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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


28 members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) 21 Nov defected from group in northern Mali, surrendered to army under anti-terror amnesty laws passed by parliament in July. President Aziz 15 Nov pardoned 124 prisoners including 17 jihadists for Eid, part of amnesty program. Starting 8 Nov Mauritania and Mali agreed to joint military patrols against AQIM along shared border. President of coalition de l’opposition démocratique (COD) 1 Nov accused govt of “war by proxy” against AQIM on behalf of France, whose soldiers conducted joint operation to rescue kidnapped Frenchman in July.

Middle East & North Africa


3 members of al-Qaeda-linked group sentenced to death 20 Oct for organising 2008 Israeli embassy attack in capital Nouakchott.

Middle East & North Africa


At least 12 al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) militants and 10 soldiers killed 17-18 Sept in army operation on border with Mali; followed warning from Malian security forces of planned AQIM attack on Mauritanian military post. 2 civilians reported killed in 20 Sept Mauritanian airforce raids on suspected AQIM militants in north of Mali. Justice Ministry 9 Sept announced presidential pardon of 35 repented Islamist extremists for end of Ramadan.

Middle East & North Africa


Govt 12 Aug released 2 Malian al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb  (AQIM) suspects captured during unsuccessful 22 July joint Mauritanian-French military operation to free AQIM hostage; officials said suspects received apologies, compensation. AQIM 23 Aug released 2 Spanish hostages (see Mali). AQIM suicide bomber attempting to drive explosives-laden truck into army barracks killed by soldiers in Nema, SE 25 Aug.

Middle East & North Africa


France and Mauritania conducted joint military operation in northern Mali 22 July to rescue French man kidnapped 22 Apr by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), killed 6 militants; hostage executed 24 July in response (see Mali). Trial started 20 July of 4 members of AQIM-linked group accused of kidnapping 3 Spanish aid workers Nov 2009; 2 still being held by group in northern Mali. New anti-terrorism laws adopted 8 July to give security forces greater power against AQIM.

Middle East & North Africa


Defence Minister 9 June ruled out releasing al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) prisoners in exchange for foreign hostages: AQIM continues to hold 2 Spanish hostages kidnapped late 2009, 1 Frenchman kidnapped in Niger Apr. European commission 23 June resumed talks with govt stalled since 2008 coup.

Middle East & North Africa


Trial of 19 alleged AQIM members began 16 May. Suspects include 3 accused of 2007 killing of 4 French tourists, sentenced to death 25 May. Police 12 May reportedly arrested 3 suspects with al-Qaeda links, allegedly travelling to northern Mali training camps. Mauritanian soldiers 3-22 May participated in Sahel-Saharan military exercise (see Mali).

Middle East & North Africa


Non-Arab students at Nouakchott University 6 Apr protested against making Arabic sole official language; protest followed PM Laghdaf’s controversial 1 Mar comments calling for Arabic as predominant administrative, media language. Police used tear gas to break up campus clashes sparked by 15 Apr counter-protest calling for Arabic, other “national” languages to replace “colonial” French in university; dozens arrested.

Middle East & North Africa


Court 15 March charged 7 for Nov kidnapping of Spanish aid workers held by al-Qaeda in Mali. Court 29 March charged 20 alleged drug traffickers arrested late Feb near Mali border with links to al-Qaeda. Foreign Minister 20 March announced severing of relations with Israel complete.

Middle East & North Africa


Over 60 Islamist militants in Nouakchott prison reportedly agreed to renounce violence, extremism 4 Feb after religious dialogue sessions held with scholars since Jan. Security forces said 2 suspected militants arrested near northern town of Zouerat 12 Feb. Suspect in Nov kidnapping of Spaniards reportedly arrested 22 Feb; Mauritania recalled ambassador from Mali 22 Feb to protest Mauritanian militant release in exchange deal for French hostage (see Mali). Army 26 Feb killed 3 armed militants, arrested 18 in remote north east.

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