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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Weeks-long demonstrations continued peacefully early month over claim national census excludes minorities. Officials said al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb senior leader killed 20 Oct in air raid in Wagadou Forest near Mali.

Middle East & North Africa


President Abdel Aziz 17 Sept launched national dialogue between political parties; 10 opposition parties boycotted talks. 1 killed 27 Sept in clashes between police and demonstrators at rallies against national census; rights groups claim census excludes minorities, called for its suspension. Abdel Aziz 14 Sept claimed Libyan weapons now in hands of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Security forces 19 Sept arrested 3 Algerian AQIM suspects on border with Mali. High Authority for Press and Broadcasting promised to allow private broadcast media by mid Nov.

Middle East & North Africa


Parliamentary and municipal elections due 25 Sept and 16 Oct postponed indefinitely 26 Aug, precondition of opposition parties’ participation in govt-proposed talks.

Middle East & North Africa


At least 6 al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) militants killed 5 July by army following AQIM attack on army base near Malian border. Opposition 22 July called for postponement of Oct legislative and municipal elections citing “inappropriate conditions”; also set 5 conditions for entering govt-proposed dialogue including disavowing violence against peaceful protesters, freedom of media.

Middle East & North Africa


President Abdel Aziz 6 June dismissed youth calls for an Egyptian-style revolt because country is a democracy that “guaranteed basic freedoms”. Abdel Aziz, head of AU panel on finding negotiated settlement to Libyan conflict, 6 June said Qaddafi can no longer lead Libya, needs to step down. Police 9 June used force to disperse unemployment rally in Nouakchott; several protesters injured.

Middle East & North Africa


1 al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) militant killed, another arrested 19 May by security forces in NE along Malian border. FMs from Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Algeria 20 May agreed to establish joint task force to combat AQIM in shared Sahara-Sahel zone.

Middle East & North Africa


Police 25 Apr broke up anti-govt protest in Nouakchott; at least 20 detained in most serious clash in 2 months. Govt 7 Apr postponed 24 Apr elections for upper house of parliament after opposition party Coordination of Democratic Opposition (COD) 3 Apr complained conditions for free and transparent vote not present; other opposition parties denounced delay as ploy by ruling party.

Middle East & North Africa


Police 8 March clashed with protesters demanding political, economic and social reforms in Nouakchott; at least 18 injured. Opposition parties condemned violence; authorities claimed demonstration unauthorised. Hundreds of youths attended peaceful anti-govt rally 18 March in Nouakchott.

Middle East & North Africa


7 soldiers, 3 al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) militants killed 2 Feb in foiled bomb attack on Nouakchott; 2 arrested. AQIM 7 Feb threatened to assassinate President Abdel Aziz for waging “proxy war” on behalf of France. 3 of largest unions 13 Feb demonstrated against social conditions in capital Nouakchott, warned of strikes unless govt opens negotiations. Security forces violently dispersed 18 Feb protest against water shortages and rising food prices in southeastern town Fassala; main opposition Rally for Democratic Forces 19 Feb denounced govt for using security solution. Sit-in protest 25-26 Feb for social and political reforms by hundreds of youth activists in Blocat Square, central Nouakchott.

Middle East & North Africa


Opposition Coordination de l’opposition démocratique (COD) 13 Jan marched through Nouakchott in protest against poverty and corruption. Businessman 17 Jan staged self-immolation protest against govt in apparent copycat of similar incident in Tunisia (see Tunisia). Amid rising cost of living President Aziz 20 Jan announced 30% cut in price of essential commodities.

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