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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

In potential peace move following U.S. mediation, Polisario Front fulfilled July pledge to release 404 remaining Moroccan POWs held near Tindouf, Algeria. U.S. Senator Richard Lugar, overseeing release, called for UN- sponsored peace talks..

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Up to 12 Sahrawi protestors jailed for involvement in May independence riots. Leading human rights activist Ali Salem Tamek arrested on arrival at Laayoune airport. Polisario Front pledged release of remaining Moroccan POWs.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Growing international concern over Sahrawi claims of repression by Moroccan authorities inside Western Sahara. Delegation of Spanish MPs turned back at Laayoune. Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos said status quo “unacceptable”, offered mediation and urged rapid appointment of UN envoy to replace Alvaro de Soto.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Exiled Sahrawi government claimed protests in Rabat and Western Sahara turning into “intifada”; Moroccan officials said 33 would be charged with criminal conspiracy. Planned Arab Maghreb Union meeting in Tripoli cancelled following diplomatic dispute between Algeria and Morocco over Western Sahara; no progress towards diplomatic resolution of issue.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Notwithstanding improvement in regional political climate, UN report bemoaned lack of progress; Security Council renewed MINURSO mandate for further 6 months 28 April. European Parliament warned emergency aid required for 158,000 refugees from Western Sahara living in camps near Tindouf, Algeria.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Algerian President Bouteflika and Moroccan King Mohammed met on sidelines of Algiers Arab League summit, leading to hopes for movement on Western Sahara question (though issue not directly discussed). 20,000 demonstrators demanded release of 408 Moroccan soldiers held by Polisario.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Amnesty International reported improvement in human rights situation in Moroccan- occupied Western Sahara. No movement towards peace.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Exiled Saharawi officials claimed hundreds took part in demonstrations against Moroccan rule Dakhla, Western Sahara’s second largest city. Similar recent action in El Aaiun, S’mara and Assa referred to as “Intifada”; appeared limited in scope and timed to coincide with World Human Rights Day and UN debate.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Morocco denied reports it asked Zimbabwean president Mugabe to help mediate on Western Sahara status. Spanish PM Zapatero met with Polisario leader Mohamed Abdelaziz in Madrid 26 November, signalling firming of Spanish position on Western Sahara question.

Middle East & North Africa

Western Sahara

Leader of Polisario front insurgent group Mohamed Abdelaziz warned insurgents’ 13-year ceasefire could not continue indefinitely in face of Moroccan intransigence. War of words as Morocco and Algeria blamed other for situation; Algeria accused Morocco of “pressure” to obtain 89 abstentions in UN General Assembly decolonisation committee vote on Baker Peace Plan 18 October; 52 voted in favour. UN Secretary-General report on Western Sahara suggested situation “stalemate” 22 October, but recommended renewing UN mission mandate for 6 months from 31 October 2004.

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