
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Government continued to detain 37, claiming links of at least 9 to Algeria-based and al Qaeda-linked Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat. Claim met with scepticism. Visit of Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom 3 May accompanied by violent protests.

Middle East & North Africa


Up to 20 leaders of Islamist opposition arrested 26 April, including spiritual leader Sheikh Mohamed El Hacen Ould Deddew, accused by government of links to Algerian- based Salafi Group for Preaching and Combat; Islamist opposition claimed arrests were political crackdown. Critics suggested government has been exaggerating Islamist threat to gain U.S. acquiescence in internal repression.

Middle East & North Africa


Freelance journalist investigating slavery in Mauritania arrested for damaging Mauritania’s image; slavery was officially banned 1981. Government ministers awarded themselves 600% pay rise in bid to stem corruption.

Middle East & North Africa


Trial of suspects in June 2003, August and September 2004 coup attempts ended with 84 convictions and 100 acquittals - including that of former president Ould Haidallah, ousted by current president Ould Taya in 1984.

Middle East & North Africa


Seventeen suspected coup ringleaders in mass trial face possible death sentence. Government raised minimum wage by 400% in attempt to offset political instability.

Middle East & North Africa


Ringleader of series of coup plots, Major Salih Walad Hananna, pleaded guilty in Mauritania’s largest-ever trial (191 suspects); charge carries death penalty. Police arrested 5 on suspicion of planning terrorist attacks against Paris-Dakar rally participants.

Middle East & North Africa


Trial began 22 November of 181 people accused of plotting against President Taya, including former president and 2 opposition leaders. Defence lawyers walked out after 1 detained for “insolence”; 2 non-lawyers appointed as new defence. Trial seen as attempt to silence opposition.

Middle East & North Africa


Saleh Ould Hanenna, mastermind behind 2003 coup attempt and accused of planning 2 attempts in 2004, arrested. Three Islamist leaders arrested for suspected involvement with Hanenna, but later released. Four unidentified gunmen opened fire on house of Mauritania's national security chief, Deddahi Ould Abdallahi, 3 October.

Middle East & North Africa


Alleged plan to topple president thwarted; security forces seized arms, made several arrests including former military captain Abderahmane Ould Mini. Government stepped up diplomatic campaign against Libya and Burkina Faso, claiming latter sheltering 2 former officers involved in 2003 and 2004 coup attempts. Libya appealed to African Union for assistance; Arab Maghreb Union to investigate allegations.

Middle East & North Africa


Up to 40 officers, including high-ranking members of National Guard, arrested for allegedly planning coup attempt against President Maaouiya Ouid Taya. Islamists apparently not involved; opposition leader Mohamed Jemil Ould Mansour detained, later released. Some accuse government of using coup as pretext to crack down on opposition, purge army. President Taya suggested plot backed by Libya and Burkina Faso.

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