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Middle East & North Africa


EU Foreign Affairs Council 25 Jan announced decision to normalise relations suspended after Aug 2008 coup, resume full cooperation with Mauritania following restoration of constitutional order. Govt officials, Islamic scholars 18 Jan began religious dialogue program with Islamist militants in Nouakchott central prison. Mauritania elected to AU Peace and Security Council 30 Jan.

Middle East & North Africa


President 2 Dec replaced national gendarmerie head following Nov kidnapping of 3 Spanish aid workers; alQaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) claimed kidnappings 8 Dec, reportedly demanded ransom, release of several AQIM members. Group also claimed 18 Dec kidnap of 2 Italians near Malian border. Govt 15 Dec introduced anti-terrorism law expanding powers of security services, 30 Dec announced creation of special court for terrorism and state security. Several thousand attended opposition rally in Nouakchott 23 Dec demanding improved security. U.S. 23 Dec upgraded country to group of African nations receiving preferential treatment under African Growth and Opportunity Act.

Middle East & North Africa


4 suspects in Aug bombing of French embassy claimed by al-Qaeda reportedly extradited from Senegal early month. Prosecutor 23 Nov indicted suspect for Sept 2008 Tourine attack which killed 12 soldiers. 3 Spanish aid workers kidnapped on Nouakchott-Nouadhibou road 29 Nov. 3 journalists from Al Jazeera channel detained 7-8 Nov. Ruling UPR party won most seats in partial senate elections 8 Nov.

Middle East & North Africa


International Contact Group on Mauritania 13 Sept called for international assistance to Mauritania, after praising steps taken to implement Dakar Agreement, including July elections. IMF visiting delegation 17 Sept announced ready to negotiate new assistance programme, suspended following Aug 2008 coup. NATO 25 Sept announced resumption of full cooperation with Mauritania in Mediterranean Dialogue security forum, citing political progress. World Bank 29 Sept resumed relations with Mauritania after one-year suspension, also citing improved governance. Military source 28 Sept reported arrest of 7 alleged al-Qaeda militants in remote north east.

Middle East & North Africa


Former junta leader Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz sworn in as president 5 Aug following July election victory. 8 Aug suicide bombing outside French embassy injured 3; alQaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) claimed responsibility 18 Aug. 3 suspects in June killing of U.S. aid worker claimed by AQIM on trial 4 Aug.

Middle East & North Africa


Ex-junta leader Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz declared victor with 52% of vote in 18 July presidential election aimed at restoring democracy after 2008 coup. Leading opposition candidates alleged fraud, appealed to Constitutional Council 21 July; council approved results 23 July, but head of election commission resigned, citing doubts. International monitors including AU, Arab League, OIC also endorsed elections 20 July. Security forces arrested 4 suspects in June murder of U.S. aid worker claimed by al-Qaeda 17, 24, 25 July; 22 July reported arrest of 2 alleged al-Qaeda militants planning attacks on national mining company

Middle East & North Africa


Military junta and political parties 2 June agreed to postpone presidential election to 18 July, after opposition parties threatened to boycott original 6 June date. Agreement reached with facilitation of Senegalese President Wade, includes transitional interim administration with posts shared by junta nominees and opposition. Ousted president Abdallahi formally resigned 26 June. Deal welcomed by international observers; AU, UN and EU said ready to assist with July poll. Opposition figures declared candidacy in days following agreement. AU 1 July lifted sanctions against Mauritania. U.S. aid worker shot dead in Nouakchott 23 June by 2 unidentified gunmen in suspected kidnapping attempt; al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb claimed responsibility 25 June.

Middle East & North Africa


Campaigning began in controversial presidential election 20 May as opposition boycott and Senegalese-led mediation efforts continued. Thousands protested against elections in Nouakchott 18 May. Ex-junta leader, now candidate, Gen. Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz 22 May denounced opposition leaders as “blocking democracy”. Senegalese President Wade 14 May and FM Gadio 19-22 May met govt, opposition leaders, AU, UN, Western diplomats in Nouakchott to discuss proposals reportedly including postponing election, establishment of transitional govt, consensual electoral commission; further negotiations held Dakar 28-30 May failed to reach deal.

Middle East & North Africa


Head of ruling military council Gen Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz resigned presidency and military commission 15 Apr to run for president in June elections. No candidates registered from main opposition parties maintaining election boycott. Anti-junta demonstrations in capital dispersed by police 2, 19, 29 Apr. EU announced 2-yr suspension of aid 6 Apr.

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