Serbia on the Eve of the December Elections
Serbia on the Eve of the December Elections
Table of Contents
  1. Overview
Briefing 17 / Europe & Central Asia 1 minutes

Serbia on the Eve of the December Elections

Vojislav Kostunica’s coalition, the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS), should win an overwhelming victory in the 23 December Serbian elections. The elections themselves will not rid Serbia of the structures, policies and attitudes of the Milosevic regime.

I. Overview

Vojislav Kostunica’s coalition, the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS), should win an overwhelming victory in the 23 December Serbian elections. The elections themselves will not rid Serbia of the structures, policies and attitudes of the Milosevic regime. The new government will have to confront  - as will the FRY government itself - new and complex economic challenges, secessionist pressures from Montenegro and Kosovo, and residual attempts by Milosevic’s cronies to hang on to some vestigial power and to protect themselves. And post-election there will be many pressures on DOS itself to break up.

But the expected victory of DOS in the December elections will make a number of important goals achievable.  First, it will place Serbia on a solid footing from which it can renegotiate its relationship with Montenegro.  Second, it will enable DOS to take full control over both the military and police, thereby reducing the danger of a Milosevic comeback.  Third, the elections will set DOS firmly on its feet as the unchallenged political master of Serbia and enable it – if it has the will to stay together - to clean house internally.  Fourth, the elections will give DOS a mandate to begin the transition and reform process necessary for Serbia to begin the process of European integration.  Finally, the elections will provide the major entity within the FRY with a government  with which the international community can deal and on which it can exert real pressure to meet international concerns, including cooperation with the Hague Tribunal.

Belgrade/Brussels, 20 December 2000

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