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Podcast / Africa

Élections générales en Afrique du Sud : un tournant historique ?

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco et Rinaldo Depagne reçoivent Koffi Kouakou, professeur à la Wits School of Governance à Johannesburg, pour parler des enjeux liés aux prochaines élections générales en Afrique du Sud où l'ANC, l’African National Congress, risque de perdre la majorité absolue pour la première fois depuis trente ans.

Q&A / Africa

Rising Discontent Pushes South Africa Toward a Tight Poll

South Africans go to the polls on 29 May. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Pauline Bax outlines what is at stake in the elections and why South Africa’s domestic politics are more fragmented than ever.  

Iranian President Raisi’s Sudden Death and the ICC Case Against Israeli and Hamas Leaders

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s experts Ali Vaez, Mairav Zonszein and Stephen Pomper about the Iranian president’s sudden death and the International Criminal Court prosecutor’s arrest warrants requests for Israeli and Hamas leaders.

All Eyes on The Hague: The ICC Prosecutor’s Move against Hamas and Israeli Leaders

The ICC prosecutor has said he is seeking arrest warrants for top Hamas and Israeli figures in connection with crimes committed since 7 October 2023. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Brian Finucane, Stephen Pomper and Mairav Zonszein examine the legal and political implications.

Podcast / Africa

War and Dizzying Regional Alliances in Congo’s East

In this episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell talks with Crisis Group expert Richard Moncrieff about the attacks in Kinshasa last weekend and escalating violence in eastern Congo amid shifting regional alliances.

The Gaza War's Main Impacts on Egypt

In this video Riccardo Fabiani discusses how Cairo has turned the crisis somewhat to its advantage, leveraging Western fears that what is happening in Gaza could destabilise Egypt.

The Generals’ Labyrinth: Crime and the Military in Mexico

Mexico’s outgoing president has deployed more soldiers than ever to fight crime. But levels of violence remain high. His successor should set limits to the military’s role in public safety while working to sever state officials’ ties to criminals and allow better civilian law enforcement. 

Also available in Español

A Pivotal Moment for EU Foreign Policy

As the European Parliament elections approach, conflicts in the EU’s neighbourhood are intensifying. In her introduction to the Watch List 2024 – Spring Update, Crisis Group President & CEO Comfort Ero assesses some of the challenges the EU will face internally and on the security front.

Helping Keep Bosnia and Herzegovina Together

Bosnia and Herzegovina is on the verge of falling apart as Republika Srpska, the smaller of its two ethnically divided parts, threatens to break away. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2024 – Spring Update, Crisis Group urges the EU to help stop the fragmentation.

EU Watch List / Global

Watch List 2024 – Spring Update

Each year, Crisis Group publishes two updates to the EU Watch List identifying where the EU and its member states can enhance prospects for peace. This update includes entries on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Haiti, Sudan, Philippine-Chinese frictions in the South China Sea and Hizbollah-Israel tensions.

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