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Middle East & North Africa


Parliament 11 Dec unilaterally passed electoral reforms, announced scheduled 2011 elections to be held on time with or without opposition participation. Opposition 13 Dec threatened boycott of polls, take to streets in protest. President Saleh 26 Dec set 27 April as date for parliamentary elections, accepted international monitors and urged opposition to take part. Army late month deployed to southern town Habilayn to contain demonstrations by Southern Movement supporters after member killed 16 Nov by military; at least 5 soldiers killed. Southern secessionist sentenced to death 11 Dec for Oct deadly bombing of Aden sports club; sparked days of protests in Dalia, kidnapping of 6 soldiers, released 15 Dec. Clashes ongoing in north between rebels and pro-govt tribesmen, at least 10 killed 11 Dec in fighting. Govt 30 Dec released 426 Northern Shia rebels as part of Feb peace deal. Al-Qaeda in Arab Peninsula (AQAP) continued attacks on security forces in south including killing 2 soldiers 17 Dec in Zinjibar. To combat AQAP govt 25 Dec announced establishment of 4 provincial anti-terrorism units based in restive southern provinces of Shabwa, Abyan, Hadramout and Maarib.

Middle East & North Africa


Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsular (AQAP) 5 Nov claimed responsibility for 29 Oct intercepted parcel bombs, vowed more small-scale attacks against U.S.. Yemeni judge 6 Nov ordered radical U.S.-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki to be found “dead or alive” after he failed to appear at trial for role in 6 Oct killing of foreigners. Violent clashes erupted 13 Nov between Houthi rebels and govt forces near Saudi border, at least 20 killed. Al- Qaeda suicide bombing 24 Nov killed over 20 Houthi rebels, injured at least 15 in northeast. Suicide car bombing 26 Nov killed at least 40 tribesmen on way to funeral of Houthi spiritual leader Badr al-Din al-Houthi. Hundreds demonstrated 10 Nov in 2 southern cities protesting 9 Nov arrest of head of separatist Southern Movement Hassan Ba’oum. Low-scale violence continued between armed southern dissidents and govt, particularly in Shebwa and al-Dalia. Govt significantly increased security presence in southern governorates in preparation for late Nov Gulf 20 football tournament. Ruling General People’s Party 1 Nov announced National Dialogue had failed, will proceed with scheduled April 2011 elections with or without opposition; President Salih mid-month urged opposition to continue with dialogue.

Middle East & North Africa


Army assault mid-month on town of Mudiyah in southeastern Abyan province: officials say at least 6 militants and 4 civilians killed. Campaign launched after militants 14 Oct killed Mudiyah security chief and ambushed provincial governor. 3 soldiers killed, 2 injured 16 Oct in militant ambush of convoy in Zinjibar, Abyan provincial capital. In controversial new counter-terrorism approach soldiers and over 2,500 pro- govt tribesmen 23 Oct began al-Qaeda “manhunt” in southern Shabwa province. New U.S. ambassador Feierstein 11 Oct said U.S. committed to Yemen’s counter-terrorism campaign but would not support negotiations with militants. 4 injured 6 Oct in al-Qaeda rocket attack on senior UK diplomat’s car in capital Sanaa; French energy contractor killed same day by al-Qaeda. 3 intelligence officers killed in southern Hadramawt province in separate al-Qaeda shootings. 4 killed, 12 injured 11 Oct in Aden by pair of al-Qaeda bombs; trial of 10 suspects began 24 Oct. 2 parcel bombs destined for U.S. intercepted 29 Oct in Dubai and Britain, linked to Yemen-based al-Qaeda. Several countries, airlines suspended direct air traffic from Yemen; 1 suspect detained 30 Oct, later released.

Middle East & North Africa


Military 19 Sept launched 5-day offensive against al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP) cell in southern town Hawta, Shabwa province; at least 5 militants, 2 soldiers killed, up to 15,000 civilians displaced. Govt promised second offensive following 29 Sept al-Qaeda ambush of Shabwa governor’s convoy. Continued violence in southern town Loder, where soldiers have been battling al-Qaeda militants since mid-Aug: 2 militants, 1 soldier killed in clashes; at least 14 suspected militants detained. 4 police, 2 separatist militants killed 4 Sept in clash at checkpoint in southern Lahej province. In first official confirmation, FM Kurbi 30 Sept acknowledged U.S. has launched strikes against al-Qaeda suspects in Yemen, claimed strikes suspended Dec 2009 by Sanaa.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt officials 25 Aug announced army had retaken southern town of Loder after several days of fighting following 20 Aug killing of 11 soldiers in al-Qaeda ambush; at least 19 militants, 3 civilians reported killed; security officials 24 Aug said nearly 80,000 civilians evacuated from town. Al-Qaeda suicide bomber injured 8 soldiers in southern city of Dalea 3 Aug. 3 soldiers killed 5 Aug by alleged al-Qaeda gunmen at checkpoint in southern Zinjibar. Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen 14 Aug killed intelligence officer in southern Lahej province, at least sixth such attack since June. 12 soldiers killed late month by al-Qaeda gunmen in restive southern province of Abyan. Officials reported 53 soldiers killed by al-Qaeda since May. 7 people killed 24 Aug in fighting between northern Shiite rebels and pro-govt tribesmen. Govt and northern Houthi rebels 27 Aug signed Qatari-mediated accord in Doha, sides agreed to start political dialogue and bolster fragile 11 Feb ceasefire.

