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Middle East & North Africa


Israeli forces conducted raids and besieged Palestinian towns in West Bank, killing at least 28 Palestinians in some of worst violence since Second Intifada; Israel and Lebanon signed maritime deal.

Violent clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians continued. Israeli oper-ations, clashes or gunfire killed at least 28 Palestinians during month, according to UN; Israeli forces in 2022 have killed over 182 Palestinians in occupied territories – marking deadliest year since 2006. Notably, Palestinian gunman 8 Oct killed Israeli soldier and injured three others at checkpoint near Shufat refugee camp in East Jerusalem; in response, Israeli forces same day conducted raids and blocked entrances to camp. Israeli forces same day killed two Palestinian teenagers in Jenin refugee camp. Palestinian armed group “Lions’ Den” (cross-party alliance of individuals in old city of Nablus) 11 Oct claimed responsibility for killing Israeli soldier near Israeli settlement Shavei Shomron, west of Nablus; Israel blockaded Nablus, prompting Palestinians across West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza to hold strikes and protests. “Lions’ Den” 23 Oct claimed Israeli explosion killed one of its leaders in Nablus. Israeli forces 25 Oct raided Nablus city targeting “Lions' Den” alleged explosives manufacturing site and triggering largest clash in weeks, killing five Palestinians, including alleged “Lions' Den” leader; several “Lions' Den” members turned themselves in to Palestinian Authority’s security services during month. Israeli forces 28 Oct killed two al-Aqsa Brigades members near Nablus city. Hamas claimed attack by gunman 29 Oct that killed one Israeli settler at checkpoint near Kiryat Arba settlement. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers repeatedly raided Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem, Ramallah, Nablus and Hebron under army protection.

Rival Palestinian factions signed reconciliation deal. Following talks held in Algerian capital Algiers, Fatah and Hamas 13 Oct signed reconciliation deal promising new elections for Palestinian Authority presidency and Palestinian Legislative Council within one year; Fatah excluded reference to unity govt.

Israel and Lebanon signed maritime demarcation deal. Israeli and Lebanese leaders 27 Oct signed deal proposed by U.S. to demarcate maritime border along “line 23” (see Lebanon); former PM Benjamin Netanyahu opposed deal, vowing to scrap it if he gains power in 1 Nov elections.

Middle East & North Africa


West Bank remained highly volatile as Israeli forces conducted almost daily raids and Palestinian militants clashed with both Israeli and Palestinian Authority (PA) forces.

Israeli forces raided West Bank, killing several Palestinians. Israeli security forces conducted 125 search and arrest operations during month, killing at least ten Palestinians and injuring around 100. Notably, Israeli forces 1 Sept raided Balata refugee camp in Nablus city and Umm al-Sharayet neighbourhood near Ramallah, leaving two Palestinians dead. Israeli forces 5 Sept killed Palestinian in raid on Qabatiya village; next day killed Palestinian and injured 16 others during raid in Jenin city. Head of Israeli security service Shin Bet 11 Sept reported 130 shooting attacks by Palestinians against Israelis this year, increase from 98 incidents in 2021 and 19 in 2020; Palestinian health ministry 5 Sept reported Israeli forces have killed 97 Palestinians in West Bank in 2022.

Palestinian militants clashed with Israeli and PA forces in West Bank. Palestinian gunmen 4 Sept fired at Israeli military bus near Israeli settlement Hamra, injuring six soldiers. Members of Fatah’s armed wing al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade and Israeli army 14 Sept exchanged fire at Jalama/Gilboa checkpoint near Jenin, killing Israeli officer and two Palestinians (including PA intelligence officer). During raid on Hamas in Nablus city, PA forces 20 Sept clashed with Palestinian gunmen, killing one; PA security forces and militants next day agreed truce. Israeli forces 28 Sept killed four Palestinian gunmen and injured at least 44 during clashes in Jenin. Amid rising insecurity, Israeli security officials appeared to be debating whether to step up operations in West Bank – akin to 2002 Operation Defensive Shield during Second Intifada – or strengthen PA through economic support.

In other important developments. In East Jerusalem, Israeli authorities 5 Sept advanced plans to build new Jewish settlement. In Gaza, Hamas 4 Sept executed five Palestinians, including two on charges of espionage, for first time since 2017. Ahead of Israel’s 1 Nov general election, parties 15 Sept submitted final lists, with three far-right parties joining together and Joint List of Palestinian Arab parties splitting up. Syrian state media 6, 17 Sept reported Israeli strikes, killing five soldiers (see Syria).

