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Briefing / Africa

A Second Look at Cameroon’s Anglophone Special Status

In 2019, Cameroon’s government acknowledged the Anglophone regions’ distinct identity by giving them Special Status. Yet this legal framework has not quelled the separatist rebellion. Would reforming it bring the parties closer to a settlement? The question is worth investigating.

Also available in Français
Briefing / Asia

A Road to Nowhere: The Myanmar Regime’s Stage-managed Elections

Two years after carrying out a coup, Myanmar’s generals are planning elections to entrench their role in politics. Amid the widespread resistance to their regime, the polls are bound to intensify armed conflict. Yet there are several ways to keep electoral violence to a minimum.

Also available in Burmese
Briefing / Africa

Sustaining Gains in Somalia’s Offensive against Al-Shabaab

In conjunction with clan militias, the national army has dislodged the Islamist insurgency Al-Shabaab from swathes of central Somalia, marking a breakthrough in the fifteen-year war. As its campaign proceeds, Mogadishu should take steps to strengthen its hold on the territory it has retaken. 

Report / Asia

A Silent Sangha? Buddhist Monks in Post-coup Myanmar

The Sangha, Myanmar’s Buddhist monastic community, has largely stayed out of politics since the 2021 coup. As youth take the vanguard of resistance, a long-term shift in the country’s civic life – and a conservative backlash – could be in the offing. The issue bears close watching.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified

Containing Transnational Jihadists in Syria’s North West

The rebels who control north-western Syria are dealing harshly with ISIS cells but have not yet crushed them entirely. The best way to stop jihadists from rebounding is to consolidate the area’s ceasefire. Outside powers can also help by sending more humanitarian aid.

Also available in Arabic
Report / Europe & Central Asia

An Enduring Challenge: ISIS-linked Foreigners in Türkiye

Numerous foreign nationals with ties to ISIS have come to Türkiye since the group’s defeat in Iraq and Syria. This population presents officials with complex questions, one of which is what threat individuals might still pose. The predicament calls for a multi-pronged strategy.

Also available in Turkish

Protecting Colombia’s Most Vulnerable on the Road to “Total Peace”

The new Colombian government has resolved to curb violence throughout rural areas where guerrillas and criminals hold sway. Its approach – dialogue and security reform – is admirable but risky. Any deal it strikes should seek to halt all the types of coercion the illicit groups employ.

Also available in Español
Report / Asia

Taliban Restrictions on Women’s Rights Deepen Afghanistan’s Crisis

The Taliban have barred women from universities and many workplaces, compelling several aid organisations to pause operations in Afghanistan and donors to contemplate cuts to assistance. Yet the principled response remains to mitigate the harm these harsh rulings are doing to the most vulnerable Afghans.

Also available in Pashto, Dari
Briefing / Asia

Breaking Gender and Age Barriers amid Myanmar’s Spring Revolution

Politics in Myanmar is traditionally the domain of older men, but women and youth have been prominent in resistance to the 2021 military takeover. Giving them a bigger voice could have a positive effect on the country's political culture, no matter how the crisis ends.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Africa

Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2023

The African Union has more than a full plate of peace and security issues before it in the coming year. This briefing highlights eight conflict situations where its efforts can be of greatest help.

Also available in Français

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