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Podcast / Africa

Sudan on the Brink of Famine

This week on The Horn, Alan speaks with Alsanosi Adam, an active member of Sudan’s Emergency Response Rooms, about the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in Sudan as famine looms and the challenges grassroots networks face in getting vital aid to civilians across the country.

Will a New Government Halt Haiti’s Nosedive?

With the acting premier out of the country, Haitian gangs have formed a united front to take over key sites and deter an international security mission from embarking. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Diego Da Rin assesses whether a new administration can respond.

Also available in Français, Español

On the Horizon: March - August 2024

This edition includes entries on Cameroon, South Sudan, Venezuela and Western Sahara, offering a snapshot into emergent conflicts and crises in the next three to six months in a clear, accessible format, identifying triggers, key dates to watch and potential behaviour of conflict actors, to support global conflict prevention efforts. 

Fear and Silence: Life Under the Gaitanistas

In this video, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for Colombia Elizabeth Dickinson talks with communities living in areas with a strong presence of the Gaitanista Self-Defence Force.

Op-Ed / Africa

Dans l’est du Congo, « la guerre régionale est déjà là »

L’est de la République démocratique du Congo est devenu un champ de bataille impliquant plusieurs armées régionales et de nombreux groupes armés. Onesphore Sematumba, expert de Crisis Group sur la région des Grands Lacs, explique dans cet entretien les tenants et les aboutissants de ce conflit meurtrier.

Also available in English

Can Nuclear Arms Control Survive a Changing World Order?

This week on War & Peace, Olga and Elissa are joined by Joe Cirincione, national security analyst and a leading expert on non-proliferation, to discuss the nuclear escalation risks of the war in Ukraine, U.S. nuclear policy and the looming collapse of global arms control.

The Unsolved Crime in “Total Peace”: Dealing with Colombia’s Gaitanistas

The Gaitanistas, Colombia’s largest and richest armed and criminal group, remain outside the government’s initiative for dialogue with all the country’s armed organisations. To avoid jeopardising other peace processes and to protect civilians, Bogotá should seek gradual talks with the Gaitanistas, while maintaining security pressure.

Also available in Español

Haiti in Freefall

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group experts Diego Da Rin and Renata Segura about a new offensive by gangs in Haiti, efforts to form a transitional government and prospects for a Kenya-led police mission to restore order.

Closing Circles: Iran’s Exclusionary 2024 Elections

Turnout in Iran’s national polls was historically low, marking the third vote in a row in which most people stayed away. In parallel, conservatives tightened their hold on the Islamic Republic’s institutions. The two trends together highlight the growing gap between state and society. 

Also available in Arabic
Commentary / Africa

Lessons from the Missed Opportunity in Puntland’s Polls

Elections in the Somali state of Puntland were a mixed bag. The vote was peaceful, but it followed an indirect model in which most have no voice. The re-elected president should reconcile with opponents while Somalia draws wider lessons from a failed experiment with democratisation. 

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