Middle East & North Africa


Israel launched offensive against Islamic Jihad in Gaza that killed dozens in worst fighting since May 2021; Israeli forces continued lethal raids in West Bank. Israeli military 1 Aug killed alleged teenage member of Islamic Jihad armed faction and arrested two others, including senior leader Bassam Al-Saadi, in raid in Jenin city, West Bank; Islamic Jihad same day declared “state of alertness”, while Israel imposed near total blockade on Gaza strip, closing crossings and blocking fuel entry. Israel 5 Aug launched “Operation Breaking Dawn” against Islamic Jihad in Gaza, killing two top military commanders and around 20 militants and destroying group’s facilities; in response, Islamic Jihad fired hundreds of rockets into Israel. Following Egyptian-led mediation, sides 7 Aug agreed to immediate ceasefire and Israel next day reopened crossings into Gaza. Gaza’s health ministry reported Israeli strikes killed 49 Palestinians and injured 350, while Israeli sources claimed 34 Israelis were injured. Meanwhile, Israel continued raids in West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem, arresting over 300 Palestinians in Aug. Notably, Israeli security forces 9 Aug killed three Palestinians, including leader of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade cell Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, and injured 60 in Nablus city; Palestinians same day staged strikes and demonstrations across West Bank. Unidentified gunman 14 Aug wounded at least eight Jewish worshippers in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israeli forces 15 Aug killed Palestinian in occupied East Jerusalem during raid; 18 Aug killed Palestinian and injured 30 others in clashes in Nablus; next day killed Palestinian in Tubas city. Israeli military 18 Aug raided offices of seven human rights organisations in West Bank, six of which Israel had labelled “terrorist organisations” in Oct 2021. Israeli forces 30 Aug exchanged fire with gunmen in Nablus city after three Israeli citizens entered city earlier in day. Ahead of Israeli elections slated for Nov, Knesset member Eli Avidar 2 Aug announced creation of new “Israel Free” party. Likud party 10 Aug elected former PM Benjamin Netanyahu to head of party list. Military continued strikes in Syria (see Syria). Israel and Türkiye 17 Aug restored full diplomatic ties after four years.

Middle East & North Africa


U.S. President Biden met with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, Israel con-tinued lethal raids across West Bank, and Hizbollah deployed drones amid maritime border dispute. During 13-15 July visit, U.S. President Biden met Israeli acting PM Yair Lapid and President Herzog in Jerusalem and Palestinian Authority (PA) President Abbas in Bethlehem; while no major announcements were made in meeting with Lapid, Biden reaffirmed commitment to Israeli security. Biden pledged aid to Palestinians, including $100mn assistance to PA and $201mn funding for UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA), but failed to address Palestinian demands for U.S. to reopen consulate in East Jerusalem and remove Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) from terrorist organisation list. In West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israeli forces conducted 275 raids as of 23 July, bringing total raids in 2022 to over 4,765 and Palestinian arrests to over 2,933. Notably, security forces 6 July arrested at least 40 Palestinians in West Bank, including 30 from Silwad village. In Jabaa town, Israeli forces 2 July shot Palestinian who next day died from wounds and 6 July killed another Palestinian. Palestinian 19 July stabbed man with screwdriver in Jerusalem. U.S. State Dept 4 July announced investigation into killing of U.S.-Palestinian Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was inconclusive. In Gaza, Israeli security forces conducted 24 limited incursions into eastern Gaza strip as of 23 July, arresting 67 Palestinians. Four rockets were fired 16 July from Gaza into Israel; in response, Israeli army same day targeted Hamas sites. Lapid 10 July reiterated that Israel needs better solution to Gaza than rounds of fighting with Hamas. In attempt at Palestinian political reconciliation, Algeria 6 July hosted President Abbas and head of Hamas political bureau Ismail Haniyeh for their first face-to-face meeting since 2016. Tensions between Israel and Lebanon rose over maritime border dispute after Shiite armed group Hizbollah 2 July launched three unarmed drones toward Karish offshore gas field; Israeli army intercepted all three drones. Hizbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah 13 July threatened war with Israel over maritime borders (see Lebanon). Syrian defence ministry 2 July claimed Israeli airstrike wounded two civilians near al-Hamidiyah, Tartous province (see Syria).

