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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UNHCR, WFP mission 18 March began assessment of malnutrition in Sahrawi refugee camps. European Parliament delegation expressed concern for human rights in camps, Moroccan-controlled areas, called for MINURSO mandate to include HR monitoring.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

New UN envoy Christopher Ross met with Moroccan, Algerian and Polisario Front leaders during 18- 25 Feb tour of region; affirmed commitment to Sahrawi right of self-determination, called for mutually acceptable political solution to conflict.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

New UN envoy Christopher Ross formally appointed 7 Jan. Polisario Front 14 Jan asked Dutch oil company to cease exploration in territorial waters; 22 Jan called on EU to prevent fishing off coast of disputed territory, suspend 2005 EU-Morocco fisheries agreement.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Christopher Ross 5 Dec confirmed as new UN special envoy, as Morocco and Algeria reasserted positions on WS status: Rabat 4 Dec said ready to resume stalled talks but only from principle of autonomy, while Algeria issued longstanding call for referendum on independence. Human Rights Watch 19 Dec report alleged pro-independence Sahawis subject to extensive repression and abuse by Moroccan authorities, drawing angry response from Rabat. Report also called on Algeria to take responsibility for protecting rights of Algerian-based Sahrawi IDPs.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Moroccan King Muhammad VI 6 Nov launched scathing verbal attack against Algerian support for region’s independence, accusing Algiers of seeking to balkanize Maghreb and demanding it re-open common border.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

In 21 Oct resolution, UN called for intensification of status talks towards solution guaranteeing “self-determination” of region’s people. Both parties welcomed statement: Morocco as endorsement of autonomy plan, Polisario Front of independence.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Former U.S. diplomat Christopher Ross expected to replace Peter van Walsum as UN Special Envoy after latter forced out in Aug over Polisario Front (PF) complaints of favouritism toward Morocco. No movement in deadlock over disputed territory.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Polisario Front (PF) leader Mohamed Abdel Aziz mid-Aug requested UNSG Ban Ki-moon replace UN Special Envoy Peter van Walsum after his repeated statements that independence is unrealistic. PF still intend to participate in UN-backed Manhasset negotiations with Morocco if envoy removed.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Polisario Front (PF) said 28 July ready for fifth round UN-led talks but not until UN special envoy Peter van Walsum replaced, given recent statement independence unrealistic. PF 23 July alleged Saharawis attacked in Einterfet with complicity of Moroccan police, urged UN action.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Polisario Front leader Muhammed Abdelaziz said in June interview “there can be no military solution to this conflict”. No major developments since UN- mediated talks ended March.

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