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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Fighting continued between on one side Huthi rebels and allied forces loyal to former President Saleh and on other Saudi-led coalition, especially along Saudi border. Tensions mounted in Aden in south between forces loyal to President Hadi and Emirati-aligned security forces associated with separatist Southern Transition Council (STC). Pro-Hadi and secessionist groups held competing rallies 17 Oct commemorating southern fight against British occupation; Hadi forces clashed briefly with Emirati-backed faction over Hadi govt raising Yemeni flag, signifying national unity. STC leader Aydaroos Zubaydi 14 Oct said at rally that STC would organise referendum on southern independence soon and continue fight against extremists. Emirati-backed security forces 10 Oct raided HQ of Hadi-aligned Islamist party Islah in Aden and arrested several members for terrorism. In north, tensions between Huthis and allied pro-Saleh forces continued; Huthis 7 Oct raided Saleh-aligned foreign ministry in Sanaa. U.S. 16 Oct claimed its drone strikes had destroyed Islamic State (ISIS) training camp in Bayda province in south, but locals said attacks targeted local al-Qaeda-affiliated fighters. Five suspected al-Qaeda male suicide bombers 23 Oct attacked checkpoint in Abyan province in south, killing four soldiers. UN 5 Oct put Saudi Arabia on blacklist for grave violations against children in conflict, list also includes Huthis and Hadi govt forces.

Middle East & North Africa


Huthi rebels and forces loyal to former President Saleh continued to clash with Saudi Arabia-led coalition along Saudi border and vie for control of Taiz city in south. Govt 10 Sept said 145 Huthis killed 1-10 Sept in Saudi airstrikes and clashes with loyalist forces. Saudi airstrikes 15-16 Sept reportedly killed twenty Huthi fighters in city of Medi on Saudi border; airstrike 16 Sept hit civilian vehicle in Hareeb al-Qarameesh district, Marib governorate killing all twelve passengers. UN 19 Sept condemned Huthi-Saleh shelling of Taiz city that killed three and injured seven children 15 Sept and 16 Sept Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Marib that killed five children, four women and three men from same family. Saudi Arabia 22 Sept said Huthi rockets fired previous day landed in village in Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arda governorate, causing no casualties. Saudi Arabia 24 Sept reportedly intercepted Huthi-fired missile targeting King Khaled air base in Saudi’s Asir province. Tensions between supporters of Huthis and of Saleh’s allied General People’s Congress (GPC) party remained high following 25 Aug clash in capital Sanaa, despite leaders on both sides giving public assurances that alliance will continue. In Aden in south, forces loyal to President Hadi 16 Sept clashed with faction nominally loyal to Hadi but backed by United Arab Emirates (UAE), one civilian killed. UAE-backed forces’ campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), begun in Shebwa governorate in south-centre in Aug, continued in adjacent Abyan governorate; by mid-Sept forces had dislodged militants from many areas including Wadea, Hadi’s home district, but AQAP fighters reportedly fled into Mafadh district ahead of offensive. UN Human Rights Council 29 Sept passed resolution establishing group of “international and regional experts” to investigate human rights violations in conflict dating back to Sept 2014.

Middle East & North Africa


Significant escalation of tensions in capital Sanaa between supporters of Huthis and former President Saleh, alongside increase in Saudi Arabia-led coalition airstrikes. Saleh 24 Aug staged large rally in Sanaa to celebrate 35th anniversary of creation of General People’s Congress party (GPC); Huthi leadership previous day called for state of emergency, said political mass gatherings should be made on battlefront, not in public squares. Immediately prior to and after GPC rally, coalition airstrikes hit several military and non-military targets around Sanaa. Airstrikes hit Huthi security checkpoint in Arhab and hotel in same district 23 Aug; UN human rights office reported 33 civilians killed in latter. Saudi coalition airstrike hit residential area of Sanaa 24 Aug, killing sixteen civilians including seven children; coalition expressed regret, calling it “technical mistake”. Senior GPC official and three Huthi fighters killed in clashes at Huthi-controlled checkpoint in Sanaa 25 Aug; Saleh 31 Aug called for arrest of Huthi gunmen responsible for killing his aide. Fighting continued in Taiz governorate in south and along Saudi border. In Taiz, Huthi/Saleh rebels continued to vie with United Arab Emirates (UAE) forces and Yemeni allies for control of Khaled bin Waleed military base and surrounding areas. Huthis said they launched attacks on two UAE military vessels in Mokha port using remote-controlled explosives-laden boats 12 and 16 Aug, claiming first ship hit “with precision”; UAE said it thwarted both attacks. Huthis claimed to have intensified attacks on Saudi territory, including on Najran city and in Asir and Jizan regions. Saudi-led coalition retaliated with airstrikes, including in Hajjah and Saada governorates; coalition 7 Aug claimed to have killed over 70 Huthi fighters in Hajjah 3-4 Aug. Huthis 4 Aug said Saudi airstrikes killed at least twelve civilians in Saada governorate; Saudi-led coalition denied reports. Yemeni forces 3 Aug began campaign to drive al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants out of Shebwa governorate in south-centre; Yemeni forces 4 Aug claimed victory but locals say AQAP fighters evacuated ahead of military operation.