Middle East & North Africa


In attempt at finding political solution to conflict with Northern rebels, President Saleh 29 July invited 3 senior Houthi leaders to participate in national dialogue. Followed accord by ruling party General People’s Congress and opposition coalition signed 17 July, agreeing to start dialogue on political reform, including formation of 200-member joint committee. President Saleh called agreement “positive step towards political détente”. Govt spokesman announced 30 July ceasefire with Houthi rebels remains intact despite most serious fighting since Feb, that left more than 70 killed in northern Amran 15-23 July. Rebels 26 July captured army base, over 100 soldiers in fighting that killed at least 10 people in increasingly fragile North. Police shot dead 2 protesters in Aden 7 July during “Day of Rage” marking anniversary of 1994 separatist rebellion. 6 soldiers killed 25 July by al-Qaeda gunmen in southern Shabwa province; followed 22 July ambush killing 5 members of security forces in same region. Al-Qaeda gunmen 14 July assaulted South Yemen security offices in 2 coordinated attacks killing at least 4; second al-Qaeda attack on security facilities in less than a month. 2 security officers killed, 3 injured in 5 July shootout with suspected al-Qaeda militants in southern town of Mukalla. Police 3 July arrested 4 militants over 1 July drive-by killing of senior intelligence official. Appeals court 11 July upheld death sentences against 4 al-Qaeda militants for 2008 assault on U.S. embassy and killing of 2 Belgian tourists.

Middle East & North Africa


UNOCHA 2 June warned fragile ceasefire between Houthi rebels, Yemeni forces could break without formal peace agreement. Abdulmalik al-Houthi, leader of northern Shia rebels, 24 June accused President Saleh of reneging on 22 May amnesty promises by failing to release prisoners. Inter-tribal clashes 3 June saw 9 Houthi rebels killed by govt-allied tribes. Southern separatists continued to attack army, killing several soldiers and a senior security official over month. 6 killed, 17 injured by army shelling in southern Dhal’e during clashes with separatist rebels. 19 June attack on Aden security complex by 4 gunmen saw 11 killed including 7 security officers, officials said attack linked to al-Qaeda; security forces 20 June arrested suspected mastermind, 30 suspects arrested 26 June, 9 charged with al-Qaeda links, rest with participating in rioting. Senior army officer killed 5 June in suspected al-Qaeda ambush in eastern Marib province; army 12 June raided home of local Aida tribal chief suspected of sheltering al-Qaeda members; tribesmen responded 14 June bombing oil pipeline. 33 journalists accused of disseminating false information and harming national unity granted amnesty 8 June under presidential pardon.

Middle East & North Africa


President Saleh 21 May announced amnesty for nearly 300 jailed Houthi-led rebels and southern separatists in speech on 20th anniversary of Yemeni unity. Clashes between security forces and secessionist Southern Movement during govt tour of country for unification celebrations: President Saleh’s convoy attacked 15 May in al-Hablin, 1 army official, 1 assailant killed; convoys of 2 other ministers attacked during month. Southern unrest continued as separatist ambushes 28 May killed 3 soldiers, injured 11. Series of clashes in southern Ma’arib province between security forces, Al-Shabwan tribesmen after Deputy Governor killed 25 May in failed airstrike on al-Qaeda suspect. In north 2 soldiers, several rebels killed 10 May in 1st clashes between army and Houthi rebels since 12 Feb truce. Al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula 12 May claimed responsibility for 26 Apr failed attack on UK ambassador in Sanaa.

Middle East & North Africa


Feb ceasefire between govt, Houthi-led rebels in Saada strained by sporadic violence. Govt accused rebels of firing at military plane 15 Apr, armed clash at checkpoint 22 Apr; rebels denied charges. At least 10 killed in late-month clashes between rebels, pro-govt tribes. Govt sources 6 Apr said 236 rebel-linked detainees released late March-early Apr. Saudi authorities 2 Apr handed over bodies of 32 slain rebels. Opposition Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) agreed with Houthis on national political reform points 11 Apr. Over 30 supporters of secessionist Southern Movement (SM) 1 Apr reportedly escaped Dhali‘ prison after explosion; govt denied report. Govt-SM clashes continued around weekly protests in flashpoint southern districts, including 1 Apr killing of protester in Lahj province, 15 Apr attempted storming of Dhali‘ hospital by protesters. Security forces 2-3 Apr clashed with supporters of Tariq al-Fadhli, Zinjibar. Suicide bomber 26 Apr attempted to kill UK ambassador in Sanaa; dozens arrested in ensuing security sweep. U.S. 6 Apr authorised CIA to capture/ kill jihadist-linked imam Anwar al-Awlaqi in Yemen, raising fears of backlash. Govt forces killed 2 al-Qaeda suspects at checkpoint near Hodeida 18 Apr.

Middle East & North Africa


As Feb ceasefire between govt, Houthi-led rebels in north held, rebels released over 170 prisoners 17 March; President Saleh declared end to war in north 19 March. Violence continued in south between govt forces, supporters of separatist Southern Movement, leaving dead on both sides. At least 6 killed in 1 March gun battle, Zinjibar; 3 killed as police clashed with protesters in Habilain 4 March. Govt arrest sweep across southern provinces 6 March led to armed clashes in Dhali’; further clashes in Dhali’ reported 11, 16-18, 27 March. Several explosions in Aden 15 March. 11 al-Qaeda suspects arrested in Sanaa 3 March. Govt said 3 al-Qaeda members killed in 14-15 March airstrikes, Abyan province; opposition sources reported civilian deaths.

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