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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

In move seen as attempt to discredit refugee camp-based Sahrawi leaders and Algeria, Morocco urged UN probe into Algerian camp conditions; followed violent camp protests after May visit of UN human rights delegation.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UN High Commission for Human Rights delegation made first exploratory visit to region. Think tank suggested UN Security Council may refuse to extend mandate of peacekeeping MINURSO in October.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UNSG Annan, in 19 April report, ruled out devising new UN plan given that Morocco’s insistence referendum exclude independence option contrary to UN self- determination principles; however, Annan said direct talks could produce “compromise between international legality and political reality”. Polisario Front rejected idea of direct talks without change in Morocco’s position; threatened return to armed conflict if Annan recommendation adopted by UN Security Council. UNSC extended MINURSO peacekeeping mandate to October 2006.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Moroccan King Mohammed VI visited Western Sahara 20-25 March, holding talks with Consultative Council for Saharan Affairs on plans for greater autonomy. Visit seen as reaction to February commemoration of thirtieth anniversary of self-declared Sahrawi Republic by Polisario Front.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Polisario Front rejected Moroccan proposal to UN that territory become autonomous part of Morocco, insisting only self-determination referendum could bring lasting solution. Floods in Algeria devastated Western Saharan refugee camps, leaving 50,000 homeless.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

New UN Envoy Peter van Walsum told Security Council all-inclusive talks only way out of impasse.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Series of pro-independence protests throughout December led to numerous arrests. 14 Western Sahara human rights activists and Polisario Front sympathisers jailed for role in May riots.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Morocco’s King Mohammed VI announced support for Western Sahara autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty on anniversary of 1975 Moroccan seizure of region, but continued to reject possibility of referendum on independence. Western Saharan Polisario Front dismissed proposal. Pro-independence riots throughout month in multiple townships sparked strong police response. Moroccan parliamentary delegation to Algeria sought to renew diplomacy over Western Sahara during 22 November visit.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UN Special Envoy Peter van Walsum met separatist Polisario Front leaders and Moroccan king in first visit to region; concluded nearly impossible to find globally acceptable solution. Security Council extended UN mission for 6-months. 1 killed as anti-Moroccan protesters clashed with police in Laayoun. 32 Western Saharan prisoners resumed hunger strike, protesting treatment by Moroccan authorities.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

UN expressed concern over 35 Western Saharan prisoners on hunger strike in Moroccan custody; Polisario Front asked for UN intervention.

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