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Displaying 151 - 160 of 6955 articles

How Israel Mastered Information Warfare in Gaza

Pro-Israel misinformation aimed at dismissing and discrediting Palestinian narratives is the fruit of a decade-long effort.

Event Recording / Global

SXSW 2024: U.S. Leadership in a Multipolar World

In this in-person event, Crisis Group President and CEO Comfort Ero joins Ben Rhodes and Leila Fadel at SXSW2024 to discuss the role of the U.S. in the changing geopolitical arena.

Starving Gaza

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group experts Azmi Keshawi, Robert Blecher and Mairav Zonszein about the UN’s warning that famine is looming in Gaza.

Commentary / Asia

Flare-Ups and Frustration as Kashmir Waits for a Vote

Indian authorities speak confidently of a new era in the region of Jammu and Kashmir, for decades a hotbed of separatism, insurgency and tensions with neighbouring Pakistan. But with New Delhi stalling on promised elections, local frustration continues to fuel unrest.

Podcast / Africa

Genre et conflit : comprendre l’insécurité au Sahel

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco et Floor Keuleers reçoivent Oumou Sall Seck, maire de la ville malienne de Goundam et ancienne ambassadrice du Mali en Allemagne, et Ornella Moderan, chercheuse spécialisée dans les questions de sécurité et de gouvernance au Sahel, pour parler des inégalités de genre dans la perpétuation des violences et la construction de la paix au Sahel.

Comfort Ero’s Top Media Picks for International Women’s Day

For International Women’s Day, Crisis Group President and CEO Comfort Ero shares a list of ten media products, including books, articles and podcasts, that shed light on women’s roles in global leadership, peacekeeping, conflict and more.

Video / Global

Susana Malcorra on women in diplomacy

In this video, Susana Malcorra speaks about the challenges faced by women who pursue careers in diplomacy and peacemaking.

Podcast / Africa

Kenya and the Chaos in Haiti

This week on The Horn, Alan is joined by Crisis Group’s Haiti expert Diego Da Rin and Africa Director Murithi Mutiga to discuss the surging gang violence in Haiti and how it affects the prospects of a Kenya-led mission to restore order in the country.

The Double Standards Debate at the UN

The Gaza war has led to acrimony at UN headquarters, with critics accusing the U.S. and its allies of hypocrisy in dealing with international crises. The rows are indeed divisive, but many member states seem not to want them to obstruct all other diplomacy. 

Q&A / Africa

The Stakes in the Ethiopia-Somaliland Deal

A preliminary agreement with Somaliland giving landlocked Ethiopia access to the Gulf of Aden has heightened tensions in the Horn of Africa, a region already in turmoil. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts explain the implications of the controversial accord.

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