
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Coordination for Democratic Opposition (COD) parties 4 Aug rejected all proposed solutions to current political crisis, reiterated demand that President Abdel Aziz step down. President Abdel Aziz 6 Aug said ex-Qadhafi spy chief Abdallah al-Senoussi will not be extradited to Libya until legal proceedings in Mauritania complete, people tired of opposition protests; rights groups, opposition parties including COD condemned speech. Head of Initiative for Abolitionist Resurgence (IRA), Biram Ould Dah, detained since May, 9 Aug requested better medical treatment; dozens of IRA sympathisers 14 Aug held sit-in outside Justice Ministry to demand his liberation.

Middle East & North Africa


Court 3 July sentenced 2 Salafi extremists to 3 years jail for inciting youth to join AQIM camps in N Mali; MUJWA 19 July freed 3 Western hostages in exchange for Salafis held in Nouakchott prison, $2-3 million ransom. Coordination for Democratic Opposition, including Islamist Tawawssul party, 18 July reiterated demand President Abdel Aziz step down. Police 15 July violently dispersed worker strike in copper mine, 1 killed, several injured. Militants of Initiative for Abolitionist Resurgence (IRA) 24 July staged demonstration calling for release of IRA head, Biram Ould Abeid, detained since May for burning Islamic Maliki legal texts condoning slavery.

Middle East & North Africa


Opposition party Coordination for Democratic Opposition 9 June refused to recognise electoral commission (CENI) after presidential decree naming new CENI director. Court 10 June sentenced former human rights commissioner Mohamed Ould Dadde, in prison since 2010, to additional 3 years for embezzle- ment. Concerns over state of health of head of Initiative for Abolitionist Resurgence Birame Ould Abeid after doctors prevented from visiting him in prison.

Middle East & North Africa


Demonstrations demanding resignation of President Abdel Aziz continued throughout month; opposition rally led by Coordination for Democratic Opposition (COD) violently dispersed 2 May. April burning of Islamic Maliki legal texts legitimising slavery by Initiative for Abolitionist Resurgence (IRA) head Biram Ould Abeid led thousands to march calling for banning of IRA; govt 24 May announced creation of High Council for Fat- was after several Haratine Imams called on Ulemas to issue fatwa “abolishing slavery”.

Middle East & North Africa


Thousands demonstrated 29 April following burn- ing of Islamic Maliki legal texts legitimising slavery by head of Initiative for Abolitionist Resurgence (IRA), Biram Ould Abeid; Ould Abeid, 4 followers arrested. Coordination for Democratic Opposition (COD) leaders 8 April reiterated call for President Abdel Aziz to step down, organised massive demonstrations in Nouakchott 3, 22 April. Authorities 17 April arrested 36 Youth Movement for Mauritania (MJM) activists following clashes with police in Nouakchott. Former third-in-command of al-Qaeda, Mahfouz Ould al-Walid (alias Abu Hafs al-Mauritani) 11 April extradited from Iran.

Middle East & North Africa


Leaders of opposition party Coordination for Democratic Opposition (COD) 22 March reiterated call for uprising against President Abdel Aziz. 13 March airstrike against suspected al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) convoy near Timbuktu injured 2; follows 10 March release of gendarme abducted 20 Dec; AQIM 21 March said holding German hostage abducted in Nigeria in Jan, demanded exchange with “Muslim woman” held in German prison. Renewed clashes between police, students over closure of Islamic Institute 15 March left several injured. UNHCR 27 March announced end of repatriation program for more than 24,000 Mauritanian refugees displaced since 1989 Mauritania-Senegal conflict.

Middle East & North Africa


At least 32 injured, dozens arrested in student protests throughout Feb over closure of Islamic Institute; 6 freed 27 Feb. Authorities 4 Feb detained leader of Do Not Touch My Nationality movement Wan Abdoul Biran; move condemned by Rights group ANHRI. Further concerns over press freedom following 14 Feb arrest of journalist Dialtabé Samba Diop reporting on student protest. Leaders of Coordination for Democratic Opposition (COD) 25 Feb called on President Abdel Aziz to relinquish power. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb 20 Feb threatened to kill gendarme abducted 20 Dec near Mali border. Number of refugees from Mali reached 28,000.

Middle East & North Africa


AQIM 13 Jan claimed responsibility for 20 Dec kidnapping of gendarme near Mali border; activists launched campaign demanding his release. Following spate of attacks by Tuareg rebels in Mali 17-18 Jan, ministers from Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Algeria 24 Jan met in Nouakchott to discuss increasing Sahel region violence. Scores of Malian refugees crossed border fleeing 26 Jan clashes (see Mali).

Middle East & North Africa


National Independent Electoral Commission (CENI) approved 14 Dec, will follow up on recommendations made by Oct national dialogue between opposition and govt. Police 5 Dec arrested 2 men in connection with Oct kidnapping of 3 aid workers in southern Algeria. Policeman kidnapped 20 Dec by suspected al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb militants during raid on police station near Malian border.

Middle East & North Africa


French FM Juppe 15 Nov said Mauritanian forces averted terrorist attack based on French intelligence; no specific details revealed. Govt 20 Nov approved 2 new TV stations and 5 radio channels following Sept announcement of media liberalisation.

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