Middle East & North Africa


Fighting escalated, especially in Taiz governorate, and Huthi rebels fired missile further into Saudi Arabia, raising risk of worse violence in Aug. In Taiz governorate forces backed by Saudi-led coalition claimed several advances on road between Mokha and Hodeida; heavy fighting for control of Khaled bin Walid military base east of Mokha 27-30 July left at least 40 govt soldiers and rebels killed; Saudi-led coalition airstrike on Mawza 17 July killed over twenty civilians. Huthis 30 July claimed strike against United Arab Emirates (UAE) military vessel off Mokha port that they say killed at least twelve UAE soldiers, coalition denied claim saying Huthis were targeting aid deliveries. Huthis 24 July attacked Saudi military vessel off Hodeida coast, killing two crew. Huthis 22 July fired missile from near Sadaa in north Yemen 930km into Saudi Arabia (furthest yet), reportedly targeting oil facility near Saudi port city of Yanbu. Huthi leadership warned Saudi of more attacks against oil facilities. Saudi Arabia did not confirm missile attack, but reported accidental fire at oil facility same day which it said did not affect operations. Huthis 27 July claimed to have fired multiple missiles at Fahd airbase in Taif, Saudi Arabia; coalition said missiles intended to hit Mecca and that it intercepted Huthi missile 69km south of city. UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed tried to secure agreement for withdrawal of Huthi/Saleh rebels from Hodeida port city and surrounding areas in return for Saudi Arabia-led coalition ending military operations in area; govt accepted UN proposal but Huthis continued to refuse to meet UN envoy, claiming he was biased in favour of Saudi-led coalition. Tensions remained high between President Hadi’s govt and UAE-backed, pro-southern independence Southern Transitional Council (STC) formed in May. STC staged protest in Aden 7 July that gathered tens of thousands, while pro-Hadi counter-rally in Aden same day gathered few hundred. At rally, STC leaders called on international community to recognise STC as official representative of south and banned Muslim Brotherhood and govt-affiliated Sunni Islamist party Islah. World Health Organization 29 July said 1,992 people had died from cholera since late April and reported over 419,804 suspected cases.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt 17 June agreed to UN two-point plan to keep fighting away from Huthi-held Hodeida port and resume govt salaries, but Huthi rebels remained non-committal. Huthi health official said Saudi-led coalition aircraft conducted two raids on al-Mashnaq market in Shada district close to Saudi border killing 25 people. High-ranking Huthi official 5 June said UN Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed was banned from returning to country, accusing him of bias. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed responsibility for car bomb and gun attack on army camp near Baddah in Hadramout province in south east 12 June that killed at least ten militants and two soldiers. Suspected U.S. drone strike killed two alleged AQAP militants in al Naqba area of Shabwa province in south 16 June. U.S. 22 June said its airstrike killed AQAP emir for Shabwa province Abu Khattab al Awlaqi and several other militants. World Health Organization 1 July said cholera outbreak had killed at least 1,500 people and there were some 246,000 suspected cases. After eruption of Saudi Arabia’s feud with Qatar, Saudi-led coalition 5 June removed Qatari nationals from coalition forces and Yemeni govt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar (see Qatar).

Middle East & North Africa


Tens of thousands protested in Aden 4 May against President Hadi’s sacking of Aden province Governor Aydaroos Zubaydi and Minister Hani bin Brek. Zubaydi 11 May announced creation of transitional political council including governors of five southern provinces and two ministers to represent interests of south; Hadi govt condemned move 12 May. Fighting between Saudi Arabia-led coalition and Huthi rebels continued, concentrated in Taiz governorate in south. Huthis continued to fire missiles into Saudi Arabia: 19 May claimed to have fired one at capital Riyadh. U.S. said its Special Forces carried out raid on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in central Marib governorate 23 May killing seven militants. Govt 30 May said FM in Oman to discuss UN plan to restart peace talks including confidence-building measures. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 15 May said cholera had killed at least 180 people since 27 April and 11,000 suspected cases reported.

