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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

No progress in seventh round of unofficial, UN-brokered talks between Polisario Front and Morocco 7 June in New York; UN Envoy Ross said both sides continued to reject other’s proposal as sole basis of negotiations.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UNSC 27 Apr extended mandate of MINURSO for 1 year. Polisario Front 19 Apr criticised UNSG Ban’s report to UNSC on disputed territory for not providing human rights role for MINURSO.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Sixth round of talks between Polisario Front and Moroccan govt 8-9 March in Malta under aegis of UN, no signs of progress; sides agreed to meet again late May. U.S. Sec State Clinton 23 March reiterated support for Moroccan autonomy plan in disputed territory.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Violent clashes 26 Feb in Dakhla between local Sahrawis and Moroccan youths; at least 2 killed. Morocco FM Taieb Fassi Fihri 15 Feb said Algeria and Polisario Front may use political upheavals in Arab countries to stir unrest. Representatives from Polisario Front, Moroccan govt 9-10 Feb discussed humanitarian conditions at Tindouf refugee camps at Geneva meeting.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

New round of UN-brokered talks between Polisario Front and Moroccan govt 21-23 Jan stalled over basic issue of disputed territory’s future status; agreed to new round of talks in March.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Rights group 24 Dec said more than 150 people remain in detention following Nov police raid on protest camp near Laayoune, accused authorities of torture.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Violence broke out 8 Nov following Moroccan security forces raid on protest camp housing some 15,000 outside main town of Laayoune. Morocco reported 13 killed including 11 members of security forces; Polisario Front 9 Nov said more than 36 Saharawis killed, 723 injured and 159 missing. UNSC 16 Nov condemned clashes but declined to authorise formal probe. Moroccan authorities 13 Nov said over 163 people arrested for inciting violence (See Morocco). Third round of UN-brokered peace talks carried out in New York 8-9 Nov, same time as clashes; both sides agreed to meet again Dec.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

New round of talks between Polisario Front and Morocco to be held early Nov according to UNSG’s special envoy Christopher Ross, first since Feb. In protest at social conditions at least 10,000 Sahrawis since 9 Oct moved out of cities to camps outside capital El Aauin. 14 year-old boy killed, 5 injured 25 Oct by Moroccan soldiers at checkpoint to protest camp.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Polisario Front 2 May criticised UN for not including human rights monitoring in Apr UNSC resolution to extend MINURSO mandate. Morocco 4 May welcomed resolution reportedly seeing it as supporting W Saharan autonomy rather than independence.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UNSG Ban noted failure of recent talks to move Morocco, Polisario Front closer to agreement in 7 Apr report. Following 23 Apr meeting with Polisario leader Mohamed Abdelaziz, Ban expressed concern about human rights violations in territory. UNSC 29 Apr extended mandate of UN mission MINURSO to April 2011.

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