Middle East & North Africa


Israeli security forces continued lethal raids across West Bank, while Israel’s governing coalition collapsed, paving way for fifth election in less than four years. Following tensions around Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade in May, situation in area was calmer during month; however, risk remains of escalation around religious Eid al-Adha festivities 9-13 July. In West Bank, as of 15 June, Israeli forces conducted over 220 incursions into West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem, with some turning violent, and arrested 57 Palestinians. Notably, Israeli soldiers 1 June shot dead Palestinian woman at entrance of al-Aroub refugee camp in Hebron city, prompting Palestinian protests. Israeli forces 2 June killed five Palestinians, including child, during incursions in Bethlehem, Hebron and Ramallah cities. Israeli forces 9 June detained 24 Palestinians in 37 raids in multiple locales, marking most arrests in 24-hour period this year. Clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli forces 10 June wounded seven Palestinians, including four children, in Qalqilya city. Israeli forces’ pre-dawn raid in Jenin refugee camp 17 June killed three Palestinians. Palestinian Ministry of Health 17 June reported over 70 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces since start of 2022. Clashes 29-30 June erupted in Nablus city where Israeli forces claimed Palestinian gunmen fired on Jewish worshippers, leaving three Israelis and dozens of Palestinians injured. EU 15 June agreed to release funding to Palestinian territories for 2021 that it had withheld over concerns of content inside Palestinian school textbooks. Regional parliament of Catalonia 16 June became first parliament inside EU to pass resolution declaring Israel is committing crime of apartheid. Meanwhile, PM Naftali Bennett and FM Yair Lapid 20 June agreed to hold vote on dissolving Knesset, collapsing eight party coalition govt and making Lapid caretaker PM, after acknowledging that there was no chance to pass emergency regulations that extend Israeli civil law to settlers in West Bank; Knesset dissolved 30 June, awaiting fifth election since April 2019 to be held 1 Nov. Egypt, Israel and EU 15 June signed deal to increase liquefied natural gas sales to EU countries to help reduce dependence on Russian supplies. Shadow hostilities with Iran became more visible (see Iran).

Middle East & North Africa


Tensions continued in Jerusalem, Israeli forces stepped up lethal raids in West Bank, and Israeli high court authorised forcible displacement of Palestinians in West Bank. In occupied East Jerusalem, around 600 Israeli settlers 5 May stormed al-Aqsa Mosque compound. Israeli police 16 May injured over 70 Palestinians during funeral procession of Palestinian who died of wounds sustained during April clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque. Tens of thousands of Israeli ultra-nationalists in annual event 29 May marched through Jerusalem’s Old City, as some chanted “Death to Arabs” and attacked Palestinians and journalists; hundreds of Israelis entered al-Aqsa compound. In West Bank, Israeli security forces stepped up raids, raising tensions with Hamas; increased public calls for assassination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar prompted Hamas 7 May to threaten retaliation. Israel military raid in Jenin city 11 May saw U.S.-Palestinian Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh killed by gunshot to head, which sparked international outcry; Israeli authorities initially blamed Palestinian gunmen before walking back claim and 19 May announced there would be no investigation; Palestinian Authority 26 May said Israel killed her deliberately, which if confirmed would mark 48th journalist killed by Israeli forces since 2000. Israeli police 13 May attacked Abu Akleh’s funeral procession in East Jerusalem, injuring dozens of Palestinians. Also in Jenin area, clashes 13 May killed one Israeli officer, one Palestinian and injured dozen Palestinians. Israeli forces 24-25 May shot dead 16-year old Palestinian during clashes at Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus city and injured at least 80 other Palestinians, and 27 May shot dead 15-year old Palestinian in al-Khader town near Bethlehem city. Settler attacks against Palestinians and their property continued during month in Ramallah, Nablus, Qalqilya, Hebron and Salfit cities. Meanwhile, Israeli high court 4 May rejected petition against forced displacement of around 1,200 Palestinian residents from Masafer Yatta, collection of hamlets in southern West Bank, amounting to single largest displacement of Palestinians in decades. Two Palestinians from Jenin 5 May carried out axe attack in ultra-Orthodox Elad city (near Tel Aviv), killing three Israelis and injuring four. Regionally, Israel reportedly carried out airstrikes in Syria (see Syria).

