
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Over 50 detained in military operation against suspected jihadists in Abyan province, begun end March and ended early Apr; 16 subsequently released. Government and Houthi rebels  traded  accusations  of  truce violations  amid ongoing low-level violence in Saada province; clashes reported notably in Ghamir district early month. 2 civilians, 2 security force members killed in mid-, late-month armed clashes in Lahj province, southern Yemen, in protest at new military checkpoints. Riots in Mukalla 27-28 Apr followed opposition rally protesting anti-South discrimination; policeman killed.

Middle East & North Africa


Tensions between govt and Houthi rebels in northern Saada region rose early month, as rebels accused govt of preparing to escalate conflict. Govt accused Houthis of killing 2 soldiers 6 March; Several killed 6-7 March as Houthis clashed with govt and tribal allies in Ghamr district. 4 S Korean tourists and guide killed 15 March by suicide bomber in Hadramawt region; Korean delegation targeted by second bombing 18 March near Sanaa airport. Al-Qaeda reportedly claimed responsibility. 6 suspected al-Qaeda militants arrested 25 March. Security forces arrested 10 in 28 March operation against militants, Abyan province.

Middle East & North Africa


Ruling and opposition parties 19 Feb agreed on postponing disputed parliamentary elections for 2 years, electoral and constitutional reforms. Authorities early month announced intensified military operations against al-Qaeda in Marib, Shabwa, Hadramawt regions. President Saleh 3 Feb called on tribal leaders from these areas to cooperate against terrorism. Security officials 8 Feb announced plan to release 176 detainees linked to al-Qaeda. Officials reported several alleged al-Qaeda militants arrested during month.

Middle East & North Africa


Houthi rebels in northern Saada region released 30 detained govt forces 24 Jan; localised clashes continued in region during month. Security sources reported 2 suspected al-Qaeda members killed, including 1 Saudi, during police raid in Sanaa 18 Jan; 3 suspected militants arrested Ma’rib 30 Jan. 3 detained 26 Jan after gunfire incident near U.S. embassy. Saudi and Yemeni branches of al-Qaeda announced merger 27 Jan. Protesters against govt discrimination towards South in Aden and neighbouring areas led to armed clashes with security forces 18 Jan; Sanaa-Aden road blocked for several days in Lahj.

Middle East & North Africa


3 Germans kidnapped by tribesmen 15 Dec in Dhamar region south east of capital Sanaa, released 19 Dec. Member of small Jewish community from Amran province killed 11 Dec; relocation to capital proposed; harassment reportedly increased with Israeli attacks on Gaza (see Israel/ OPT). Hundreds stormed Egyptian consulate in Aden 30 Dec to protest role in Gaza blockade.

Middle East & North Africa


Protests in several regions followed opposition coalition’s call for boycott of electoral registration process launched 11 Nov – violent clashes with security forces reported, including protesters wounded 27 Nov in Sanaa. 2 soldiers, 1 civilian killed in southern Abyan governorate 19 Nov in clashes between govt troops and alleged Islamist militants. Human Rights Watch report 19 Nov said govt preventing humanitarian, media access to conflict-hit northern Saada region. Al Qaeda in Yemen reportedly claimed deadly Sept bombing outside U.S. embassy.

Middle East & North Africa


President Saleh 6 Oct said arrested terrorist cell had links to Israeli intelligence – Israel dismissed as “ridiculous”. Details unclear, but statement reportedly refers to 6 suspects detained after deadly 17 Sept attack on U.S. embassy in Sanaa. Houthi Shiite rebel sources 21 Oct said military blocking humanitarian supplies from reaching areas in northern Saada region. Human Rights Watch in 24 Oct report said “hundreds” unlawfully arrested or disappeared since 2004 start to Houthi conflict, increased 2007-early 2008. Opposition coalition 8 Oct rejected “illegitimate” electoral commission, threatened to boycott 2009 parliamentary elections; govt stated intention to hold dialogue on issue.

Middle East & North Africa


Double car bomb attack on U.S. embassy in Sanaa 17 Sept killed at least 16, including 6 attackers and 1 U.S. citizen. Al-Qaeda-linked Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, threatened attacks on UK, UAE, Saudi embassies unless imprisoned militants released. Govt reported some 30 suspects arrested. 12 opposition politicians detained after Apr protests released 11 Sept. In north, security reportedly relatively calm but humanitarian situation dire; govt and al-Houthi Shiite rebels traded accusations over ceasefire breaches. Civil society organisations welcomed govt initiative to release detained Houthi loyalists, including journalist Al-Khaiwani.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt 7 Aug claimed leader of al-Houthi Shiite rebels accepted terms for ceasefire in north and both sides exchanged prisoners; but continuing low-level violence reported. ICRC 8 Aug said “difficult or impossible” to operate in north. Govt carried out several operations in south east Hadramawt region against suspected al-Qaeda cells accused of recent attacks on govt and foreign targets; 5 militants, 2 police killed in Tarim 11 Aug. Islamic Jihad leader arrested, 5 supporters killed end month. Opposition parties threatened renewed protests 18 Aug after parliament rejected amendments to electoral law.

Middle East & North Africa


President Saleh 17 July said battles between govt and al-Houthi Shiite rebels in north had ended, but low-level clashes reported late-month and at least 4 killed in 5 July explosion in Saada province. Unrest continued in south with 7 July bomb attack on protest, 22 July police clash with demonstrators. Explosives-packed vehicle rammed police station 25 July, killing at least 2; al-Qaeda linked group claimed responsibility.

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