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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Ahead of presidential election planned for later this year, Defence Minister Mohamed El Ghazouani 1 March confirmed he would be ruling majority’s candidate. Leaders of opposition platform including National Forum for Democracy and Unity (FNDU) and Rally of Democratic Forces (RFD) 12 March failed to reach agreement on common candidate; 27 March called for dissolution of electoral commission and formation of new one with greater opposition representation. Former PM Sidi Mohamed Ould Boubacar 30 March said he would stand in presidential election as independent candidate, with support from opposition Islamist party Tewassoul.

Middle East & North Africa


Political manoeuvring continued ahead of presidential election planned for later this year. Opposition platform, including among National Forum for Democracy and Unity (FNDU) and Rally of Democratic Forces (RFD), continued consultations to agree on common candidate. In document submitted to govt early Feb, opposition demanded reform of electoral commission, audit of electoral register and national dialogue to ensure free and fair election.

Middle East & North Africa


President of ruling Union for the Republic (UPR) party and govt spokesperson 29 Jan said Defence Minister Mohamed El Ghazouani would be ruling majority’s candidate for 2019 presidential election. Anti-slavery campaigner and MP Biram Dah Abeid 30 Jan said he would run for president.

Middle East & North Africa


Anti-slavery campaigner and new MP Biram Dah Abeid in custody since early Aug released 31 Dec after authorities withdrew charges of slander.

Middle East & North Africa


President Aziz 20 Nov said that he would not run for re-election in 2019, respecting constitution that limits number of presidential terms to two, but would run again as soon as constitution allows.

Middle East & North Africa


During first session of National Assembly elected in Sept, police 8 Oct outside parliament building clashed with activists demanding release of anti-slavery campaigner and new MP Biram Dah Abeid in custody since early Aug, nine protesters reportedly injured. Following Sept legislative elections, PM Yahya Ould Hademine resigned 29 Oct. President Ould Abdel Aziz same day appointed Mohamed Salem Ould Bechir as new PM; new govt appointed 30 Oct, with army chief Mohamed Ould Ghazouani named defence minister and ruling Union for the Republic (UPR) party President Sidi Mohamed Ould Maham named govt spokesperson.

Middle East & North Africa


In legislative elections 1 and 15 Sept, ruling party Union for the Republic (UPR) won majority in National Assembly with at least 89 seats out of 157. In simultaneous local elections, UPR won all thirteen regional councils. Court 3 Sept charged activist Abdallahi Salem Ould Yali, arrested in Jan for social media messages denouncing marginalisation of Haratin community, with incitement to violence and racial hatred.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt intensified crackdown on dissent ahead of 1 Sept legislative, regional and local elections. Prominent anti-slavery activist and candidate in legislative elections Biram Dah Abeid arrested 7 Aug, charged 13 Aug with “assault on life and integrity of the person” and “threats of violence” after journalist allegedly filed complaint against him. Another anti-slavery activist Abdellahi el Housein Mesoud arrested 9 Aug and charged with “complicity” in same case. Journalists Babacar Ndiaye and Mahmoudi Ould Saibout arrested 8 Aug after posting article critical of lawyer close to govt.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt 21 June confirmed plan to hold legislative and local elections 1 Sept. Opposition platform National Forum for Democracy and Unity mid-June appealed to Supreme Court for dissolution of electoral commission set up in April which excludes representatives of some opposition groups.

Middle East & North Africa


Opposition party National Forum for Democracy and Unity said it would contest legislative and municipal elections scheduled for Aug or Sept after previously boycotting votes.

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