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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


King Abdullah 15 Aug backed proposals for constitutional reforms devolving some of his powers to parliament, enhancing civil liberties; activists said reforms did not go far enough. Continued popular protests against corruption and economic disparities after PM Marouf al-Bakhit and 13 former cabinet members cleared by parliament of corruption charges 10 Aug. Peaceful protest calling for political reform 13 Aug attacked by thugs in Karak; violence denounced by opposition.

Middle East & North Africa


In response to ongoing pro-reform, anti-corruption protests, King Abdullah 2 July reshuffled cabinet; included removal of unpopular interior minister Saad Hayel Srour. Major rallies continued.

Middle East & North Africa


King Abdullah 12 June announced future cabinets to be formed on basis of parliamentary elections, in concession to ongoing protests.

Middle East & North Africa


Thousands demonstrated in Amman, Tafileh 20 May against “corrupt and oppressive” govt. Reaching end of 3-month term, National Dialogue Committee 24 May passed final recommendations on political reform to govt; issues will now be considered by recently-formed Royal Commission on Constitution.

Middle East & North Africa


Dozens injured 15 Apr as security forces, pro-govt elements attacked pro-reform protesters in central Amman. Over 80 injured same day in Zarqa, including many police, as security forces clashed with Salafi protesters calling for release of Salafis imprisoned on terror charges. Fears of violence escalated over month with attacks reported against Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Action Front. Trials began 11 Apr of 77 pro-reform, 4 pro-govt activists for taking part in “illegal” 24 March rally. King Abdullah II 26 Apr created panel to review constitution, key demand of protesters.

Middle East & North Africa


Pro-democracy protests continued, but on smaller scale than elsewhere in region. 1 killed, around 120 injured 25 March in clashes between pro- and anti-govt groups and security forces in Amman.

Middle East & North Africa


Following weeks of protests in Jan, King Abdullah II 1 Feb made several concessions including replacement of PM, commitment to reform. New cabinet sworn in 9 Feb; foreign, interior and finance ministers retained posts. Weekly Friday protests continued, but without main opposition group Muslim Brotherhood. 8 protesters injured 18 Feb in clashes with pro-govt demonstrators; reports said police present but did not intervene. Muslim Brotherhood 22 Feb announced it would rejoin protests, citing govt failure to fulfil reform promises; “day of anger” protest 25 Feb attracted 6,000 protestors.

Middle East & North Africa


King Abdullah dismissed govt and named new PM 1 Feb following weeks of anti-govt protests over economic hardship, lack of democratic reform. King Abdullah II named Marouf al-Bakhit PM-designate, charged him with carrying out “true political reform”. Although inspired by Tunisian and Egyptian revolts, main opposition party, Muslim Brotherhood, said aim was not to oust king but amendment of electoral law and socio-economic reform.

Middle East & North Africa


Roadside bomb 14 Jan targeted Israeli diplomatic convoy on Amman-border road. Several suspects reportedly arrested; responsibility for attack unclear.

Middle East & North Africa


U.S.-proposed autumn meeting to revive peace process had parties jockeying for position. U.S. Sec. State Rice met Israeli PM Olmert in Jerusalem, Palestinian President Abbas in West Bank early August in first visit since Hamas defeated Fatah in Gaza in June. Abbas, Olmert held talks 28 August. U.S. signed deals for $80m to Abbas government to reform security services, $20bn to Israel for military aid over 10 years. Isolation of Gaza, Hamas increased. EU confirmed 20 August it halted fuel payments for Gaza, leaving thousands without electricity. Israeli incursions into Gaza intensified, with troops killing over 20. Quartet to meet key Arab nations 23 September in advance of U.S.-backed conference.

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