Middle East & North Africa


Following warnings from international community of likely humanitarian impact of its intervention, Saudi-led coalition held off offensive on rebel-held port city of Hodeida but fighting continued along Red Sea coast and border with Saudi Arabia. Saudi-led coalition 12 April said its priority was securing road from Mokha port eastward to Taiz city; fighting raged in area, over 40 fighters and civilians killed in 24 hours 9-10 April. PM 26 April said govt had proposed that UN administer Hodeida port to ensure no arms smuggled through; UN rejected appeal. Saudi security forces 25 April destroyed remote-controlled explosives-laden boat 1.5 nautical miles from Saudi Aramco fuel terminal off Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea coast, govt blamed Huthi rebels for attack. Drone strike allegedly launched by U.S. 23 April in al-Saeed area of Shabwa province reportedly killed four suspected al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants and three civilians. U.S. drone attack 30 April reportedly killed five suspected AQAP members east of Sanaa in Marib province. UN envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed 26 April said he hoped to begin new round of talks before Ramadan begins end May.

Middle East & North Africa


Intense fighting continued along Red Sea coast as Saudi-led coalition and allied Yemeni forces tried to advance on Hodeida northwards from Mokha; offensive on city appears imminent. U.S. continued to increase support for Saudi-led coalition’s military efforts, is considering support for potential fight for Hodeida. Unidentified helicopter gunship reportedly fired on boat leaving Hodeida killing 42 Somali refugees 16 March; Saudi-led coalition denied responsibility, called on UN to take control of Hodeida port. Saudi-led coalition launched air and ground attacks on positions of Huthi rebels and allied supporters of former President Saleh in Nehm and Sirwah, strategic access points to rebel-held capital Sanaa. Huthi/Saleh forces increased rocket fire into Narjan province in Saudi Arabia, 18 March claimed to have launched long-range ballistic missile at military air base in Riyadh. Pro-Huthi court 25 March sentenced President Hadi and six officials to death for “high treason”. UN envoy began preparations to restart direct talks: 13 March met ambassadors from Quad (U.S., UK, UAE and Saudi Arabia) and Oman, 14 March said warring parties reluctant to talk. U.S. launched over 40 airstrikes against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in south and east 2-6 March killing some AQAP fighters. Yemeni troops 28 March reportedly captured senior AQAP leader Abu Ali al-Sayari in Hadramout governorate in SE, killed two and detained three others. Drone strike night of 30-31 March in Mozno, Abyan governorate killed three suspected AQAP members.

Middle East & North Africa


Saudi Arabia-led coalition continued offensive toward Hodeida from south and north along Red Sea coast. Saudi-led coalition forces around Midi north of Hodeida remained largely static while UAE-assisted Yemeni forces pushing northward made progress and mid-Feb appeared to have captured Mokha city, Taiz governorate. Huthi rebels and forces aligned with former President Saleh put up strong resistance, 22 Feb killed army’s second in command near Mokha. Huthi-Saleh forces increased raids across Yemeni-Saudi border and ballistic missile attacks into Saudi Arabia; 6 Feb said they had launched missile capable of striking Saudi capital Riyadh. U.S. increased in-flight refuelling of Saudi-led coalition aircraft and worked to reverse Obama administration’s decisions to limit weapons sales to Saudi Arabia. Infighting plagued govt-controlled areas: supporters of UAE-aligned Salafi faction clashed repeatedly in Taiz city with Saudi-backed group aligned with Sunni Islamist party, Islah; President Hadi-aligned fighters 12 Feb tried, unsuccessfully, to forcibly take Aden airport from commander who had fallen out with president; during offensive UAE gunship exchanged fire with Hadi-aligned fighters.

Middle East & North Africa


Fighting intensified as Saudi-led coalition and aligned Yemeni troops 7 Jan launched campaign to retake area around Bab al-Mandeb strait between Yemen and Djibouti in SW and southern part of Red Sea coastline from Huthi rebels and forces supporting former President Saleh, and increased military pressure in north including in Saada, Hajjah, Jawf and Marib governorates. Govt-aligned forces claimed to have retaken Dhubab district on Red Sea coast 13 Jan and Mokha city further north 23 Jan, but fighting continued end month. Two U.S. drone strikes (first drone strikes under new U.S. President Trump) 21 Jan killed ten alleged al-Qaeda militants in al-Bayda province. U.S. Special Forces attacked al-Qaeda stronghold in al-Bayda 29 Jan killing fourteen militants according to U.S. military and causing civilian casualties, according to Yemeni official, including killing eight women and seven children. UNOCHA 16 Jan said at least 10,000 civilians killed since conflict began in March 2015.

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