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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Libyan leader Qaddafi in Nouakchott 9-12 March for talks with ruling military council, anti-coup opposition. Opposition RFD and FNDD parties denounced Qaddafi’s support for coup leaders; RFD leader Ould Daddah 24 March declared boycott of planned June presidential elections. Military ruler Gen Abdelaziz 29 March announced candidacy in elections, intention to resign from army mid-Apr. AU announced continuation of sanctions 24 March.

Middle East & North Africa


AU 5 Feb imposed sanctions on members of ruling military junta. Libyan mediators visited military leader Gen Abdelaziz 11 Feb, deposed president Abdallahi 12 Feb. PM Laghdaf 18 Feb presented plan for democratic transition to European Commission in Brussels. Opposition coalition held rally 19 Feb after junta lifted ban on demonstrations. Regional states, OIC, AU, Arab League discussed Mauritania crisis at Paris conference 20 Feb.

Middle East & North Africa


Forum convened by leaders of Aug military coup 5 Jan agreed on 30 May date for presidential elections, 6 month transition period to democracy; failed to reach consensus on eligibility of military officers for election. Junta leader Gen Ould Abdelaziz 23 Jan announced election scheduled for 6 June. Deposed President Abdallahi prevented from entering capital Nouakchott 23 Jan. AU, rejecting junta’s legitimacy, excluded Mauritania from 29 Jan summit.

Middle East & North Africa


Talks between leaders of Aug military coup and international representatives opened 27 Dec aiming to set date for national elections, address constitutional and military reform; opposition and civil society leaders boycotted in protest at junta govt. Junta 21 Dec released ousted President Abdallahi from house arrest in effort to stave off EU’s Nov threat of sanctions. International community continued to press for Abdallahi reinstatement, the U.S. mid-month threatening to halt trade benefits from Jan. Security stepped up in capital late month as hundreds rallied to protest Israeli bombings in Gaza and alleged bombing attempt on Israeli embassy.

Middle East & North Africa


Ruling military junta 13 Nov transferred President Abdellahi from Nouakchott to home town Lemden – still under house arrest. EU 20 Nov said move insufficient, considering “appropriate measures” against junta to increase pressure for restoration of constitutional order. High-level French delegation visited Abdellahi 29 Nov, international mission to broker solution to crisis expected 7 Dec.

Middle East & North Africa


Following ban on demonstrations, police 5 Oct brutally dispersed protests in Nouakchott calling for release of ex-President Abdellahi, deposed in Aug military coup. International pressure for restoration of constitutional order continued: U.S. imposed travel bans on junta members, EU and AU threatened sanctions after no progress towards release at EU 20 Oct meetings with leader: EU set 1 month deadline for release. Arrest of 6 suspected terrorists announced 27 Oct, no details given.

Middle East & North Africa


22-member transitional govt created 1 Sept after military junta seized power in Aug coup; 4 ministers from deposed President Abdallahi’s govt retained posts. Parliament 14 Sept approved 12-14 month schedule for new elections, but vote widely boycotted by legislators; crucial issue of coup leader Abdel Aziz’s eligibility to stand unclear. Judges appointed 2 Sept to try Abdallahi, still under house arrest, on charges including undermining parliament. Newly installed PM Laghdaf 30 Sept vowed to ban all protests. U.S., EU, AU rejected govt’s legitimacy, threatened sanctions and, with World Bank, aid cuts amounting to over $500mn. 12 soldiers killed 15 Sept in Tourine by suspected Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb militants; group 22 Sept called for “holy war” in North Africa.

Middle East & North Africa


Military seized power 6 Aug in bloodless coup after weeks-long political crisis: president, PM, 3 senior officials arrested; state radio, TV closed. Move followed presidential sacking of generals accused of fomenting crisis and 4 Aug walk-out from ruling party by 48 MPs. Coup leaders promised swift “free” elections; over 100 of 146-strong parliament 13 Aug endorsed coup, but support weakened as leaders delayed setting election timetable. Junta, led by sacked presidential guard chief General Abdelaziz, appointed former ambassador to EU Moulaye Ould Mohamed Laghdaf as new PM 14 Aug. President Abdallahi remains under house arrest; junta 30 Aug reportedly promised release. Strong international, regional condemnation: AU suspended membership 9 Aug; AU, France, U.S., World Bank suspended non-humanitarian aid, U.S., France threatened sanctions while UNSC 19 Aug condemned coup. Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb 10 Aug called for jihad to avenge Abdallahi’s overthrow.

Middle East & North Africa


PM El Waghef resigned govt 3 July to avoid no confidence vote by ruling PNDD-ADIL amid continuing socio-economic strains and objections to presence of ex-President Taya elements in govt; new all-PNDD-ADIL cabinet appointed 16 July, also headed by Waghef, prompting criticism from opposition parties. 2 El Houriya journalists arrested for defamation 21 July – paper alleged magistrates bribed.

Middle East & North Africa


Security chief 2 June said weapons cache seized early May believed linked to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Following escapes, new prison established on military base to hold some 30 AQIM suspects, including accused in Dec 2007 French tourist murders.

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