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Middle East & North Africa


Pro-democracy protests continued. Youth died after 6 Oct clashes between pro-reform activists and police in Abu Saiba; govt promised public investigation. 33 activists sentenced early month for up to 15 years in prison for charges including violence and attempted murder during anti-govt protests. Civilian court retrial ordered 5 Oct for 20 medical personnel sentenced to prison for involvement in protests; UN SG Ban, U.S. questioned judicial process. 5 opposition parties, including main Shiite party Wefaq, 12 Oct published joint “Manama Document” demanding transition to constitutional monarchy. U.S. Sec State Clinton 26 Oct urged follow-through on independent investigation into protest crackdown.

Middle East & North Africa


Almost daily anti-govt protests around country suppressed by security forces. Parliamentary by-elections 24 Sept to replace 18 opposition deputies marred by violent clashes between protesters and security forces. Shiite opposition groups boycotted polls, turnout only 17.4%. Second round 1 Oct in 9 districts where no candidate received 50% of vote. Man sentenced to death 29 Sept for running over policeman during protests, another jailed for life; 20 doctors jailed 5-15 years for, among other charges, forcefully occupying hospital during protests.

Middle East & North Africa


Almost daily skirmishes between anti-govt protests and security forces. Teenager reportedly killed by police 31 Aug during forceful dispersion of anti-govt protest in Sitra. International commission investigating unrest 16 Aug closed its office after protesters scuffled with staff following reports govt officials cleared of wrongdoing; commission said no conclusions made, probe will continue. More than 100 detainees, arrested for role in anti-govt protests, released 7 Aug, including 2 opposition MPs, though some may still be prosecuted in civilian courts. Al Wefaq, main Shiite opposition party, 12 Aug announced boycott of Sept special parliamentary election.

Middle East & North Africa


Main Shi’ite opposition bloc al-Wefaq 17 July announced withdrawal from reform dialogue with ruling Sunni monarchy, citing lack of govt commitment, under representation. Dialogue concluded 24 July, recommended increases in parliamentary oversight of monarchy; approved 28 July by King Hamad. 1 reported killed, several injured 22 July as security forces used tear gas to disperse renewed protests; simultaneous rallies drew tens of thousands in and around capital. Independent international commission 24 July began investigation of events during earlier protests.

Middle East & North Africa


Despite 1 June end of state of emergency, court 22 June convicted 21 Shiite opposition activists of “plotting to overthrow” Sunni monarchy during Feb-Mar protests; sentences ranged from 2 years to life. UN HCHR 24 June condemned harsh sentences, “political persecution”, called for release of all civilians arrested during protests. King Hamad 29 June announced formation of independent international commission to investigate alleged abuses during protests. Main opposition bloc al-Wefaq 25 June said it may not attend “national dialogue” talks planned for 1 July, citing continued repression of opposition, appointment of ardent royalist to chair talks. In first major rally since Apr security crackdown, 10,000 demonstrated 11 June in central Manama.

Middle East & North Africa


Month saw continued legal action against anti-govt protesters: military court 5 May sentenced protester to 5 years’ prison for attempted murder, 19 May sentenced 9 others, including leading Shia cleric, to 20 years for kidnapping; prosecutors 3 May charged 47 medical workers with acting against state. Appeals court 22 May upheld 2 death sentences handed down late Apr, commuted 2 others to life imprisonment. Media repression ongoing, with journalists reportedly beaten by security forces, several journalists from formerly-independent newspaper Al-Wasat arrested. King Hamad 1 June lifted 3-month state of emergency, 2 weeks ahead of schedule, citing improved security situation.

Middle East & North Africa


Heavy security presence throughout month, despite virtual cessation of protests following March crackdown; wave of arrests of pro-democracy activists, medical workers. Opposition leaders, rights groups alleged prisoners beaten, tortured by security forces; 4 reported to have died in custody. Military court 28 Apr sentenced 4 protesters to death for killing 2 policemen during March demonstrations.

Middle East & North Africa


Violence flared mid-month in new security crackdown on ongoing anti-govt protests, despite govt late-Feb, early-March commitments to dialogue, reform. 2 killed, hundreds injured 15 March during clashes with security forces; at least 3 killed 16 March as troops, tanks cleared protesters’ camp in Pearl Square in capital Manama. Hundreds of cyber activists arrested late month. King Hamad 15 March declared 3-month state of emergency; 1,500 Saudi, UAE troops, police 14 March entered Bahrain to help maintain order. Iran, opposition denounced moves by Sunni govt against mainly Shia protesters. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) 21 March said Iranian interference would not be tolerated; King Hamad same day said “foreign” anti-govt plot had been foiled. Shia opposition bloc Al Wefaq 24 March claimed 100 people missing. 21 reported killed since 14 Feb start of protests.

Middle East & North Africa


Month saw unprecedented anti-govt protests, inspired by events elsewhere in Arab world. Protests by Shia majority against Sunni absolute monarchy began 14 Feb outside capital Manama; 1 protester killed by police. Unrest escalated over following days. Military crackdown began 17 Feb, peaked 18 Feb as troops, helicopters fired on protesters; 7 killed, hundreds injured, further gatherings banned. Shia opposition bloc Al Wefaq 15 Feb announced it would boycott parliament following protester deaths, 26 Feb announced members’ resignation from parliament. Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa 19 Feb ordered withdrawal of security forces following international condemnation, offered dialogue with opposition. Opposition groups, protesters 20 Feb demanded resignation of govt, investigation of deaths and commitment to reform. King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa 22 Feb released number of political prisoners, 27 Feb reshuffled cabinet, allowed return of exiled opposition leader Hassan Mashaima. Hundreds of thousands continued protests late month.

Middle East & North Africa


Trial of 25 Shiite activists accused of terrorism adjourned 24 Dec to 6 Jan after defendants refused to cooper- ate with state-appointed lawyers; original lawyers withdrew 10 Dec in protest at authorities’ refusal to investigate alleged torture of suspects.

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