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Displaying 11 - 20 of 1866 articles

Northern Kosovo: Asserting Sovereignty amid Divided Loyalties

Tensions are rising in Kosovo’s restive Serb-majority north, as Pristina enforces its writ against the backdrop of continuing disputes with Belgrade. The parties and outside supporters should first work on defusing the short-term risk of violence and then look for ways to foster lasting stability.

Also available in Albanian, Serbian
Briefing / Africa

JAS vs. ISWAP: The War of the Boko Haram Splinters

The two jihadist groups in north-eastern Nigeria have bruised each other badly in internecine fighting. But they are still a menace to civilians, both in Nigeria and in the other Lake Chad states. The governments cannot afford to shift their gaze from the militant danger.

Also available in Français
Briefing / Asia

Scam Centres and Ceasefires: China-Myanmar Ties Since the Coup

Beijing has more pull with Myanmar’s military rulers than any other outsider. While its influence has limits, it can help quiet border areas, by fighting organised crime and encouraging licit economies. Other powers should probe for areas of potential cooperation in resolving the post-coup crisis.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified

The Unsolved Crime in “Total Peace”: Dealing with Colombia’s Gaitanistas

The Gaitanistas, Colombia’s largest and richest armed and criminal group, remain outside the government’s initiative for dialogue with all the country’s armed organisations. To avoid jeopardising other peace processes and to protect civilians, Bogotá should seek gradual talks with the Gaitanistas, while maintaining security pressure.

Also available in Español
Report / Africa

Northern Mali: Return to Dialogue

In northern Mali, fighting has resumed between armed groups signatory to the 2015 peace agreement and government forces, even as clashes with jihadists continue. Bamako's initiative for an inter-Malian dialogue constitutes an opportunity to restore calm.

Also available in Français
Briefing / Africa

Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2024

With deadly conflict raging in countries across the continent, the African Union has much to do in helping make peace in the year ahead. This briefing identifies eight tasks in particular need of the organisation’s time and attention.

Also available in Français

Unrest on Repeat: Plotting a Route to Stability in Peru

No country in Latin America suffers higher rates of dissatisfaction with democracy and government institutions than Peru. Absent remedies for political polarisation and state dysfunction, the mass protests that rocked the country in late 2022 could easily recur, bringing comparably violent crackdowns.

Also available in Español
Briefing / Asia

Pakistan: Inching toward Contested Elections

A crucial vote is drawing near in Pakistan with former Prime Minister Imran Khan behind bars and his party alleging bias in election commission and caretaker government decisions. As the country is deeply polarised, disputes could turn ugly. Authorities can still avoid the worst-case scenarios.

Fear, Lies and Lucre: How Criminal Groups Weaponise Social Media in Mexico

Social media is becoming a major source of information about violent crime in Mexico, with many hotspots too dangerous for journalists. But much of what appears is inaccurate or misleading, posted by criminal groups themselves. Platforms should adapt their policies to minimise the risks.

Also available in Español
Report / Asia

The Taliban’s Neighbourhood: Regional Diplomacy with Afghanistan

Even as many diplomats shun the Taliban regime, protesting its treatment of women and girls, emissaries of countries near Afghanistan have sought dealings with Kabul in areas like security and commerce. It is a worthwhile endeavour, and the West should not stand in the way.

Also available in Arabic, Chinese, Simplified, Russian and other languages

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