
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UN envoy Ross met regional leaders in 17-25 March tour of Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Sahrawi refugee camps, in push to revive negotiations over territory.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UN-brokered informal talks between Morocco and Polisario Front in New York State 10-11 Feb failed to make significant headway; sides agreed to continue negotiations.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Moroccan King Mohamed VI 3 Jan announced plan to devolve power to regions while maintaining territorial unity; stated Western Sahara would be among first regions to benefit from plan.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Sahrawi rights activist Aminatou Haidar, expelled to Canary Islands in Nov, allowed to return by Moroccan authorities 18 Dec after 32-day hunger strike. UNSG Ban 14 Dec called for resumption of Morocco-Polisario Front negotiations “as soon as possible”; the 2 sides 23 Dec both announced willingness to participate in new round of UNbrokered talks.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Moroccan authorities 4 Nov ordered Swedish diplomat to leave country for allegedly passing state documents to Polisario Front; 13 Nov expelled Sahrawi rights activist Aminatou Haidar to Canary Islands. UNSG 23 Nov expressed concern at growing Morocco-Polisario tensions, called on parties to cooperate with further talks. U.S. Sec State Clinton expressed continued support for UN-mediated talks in 6 Nov Morocco visit.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UNHCR head visited Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria 9-10 Sept as part of North African tour; proposed establishment of land corridor to Moroccan-held zone to facilitate refugee family visits. Morocco 28 Sept called for UNHCR to facilitate refugees’ relocation to third countries.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Morocco, Polisario Front agreed on further negotiations in 10-11 Aug informal talks with UN envoy Ross in Austria, also attended by Algeria, Mauritania.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Polisario representative in Algeria 11 June denounced extension of Moroccan local elections to Western Sahara as “serious provocation”, “illegal”, called for UNSG intervention. Newly-formed reformist Authenticity and Modernity Party campaigned widely in territory. UN envoy Ross made second tour of states in region end June.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

1,400 supporters of Polisario Front entered military zone from Algerian camps for pro-independence demonstration 11 Apr. Morocco alleged ceasefire violation, blamed Algeria for allowing border crossing. UNSC 30 Apr renewed UN mission (MINURSO) mandate for 1 yr, endorsed shift to small-scale informal peace talks proposed by envoy Ross.

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