Middle East & North Africa


Violence continued to run high across Israel, West Bank and East Jerusalem, leaving three Israelis and over dozen Palestinians dead, as tensions flared at Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade. In occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli police on second Friday of Ramadan on 15 April stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque firing rubber bullets, teargas and stun grenades, injuring over 150 Palestinians and arresting near 500, as some Palestinian youths threw stones and fireworks at police; rumours of Israel’s intention to restrict Muslim access spread on social media during month. Further clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians in and around Holy Esplanade 17, 21 April reportedly injured dozens. Israeli police 20 April stopped hundreds of ultra-nationalist Israelis from entering flashpoint Damascus Gate. Israeli police again raided Al-Aqsa on third and fourth Fridays of Ramadan 22, 29 April, injuring over 70 Palestinians. In Tel Aviv city, Palestinian gunman from West Bank city of Jenin 7 April killed three Israelis in bar; police next day shot dead suspected gunman in Jaffa, and Israeli soldiers 9 April raided house of gunman and killed Palestinian Islamic Jihad member in Jenin. Elsewhere in West Bank, Israeli forces killed over dozen Palestinians; notably, 2 April killed three Palestinian Islamic Jihad members at Arraba junction south of Jenin; 10 April killed four Palestinians including two women and teenager in separate incidents. Israeli troops 13-14 April reportedly killed at least six Palestinians, including 14-year-old, in Jenin city, Silwad town and Nablus city. Meanwhile, Palestinians 10, 11 April vandalized Jewish shrine Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus. Israel 18 April shot down first rocket fired from Gaza since Jan 2022 and 19 April responded with airstrikes targeting alleged weapons manufacturing site in Gaza; 21 April carried out air raids in central Gaza, while several rockets were launched 20-21 April into southern Israel. Yamina party member Idit Silman 6 April quit govt coalition claiming it was not living up to right-wing values; defection stripped govt coalition of parliamentary majority. Regionally, Israel 9 April reportedly launched airstrike near Masyaf city in Syria’s Hama province; 14 April reportedly fired missiles at Syrian military positions near Syrian capital Damascus (see Syria).

Middle East & North Africa


Deadly violence at hands of Israeli forces and Palestinians rose, leaving at least dozen Palestinians and 11 Israelis dead; tensions could escalate ahead of April religious holidays. In occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, Israeli forces 6 March shot dead Palestinian after he stabbed Israeli police officer at Bab Hutta Gate, and next day killed Palestinian who stabbed two officers at Cotton Merchants’ Gate. Israeli soldiers 6 March killed Palestinian teenager who threw fire bomb at army post in Abu Dis village outside Jerusalem. Risk of escalating violence, which could potentially trigger wider confrontation, remains high ahead of Muslim holy month Ramadan and Jewish holiday Passover in April. Israel’s Supreme Court 1 March halted eviction of four families in flashpoint Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood. In West Bank, Israeli forces clashed with Palestinians protesting Israeli settlements and forced evictions, and carried out arrest raids. Notably, Israeli forces 1 March shot dead Palestinian near Beit Fajar town and killed two others who came under fire during arrest raid in Jenin refugee camp. Israeli forces 15 March killed Palestinian teenager during clashes in Balata refugee camp, near Nablus city, and shot dead Palestinian in Qalandia refugee camp near Ramallah city; same day killed Palestinian during raid in Rahat town in Naqab/Negev desert. Israeli forces 31 March killed two Palestinians during raid on refugee camp near Jenin city. Israeli bus passenger same day shot dead Palestinian who allegedly stabbed another passenger near Jewish settlement. Palestinian citizens of Israel – identified as Islamic State (ISIS) supporters – 22, 27 March attacked Israelis in Beersheba and Hadera cities, and Palestinian resident of West Bank 29 March carried out gun attack in Tel Aviv, leaving total of 11 people dead, including three police officers; Israeli forces began detaining Palestinians without charge for fear of further attacks ahead of Ramadan. Regionally, Israeli airstrike 7 March killed two Iranian Revolutionary Guard commanders near Syrian capital Damascus; Iran 13 March fired missiles claiming to target Israeli “strategic centre” site in Iraq (see Iran, Syria and Iraq). Israel 27-28 March hosted unprecedented summit attended by FMs of U.S., United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Bahrain and Morocco, in part to discuss Iran.

