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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


New electoral law passed 19 June allowing voters to cast 1 ballot for a local candidate and another for national party list, increasing Chamber of Deputies seats; opposition claimed changes insufficient. Syrian pilot 21 June granted political asylum after flying fighter jet into Jordan.

Middle East & North Africa


King Abdullah II 2 May swore in new cabinet; 7 May approved Independent Elections Commission to oversee elections to be held before end 2012. Opposition Islamists 3 May warned new govt setback for reform plans. Mass demonstrations 11 May demanded elected govt, criticised PM Tarawneh, 25 May protested govt plans to hike commodity prices, taxes.

Middle East & North Africa


PM Al-Khasawneh 26 April resigned, replaced by former PM al-Tarawneh. Reform legislation introduced to Parliament mid-month amending voting system, banning religious political parties. Journalist arrested 23 April for promoting “anti-regime sentiment”, after alleging corruption in Royal Court.

Middle East & North Africa


20 arrested by police, charged by military prosecutors with rioting, insulting King Abdullah II following 11 March demonstrations demanding reforms, jobs; further country-wide protests 16 March against “tight security grip” and corruption, demanded release of pro-reform protesters. Refugees in Jordan fleeing Syria violence reached 80,000.

Middle East & North Africa


Former intelligence head al-Dahabi detained 9 Feb on charges of money laundering, abuse of power, embezzlement. Hundreds, mainly Islamic Action Front (IAF), marched 25 Feb in Amman alleging police fired tear gas in 24 Feb clash between Islamist demonstrators and govt loyalists in Mafraq.

Middle East & North Africa


Deaths of 2 people after self-immolation early Jan sparked demonstrations in Amman 13 Jan calling for economic reforms; participants attacked by counter-protesters. Hamas leader Khaled Meshal met with King Abdullah 29 Jan during first official visit since 1999 expulsion from country.

Middle East & North Africa


Police used tear gas to break up clashes 23 Dec between govt loyalists and Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing Islamic Action Front (IAF) in northern city Mafraq. IAF accused police of failing to protect them; govt promised investigation.

Middle East & North Africa


King Abdullah 14 Nov suggested Syrian President Assad step down. Muslim Brotherhood 18 Nov joined opposition protests for first time, called for release of 100 Salafi activists. Abdullah 21 Nov visited West Bank for first time in 10 years, met PA President Abbas.

Middle East & North Africa


PM al-Bakhit 12 Oct resigned over slow pace of political reforms. King Abdullah II replaced him with Awn al-Khasawneh, former International Court of Justice judge. New cabinet sworn in 24 Oct; Islamist opposition declined invitation to join but backed new govt’s reformist agenda. Intelligence chief also replaced 12 Oct following accusations of hampering reforms.

Middle East & North Africa


Weekly protests for political and economic reform continued across country, though turnout fairly low. Police prevented 4 Sept protest outside Bahrain embassy against unconfirmed presence of Jordanian armed forces in Bahrain. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) 11 Sept discussed admission of Jordan, approved grant of $2bn. FM Judeh 14 Sept said Jordan supports Palestinian drive for recognition at UN but prefers negotiations toward creation of Palestinian state (see Israel/OPT).

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