, requested 3-month court suspension of activities of al-Wefaq, 2 other opposition groups. 1 police killed in bomb blast south of Manama 4 July, authorities blamed “terrorists”.

Middle East & North Africa


3 police killed in bombing 3 March in Manama, opposition group Saraya al-Ashtar reportedly claimed responsibility; govt next day designated group terrorist organisation along with 2 others. More bombings followed, several police injured.

Middle East & North Africa


Demonstrators 13 Feb clashed with police on first of 3 days of protest to mark third anniversary of uprising, 29 arrested; tens of thousands demonstrated 15 Feb, 1 policeman died in bomb blast. More clashes reported 24 Feb in Shiite villages west of capital 28 Feb following funeral for villager who died in detention 2 days earlier. King approved law imposing jail sentence of up to 7 years on anyone publicly insulting King, flag or national emblem.

Middle East & North Africa


Opposition groups 9 Jan withdrew from national dialogue talks; talks reconvened next day following intervention by Crown Prince, parties agreed to basis for further negotiations. Hundreds protested in Shiite village Diraz 17 Jan saying talks meaningless.

Middle East & North Africa


Courts handed series of prison sentences to Shiite activists. Govt denied entry to UK rights lawyer who was to observe trial of opposition Al-Wefaq leader Khalil Al-Marzooq. Govt 29 Dec detained Al Wefaq leader Ali Salman on charges of “inciting hatred”, imposed travel ban after his release. Homemade bomb wounded 2 police near Manama 17 Dec.

Middle East & North Africa


Thousands of Shiites 22 Nov protested in Manama against continued govt convictions of high-profile activists. Courts 3 Nov charged Sheikh Salman, head of main opposition group al-Wefaq, with “insulting” interior ministry, 17 Nov extended travel ban on al-Wefaq member Khalil al-Marzooq; al-Wefaq 20 Nov said it was being “systematically targeted”. Court 4 Nov sentenced 4 Shiites to life, 6 to 15 years’ jail over alleged Iranian-backed plan to assassinate public figures; 10 Nov sentenced 2 to life, 2 to 15 year’s jail for planning July car bomb outside al-Riffa mosque. Protesters 13 Nov threw petrol bomb at Manama police patrol, wounding 1 officer.

Middle East & North Africa


Court 1 Oct sentenced 50 activists to 5-15 years’ jail for links to February 14 movement, spying for Iran; police 5 Oct charged prominent al-Wefaq opposition member Khalil al-Marzooq with “inciting terrorist crimes” and supporting February 14. Al-Marzooq joined thousands of people 25 Oct in nationwide anti-govt protest. Security forces 12 Oct violently dispersed protests in Manama after funeral of Yousif Ali al-Nashmi, detainee who died in hospital 11 Oct with signs of torture. Homemade bomb 27 Oct injured unspecified number of police in Demistan near Manama.

Middle East & North Africa


Largest opposition party Al-Weqaf 18 Sept suspended participation in national dialogue process after continued govt crackdown on opposition and Shia groups. Tens of thousands 27 Sept protested in Manama against govt and in support of arrested politician Khalil al-Marzooq. Court 29 Sept sentenced 50 accused of forming “Feb 14 revolution youth coalition” to up to 15 years’ prison, including Iraqi cleric Hadi al-Mudaressi. Police 18 Sept arrested opposition figure Khalil Al Marzooq on charges of “inciting and advocating terrorism”; 15 Sept jailed 3 Shia men for 10 years for “attempting to kill police” during Feb protests. Govt 16 Sept filed lawsuit to close Shia Muslim clerics’ council, accused of operating illegally and political involvement. Govt 4 Sept issued resolution requiring that political groups contacting foreign organisations seek prior approval from foreign ministry.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt launched pre-emptive crackdown ahead of 14 Aug Rebel “Tamarod” protest; Bahrain Center for Human Rights 13 Aug reported over 100 house raids per day. Opposition said some 60 demonstrations held across country 14 Aug; police reportedly closed off villages, cut telecommunications network, arrested 13 protesters and forcibly dispersed demonstrations. Bomb attacks continued, often targeting security personnel: car bomb exploded in Budaiya, west of Manama 3 Aug, no casualties reported; 5 police injured 18 Aug by bomb in Dair village; 4 police injured 30 Aug by bomb in Sahla village near Manama.

Middle East & North Africa


Trial of 50 defendants charged with terrorism and belonging to Feb 14 Youth Coalition began 11 July; claims of govt torture by 2 defendants sparked large demonstrations by activists, Al-Wifaq supporters across country 12 July. Rebel “Tamarod” Movement 3 July called for mass demonstration 14 Aug; interior ministry 13 July threatened legal action against participants. Parliament 28 July recommended tougher laws against upcoming protests and those who incite/commit “terrorism crimes”, ban on protests in capital, re-declaration of National Safety Law; King issued new laws 1 Aug. Al-Ashtar Brigade, suspected of links to Iran, claimed responsibility for 18 July car bomb near Sunni mosque in Riffa, 3 arrested. Interior ministry responded with crackdown on Shiite villages: Bahrain Center for Human Rights 22 July reported 60 arrests, 140 injuries, over 150 house raids. Bombs 7, 14, 27 July left 1 policeman killed in Sitra, several injured. MP Abbas Isa al-Madi’s residence reportedly firebombed 15, 21 July; 3 arrested.

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