Middle East & North Africa


East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah remained tense flashpoint, while Palestinian Central Council convened for first time since 2018. In occupied East Jerusalem, tensions ran high in Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, which remained critical flashpoint of friction. Most notably, in provocative move, far-right lawmaker Itamar Ben Gvit 13 Feb reopened makeshift office in Sheikh Jarrah claiming to protect Israeli settlers, prompting clashes between Palestinians, settlers and police, injuring at least 14. EU and Palestinian Authority (PA) same day voiced concerns over potential for wider outbreak of violence. Israeli police 18 Feb violently dispersed protesters at weekly demonstration against eviction of Palestinian Salem family initially scheduled in March; court 22 Feb ruled to freeze judgment until at least after Ramadan in April. In West Bank, Israeli special forces 8 Feb carried out extrajudicial killing of three Palestinians in car in Nablus in first such operation since Second Intifada; dozens in Gaza and West Bank next day protested killings. Israeli forces 14-15 Feb killed two Palestinians during clashes in Silat al-Harithiya and Nabi Saleh villages. In first meeting since 2018, Palestinian Central Council (PCC) 6-7 Feb appointed members close to Palestinian President Abbas to Executive Committee; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, second largest Palestinian faction after Fatah, and other smaller factions boycotted meeting, accusing Abbas of stocking Palestine Liberation Organization leadership with loyalists. PCC 9 Feb announced suspension of security cooperation with Israel and recognition of Israeli state until latter recognises Palestinian sovereignty and halts settler activities; similar statements in 2018 and 2015 had not been implemented. NGO Amnesty International 1 Feb published report accusing Israel of apartheid against Palestinians; Israeli govt and allies, including U.S., UK and Germany, rejected findings. Syria 9 Feb fired anti-aircraft missile toward Israel in response to alleged Israeli attack on Syrian capital Damascus that killed one soldier and injured five; Israel same day carried out airstrike on Syrian missile batteries. Syrian state media 16 Feb reported Israeli shelling targeting Zakiya town. On Lebanese border, tensions rose with Hizbollah (see Lebanon).

Middle East & North Africa


Israeli forces killed five Palestinians in West Bank, Hamas and Israel exchanged fire in Gaza, and Israeli forces clashed with Bedouin pro-testers in Negev desert. In West Bank, Israeli police 5 Jan ran over elderly Palestinian activist in Umm al-Khair village who attempted to prevent police from confiscating unregistered Palestinian cars; man later died from injuries. Israeli forces 6 Jan shot dead Palestinian in raid on Balata refugee camp; Israeli settler same day ran over and killed Palestinian at Beit Shira checkpoint. Israeli soldiers 12 Jan assaulted Palestinian-American man near Ramallah city and left him blindfolded and bound; man was found dead next day after suffering heart attack. Israeli soldier 17 Jan shot dead Palestinian attempting to stab him at bus stop at Gush Etzion junction in West Bank. Israeli forces 28 Jan reportedly injured at least 26 Palestinians while dispersing rallies in Beita town and Beit Dajan village. Meanwhile, Israel 5 Jan indefinitely shelved plans to approve construction in controversial E-1 area of West Bank. In occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli authorities 19 Jan evicted family and demolished house in Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood; French, German, Italian and Spanish foreign ministries same day urged Israel to stop construction of housing units in East Jerusalem. In Gaza, two rockets were fired 1 Jan into sea near Tel Aviv; Hamas said launch was unintentional and Israel responded by striking alleged Hamas missile manufacturing sites; Hamas then fired two anti-aircraft missiles toward Israeli helicopters. Islamic Jihad-affiliated administrative detainee 4 Jan ended five-month hunger strike after Israel announced release date for Feb; Islamic Jihad had previously threatened violence if detainee died. In Negev desert, Israeli forces 12-13 Jan cracked down on Bedouin citizens near Sawe al-Atrash and Beer Sheeva protesting tree planting by Jewish National Fund, considering forestation part of govt effort to expel them from legally unrecognised land; crackdown led to injuries and dozens of arrests; United Arab List party (member of governing coalition) condemned move, threatening to boycott parliamentary voting. Reaffirming Israel’s intention to deepen ties with Jordan, Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz 5 Jan met Jordanian King Abdullah II in Jordan’s capital Amman.

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